
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

author:Released by the Kunming police

Personal self-study "fills the blind spots"

Intensive teaching "Expanding Ideas"

Practical training "strong skills"

Answering questions and solving "clear methods"

Experience Sharing "Mutual Improvement"

June 17 to June 28

Organized by the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau

2024 city-wide public security organs

Practical training courses for news propaganda and public opinion guidance

Classes were opened in the training detachment

A total of 139 students in the city participated in the training

The political work propaganda department (in charge) is responsible for leadership

and the backbone of the business police, auxiliary police to participate

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!



Two weeks before the training

The Information Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau distributed study materials

The content covers video shooting and production skills

News and propaganda knowledge, etc

Let all students learn and familiarize themselves in advance

On the day of the start of the class

All students are on the smart campus applet

A knowledge test was conducted

Examine the results of self-study

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!


Intensive teaching

Universities and media were invited to the training

and relevant leaders, experts, and scholars

Conduct training and delivery

Zheng Shan, member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, gave a lecture

The course "Do a good job in news propaganda and public opinion guidance

It is necessary to have a big pattern, big thinking, big vision and big ability》

Department of Social and Ecological Civilization Teaching and Research of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee

Deputy Director Dong Wenqian gave a lecture

Course "The Formation of Current Cyber Ideological Security"

Zhou Lei, chief reporter of Xinhua News Agency, gave a lecture

Course "Theme Publicity Planning and Promotion and New Media Application Methods"

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Zheng Shan, member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, gave a lecture

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Dong Wenqian, deputy director of the Social and Ecological Civilization Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, gave a lecture

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Zhou Lei, chief reporter of Xinhua News Agency, gave a lecture

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Chen Yifu, general manager of Yunnan Press Group Yunbao Tourism Media Kunming Company, gave a lecture

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Independent director Chan Yiu-fai teaches

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Lu Jiangtao, honorary vice chairman of Yunnan Photographers Association, gave a lecture

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Li Weitong, a fourth-level researcher of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau, gave a lecture

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

Ding Li, deputy director of the Confidential Division of the Police Order Department of the Municipal Bureau, gave a lecture


Practical training

In order to enable students to better translate theory into practice

After the end of the theory course

All students are organized in groups

By Wuhua Branch, Panlong Branch

Xishan Branch, Guandu Branch

Chenggong Branch, Traffic Police Detachment

Take the lead in carrying out publicity theme planning

and field practical training

At the end of the training course, the creative works will be displayed in a centralized manner

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!
See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

After the presentation

The judging team will comment on and score the works of each group

The trainees shared their training experience and work creation experience

The auxiliary police officers who participated in the training said

Through the teacher's lessons

and communication and co-creation with comrades-in-arms

It not only broadens the way of thinking

It also strengthens the knowledge learned in thinking and practice

The capacity for propaganda has been effectively enhanced

More will be excavated and created in the future

Down-to-earth, warm, and impressive excellent works

Comprehensively display the good image of Kunming public security

See! 139 propaganda experts learned from each other and practiced "good style"!

In accordance with the principle of "every training must be examined".

The course also set up a final exam

In order to test the effectiveness of the training of the auxiliary police officers participating in the training


Kunming Public Security will continue to explore and cultivate

Journalism and propaganda professionals

Enhance the ability and level of news propaganda and public opinion guidance

Boost and accelerate the formation and enhancement of new quality public security combat effectiveness