
@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

author:Released by the Kunming police

After the college entrance examination

A lot of graduates

All ushered in a brief relaxation

Many "prospective college students" travel and visit relatives

Dinner, shopping, karaoke

But on the way


@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

A minor riding an electric car to pull three companions to run a red light, not only was hit and injured, but also had to bear full responsibility for the accident for running the red light and illegally carrying people.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

A minor asked a friend to rent a convertible from a car rental agency and took his friend for a ride, and was later punished for driving without a license, and his friend was also punished by the traffic police for handing over the motor vehicle to someone who did not have a driver's license.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

A minor drunk and unlicensed driving a motorcycle with a friend along the motorway in the opposite direction, collided with an electric vehicle that was going straight normally, and both of them did not wear safety helmets, not only injured but also responsible for the accident.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

A minor was hit by a car and injured while crossing the road in front of the school without paying attention and taking the crosswalk.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

A minor riding an electric vehicle through an intersection did not slow down and collided with a car that also did not slow down and was injured.

Such a harrowing picture

And many, many more

Some people have been injured and disabled as a result

and even the loss of precious lives


Relaxation is not the same as indulgence

Relaxation should be done in moderation

Do not walk on zebra crossings

Look at your phone while walking

Feel free to cross the road

Motorcycles do not require safety helmets

Running a red light, driving without a license

Speeding, drunk driving......

These traffic behaviors

can make you a traffic accident

Victims, offenders, perpetrators

It even affects school and employment

Emphasis is on


Police combing

Top 10 risk points for college students

Be brave and know the courtesy

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

Walking risk

☛ Risk 1: Crossing the street without crossing the street facilities

Safety Tips:

(1) Cross the road through street crossing facilities, and give priority to pedestrian bridges or underpasses.

(2) Don't cross the street because of a "herd mentality", overconfidence, or rushing to class.

☛ Risk 2: Lack of observation while walking

Safety Tips:

(1) The road is not absolutely safe, try not to look at your mobile phone, listen to music, read books and other distracting behaviors when walking, and pay close attention to the status of the vehicle.

(2) When crossing the road, follow the instructions of the signal light, and be sure to take the zebra crossing where there is a zebra crossing. Pay attention to the left and right to observe the passing vehicles, and pay special attention to avoid turning vehicles during the passage.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

Ride risk

☛ Risk 3: Riding in an illegally operated vehicle

Safety Tips:

(1) When traveling, you should choose a regular operating vehicle, check the operating qualifications of the vehicle and the driver, and fasten your seat belt throughout the journey.

(2) Non-commercial vehicles may have a variety of risks and hidden dangers, such as vehicle safety performance is not up to standard, passenger traffic safety insurance is not purchased, etc., in the event of a traffic accident, personal safety is not guaranteed. Never ride in a black car.

☛ Risk 4: Riding in an overcrowded vehicle

Safety Tips:

(1) Daily travel, travel or leave school, return to school to pay attention to the number of people in the vehicle, the appearance of the vehicle sprayed with the number of people carried, you can pay attention to the observation before getting on the car, refuse to take the overcrowded vehicle.

(2) If you find that there is an overcrowding situation after taking the bus, or if the driver has other traffic violations, you should get off the bus in time to change to other vehicles and call the police.

☛ Risk 5: Failure to pay attention to the observation before opening the door

Safety Tips:

When getting out of the car, use the hand that is far away from the door to open the door, turn the upper body naturally, and then move your eyes to the back, and then open the door a small slit and carefully observe to ensure that it is safe before getting out of the car.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

Riding risk

☛ Risk 6: Not wearing a safety helmet

Safety Tips:

(1) Riding motorcycles and electric bicycles should wear safety helmets and fasten hat belts, which can effectively avoid or reduce accident injuries in the event of accidents.

(2) Check whether the helmet is damaged or deformed before riding, and replace it in time if damaged.

☛ Risk 7: Ignoring the wheel difference in large trucks

Safety Tips:

(1) When riding, keep a lateral distance of at least 3 meters from the large truck, always be alert to the wheel difference in the large truck, and never ride into the "death crescent".

(2) If you find that the parallel large truck is turning and the lateral distance is not enough, you should immediately flee away from the vehicle to avoid danger.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

Risks of driving a motor vehicle

☛ Risk 8: Improper operation when driving in special weather

Safety Tips:

(1) When driving a motor vehicle in rainy or snowy weather, do not slam on the brakes.

(2) When the driving skills are not proficient enough in the case of sudden rain and snow, the speed of the vehicle should be appropriately reduced in advance.

☛ Risk 9: Drunk driving

Safety Tips:

(1) It is forbidden to drive motor vehicles, motorcycles, electric vehicles, and shared bicycles after drinking. Even drinking a low-alcohol cocktail can lead to drunk driving and not being able to drive or ride on the road.

(2) Motorcycles are also motor vehicles, and drunk driving is an illegal act, and drunk driving is criminally responsible, and even suspected of "dangerous driving" will be sentenced.

☛ Risk 10: Driving without a license

Safety Tips:

(1) Only those who are at least 18 years old can learn a motor vehicle driver's license. Driving without a license is a serious offense, and even if you have completed the subject 3 test, you cannot drive a motor vehicle as long as you have not obtained a full driver's license. The same goes for driving a motorcycle.

(2) The road practice should be carried out in the specified venue, using the specified vehicle and accompanied by the instructor.

@准大学生, these issues can affect enrollment if you don't pay attention!

Away from home

It doesn't matter if you take a car or drive

Every "prospective college student" should become

Participants and practitioners of traffic safety

Abide by laws and regulations and abide by the bottom line

Know the risk and be courteous

Best wishes to the students

The title of the gold list is to enter the school safely