
Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

author:IPP Review

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The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to discuss the documents to be submitted to the Third Plenary Session of the 20 th CPC Central Committee for deliberation

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a meeting on June 27 to study the issue of further deepening reform in an all-round way and promoting Chinese-style modernization. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. The meeting decided that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing from 15 to 18 July. The meeting stressed that the overall goal of further comprehensively deepening reform is to continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Conference coverage:

Adhere to the strategic orientation of "four aspects".

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Recently, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences were held in Beijing. President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the strategic orientation of the "four aspects", strengthen the deployment of the whole chain of scientific and technological innovation, the layout of all fields, and comprehensively enhance the strength of science and technology and innovation capabilities. Persist in deepening reform to stimulate innovation vitality, and resolutely break down the ideological concepts and institutional and institutional obstacles that restrict scientific and technological innovation.

To persist in promoting the virtuous cycle of educational science and technology talents, colleges and universities should adjust the discipline layout, optimize the discipline structure, and promote the interdisciplinary and integrated development according to the national science and technology development strategy needs and talent needs.

Conference Report:

Standing Committee of the People's Republic of China: Implement the "zero" requirement for foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Premier Li Qiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on June 26.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deepen the opening up of key areas, implement the "zero" requirements of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector, launch a new round of pilot measures to expand the opening up of the service industry, and support domestic and foreign-funded enterprises to participate in large-scale equipment renewal, government procurement and investment. It is necessary to continue to improve the level of investment facilitation and optimize foreign investment policies in the fields of drugs and medical devices. Conference Report:

The General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration of Financial Regulation: Deeply promote the work of "Credit Ease Loan".

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

A few days ago, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the General Office of the State Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Further Improving the Service Quality and Efficiency of the Financing Credit Service Platform and Further Promoting the Work of "Credit Ease Loan".

The "Notice" clarifies that all financial regulatory bureaus should guide banking institutions to actively connect with financing credit service platforms at all levels, and apply platform credit information in pre-loan investigation, loan approval and other processes. Banking institutions should strengthen the combination of internal financial data and external credit information, develop online products, improve the service efficiency of small and micro enterprises, actively innovate credit loan products, and increase the provision of credit loans in small and micro enterprise loans. Link to policy:

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: About 37,000 cultural and tourism consumption activities will be held

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a regular press conference for the second quarter of 2024 to introduce the national summer cultural and tourism consumption season. More than 4,000 cultural and tourism consumption activities of about 37,000 times will be held in various places in the summer, and measures to benefit the people such as the issuance of consumption vouchers, ticket price discounts, consumption reductions, and discount packages will be introduced. Link to policy:

Sixteen departments, including the National Health Commission, encourage medical and health institutions to set up weight management clinics or obesity prevention and treatment centers

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Recently, the National Health Commission and 16 other departments jointly formulated the "Implementation Plan for the "Weight Management Year" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").

According to the "Implementation Plan", the relevant departments strive to achieve the extensive establishment of a supportive environment for weight management in about three years, and significantly improve the awareness and skills of weight management among the whole people. The Implementation Plan encourages medical and health institutions to set up weight management clinics or obesity prevention and treatment centers to provide obesity diagnosis and treatment services. Encourage primary medical and health institutions to include weight management in contracted services. The "Implementation Plan" covers the whole life cycle of the whole population and improves the level of accurate weight management. Weight management classification measures are proposed for different groups of people, such as students, occupational groups, and the elderly. Link to policy:

Four departments including the Ministry of Finance: the implementation of financial discounts for equipment renewal loans

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Recently, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice clarifying that the central finance department will implement the financial discount policy for equipment renewal loans in conjunction with relevant parties. According to the circular, if the loans issued by banks to business entities meet the conditions for re-loan reimbursement, the central government will discount the principal of bank loans to business entities by 1 percentage point. The interest will be discounted according to the date on which the relevant loan funds are transferred to the supplier's account, and the interest discount period shall not exceed 2 years. Link to policy:

National Development and Reform Commission: Create new consumption scenarios and cultivate new growth points for consumption

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a notice on measures to create new consumption scenarios and cultivate new growth points of consumption (hereinafter referred to as the "notice").

In terms of catering consumption, the "Notice" proposes to speed up the formulation and improvement of relevant standards for prefabricated dishes; Support the intelligent upgrading of catering consumption, encourage catering services to brighten kitchens, and vigorously promote the independent disclosure system of dish ingredients and production methods in the catering sector.

Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to relax vehicle purchase restrictions and increase the issuance of vehicle purchase indicators; Arrange funds to support the scrapping and renewal of old vehicles that meet the requirements; Expand the pilot scope of the pilot zone for the full electrification of vehicles in the public sector; Promote the commercial operation of autonomous driving, and create new scenarios for high-level intelligent driving. Link to policy:

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three departments: carry out the "100 Gardens, 100 Schools and 10,000 Enterprises" innovation and cooperation action

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other three departments recently jointly issued a notice to organize and carry out the "100 Gardens, 100 Schools and 1000 Enterprises" innovation cooperation action.

Cooperative actions include joint technical research. The competent departments of industry and information technology in various regions solicit technical research needs from high-quality enterprises, combine the requirements of major technical equipment research projects and the actual development needs of the industry, and release the list of technical research in the form of "unveiling the leader" for the national high-tech zone and the national university science and technology park. The National High-tech Zone and the National University Science and Technology Park organize enterprises in the park to jointly "unveil the list" of innovative entities such as universities and R&D institutions to carry out technological research. Link to policy:

The Ministry of Finance and other three departments: the maximum tax exemption for inbound baggage from Hong Kong and Macao is 15,000 yuan

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

The Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation recently jointly issued an announcement. Resident passengers aged 18 or above who enter the country from Hong Kong and Macao and carry reasonable personal baggage and articles obtained abroad with a total value of less than 12,000 yuan (including 12,000 yuan) will be released duty-free. At the same time, at ports with inbound duty-free shops, the above-mentioned passengers are allowed to purchase a certain amount of duty-free goods at the port entry-duty-free shops, and those with a total value of less than 15,000 yuan (including 15,000 yuan) of reasonable personal luggage obtained abroad will be released duty-free. Link to policy:

Guangdong Province: Explore the construction of a data property rights system

Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector

Recently, the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province issued the "Implementation Opinions on Building a Data Basic System to Promote the High-quality Development of the Data Element Market" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions"). In terms of the construction of the data property rights system, the "Implementation Opinions" proposes to explore the structural separation system of data property rights, and carry out data classification, grading and confirmation authorization; In terms of establishing and completing mechanisms for confirming and authorizing data rights, promote data handlers to collect, hold, host, and use data within the scope of the individual's authorization in accordance with laws and regulations for data carrying personal information. Explore the establishment of a mechanism for the exercise of rights by trustees, with trustees exercising data rights and interests on behalf of data sources. Link to policy:

About IPP

The Institute of Public Policy (IPP) of South China University of Technology is an independent, non-profit research platform for knowledge innovation and public policy. IPP has carried out a series of research work on China's institutional reform, social policy, China's discourse power and international relations, and on this basis, a good pattern of coordinated development of knowledge innovation and policy consultation has been formed. IPP's vision is to build an open platform for knowledge innovation and policy research, and to become a world-leading Chinese think tank.
Weekly Policy Update|National Standing Meeting: Implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector