
The biggest backer for people when they get old is not their children and wives, but these two things

author:There are deer in Shushan
The biggest backer for people when they get old is not their children and wives, but these two things


When it comes to old-age care, we will think of "raising children to prevent old age".

The biggest purpose of countless parents raising their children is to hope that when their children grow up, they can provide for their old parents and provide for them. For raising children and preventing old age, there is a saying in finance, intertemporal trading.

Parents give birth to their children and spend ten or twenty years raising them, spending countless energy, money and time. This is called "cost input".

When children grow up, if they can take care of their elderly parents and let them enjoy themselves, it is the "benefit" of their parents. The investment in the previous side is exchanged for the income in the future, which is the calendar trade.

The question is, does the intertemporal transaction of raising children and preventing old age really work in this year? It doesn't seem to work. Because countless young people do not meet the conditions for raising children and preventing old age.

Think about it, young people can't even support themselves, so how can they have extra money to support their parents?

The biggest backer for people when they get old is not their children and wives, but these two things


There is a case.

Lao Yang in the countryside has 2 sons and 1 daughter. In the eyes of outsiders, Lao Yang and his wife are the winners of life with both children and daughters. Actually, it's not.

After graduating from college, the eldest son went to the Yangtze River Delta to work hard. Due to his busy work, the eldest son rarely returns to his hometown. Even during the Chinese New Year, they will choose to stay in the big city for two or three times their salary.

After graduating from junior college, the second son went to work in a factory in the provincial capital, and soon married a factory girl, and the two sides had two children. The pressure of the second child alone made him breathless. As for the parents, they can't take care of it.

The third daughter is even more so, when she was twenty-four or five years old, she married far away to other provinces. At first, I often went back to my hometown, but after I had children, I basically didn't go back to my hometown. Parents, still not as important as their own children.

Although Lao Yang was a little dissatisfied, he still accepted this reality. He believes that although the child is not around, at least he is accompanied by his wife, and he will not be lonely and old.

However, the roof leak happened to rain overnight, and the ship broke and encountered a head wind. My wife passed away because of illness. Looking at his wife lying in the coffin, Lao Yang lost all his thoughts. Perhaps, I am going to be lonely for the rest of my life.

The biggest backer for people when they get old is not their children and wives, but these two things


Since the departure of his wife, the attitude of the three children towards Lao Yang has become even more indifferent. Even if Lao Yang is sick in bed, he can only take care of himself and has no children to take care of him.

If you have money in your pocket, you can get through a little illness. The problem is that Lao Yang has no money, so he can only beg his children to pay him for treatment and pension.

The eldest son works hard in a big city, the price is extremely high, the pressure is great, and there is no money; The second son gave birth to a second child and had no money; The third daughter became a full-time wife, and she had no job and no money.

The first time I asked my children for money, although my children were reluctant, they still picked and searched for some. The second time they asked their children for money, the children quarreled with Lao Yang, bluntly saying that Lao Yang had dragged them back.


There are countless old people like Lao Yang in real life. They hope to raise children to prevent old age, but the reality is that they cannot raise children to prevent old age. Because the young children are under a lot of pressure, they don't have much money to spare.

In this year, it would be nice for young people to be able to support themselves. As for feeding the elderly, how can they have such great ability?

The biggest backer for people when they get old is not their children and wives, but these two things


When people are old, the biggest backer is not their children and wives, but the following two things.

First of all, the pension money in your pocket.

There is an old saying in Guangdong: "It is better to have a child than to have close money." "A biological son may not be as reliable as the money in his pocket. People, after all, are unreliable.

If you want to raise children and prevent old age, you need your children to meet four conditions. First of all, there is economic strength; Secondly, there is free time; third, live next door to your parents; Fourth, have a filial heart for your parents.

Who can fully achieve these four points? It's just a rarity. It is safe to say that 99% of young people simply cannot meet all four conditions at the same time.

Just "money" can make countless families jump. It would be nice for young people to earn enough to support themselves. As for supporting parents, it is a luxury, how can there be this money?

Therefore, the elderly should not have unrealistic illusions about their children. Children are not money printers, they don't print money. And today's salary income is stagnant. It can be seen that if the elderly want to provide for the elderly, they can only rely on the pension money in their pockets.

The biggest backer for people when they get old is not their children and wives, but these two things


Secondly, be in good health.

What kind of old man will be ruthlessly abandoned by his children? Sick old man in bed. The so-called "no filial son before the bed of a long illness" is this truth.

The elderly are sick in bed and cannot take care of themselves, so they need their children to take feces and urine, and they also need their children to have a certain economic ability. This is too high a requirement for children.

Take an old man in a rural area for example, his children have gone to the big city to work hard, and his health is not very good, so how can the children take care of him? Even if the children want to take care of the elderly, they are not skilled.

Every year, there will be the so-called "Spring Tide". Only when it is time for the Chinese New Year do people have time to go back to their hometowns for the New Year. It can be seen that in normal times, people cannot be with their parents.

Behind the Spring Festival tide, there are countless wanderers who have left home, and countless old people who have stayed in the countryside and become lonely old people. Reality, after all, is cruel.

Good health, self-care, no problem. Once the body deteriorates and is sick in bed, it is the beginning of the tragedy.

Text/Shushan has deer