
Behind the singles crisis: marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal

author:There are deer in Shushan
Behind the singles crisis: marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal


There is a data in the China Statistical Yearbook (2022) that there are about 239 million single people over the age of 15 in China.

Two years ago, there were 239 million single people, and today in 2024, the number of single people will only be even larger. Because the "marriage and childbirth rate" at this stage is particularly low.

In Baidu Encyclopedia, there are 3 sets of data that can support this point of view. In 2018, the marriage rate was 7.2 per thousand; In 2020, the marriage rate was 5.8 per thousand; In 2022, the marriage rate is 4.8‰

It can be seen that young people lack the desire to get married, and the marriage rate is decreasing year by year. This leads to a problem, the singles crisis.

If there are too many leftover men, it will lead to a crisis of leftover men; If there are too many leftover women, it will lead to a leftover women crisis. And the crisis of leftover men, as well as the crisis of leftover women, is combined to be a singles crisis.

This singles crisis, on the surface, is a marital problem, but in fact, there are even more terrible problems hidden.

Behind the singles crisis: marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal


How do we understand the singles crisis?

It is enough to understand the concept of "five guarantees". The so-called five guarantees are to ensure food, clothing, medical care, housing, and burial. Among the five guarantee households, the vast majority are singles.

Middle-aged and elderly people with families cannot apply for the five guarantees, because they still have family security. Middle-aged and elderly people who do not have a family can apply for the five guarantees, because they do not have the protection of the family.

Why do you want to engage in five guarantees? It is to ensure the life of single middle-aged and elderly people. You see, during the New Year's holidays, the captain and village chief of the village will send rice and oil to the five guarantee households.

If you have a family, you must not understand, you have already guaranteed five guarantees, why do the captains and village chiefs still have to personally send rice and oil to the singles? It's very simple, the single is alone, and the barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

It can be understood this way. The captain, the village head, have children and daughters, and are concerned. And singles, no children, no daughters, no worries. There was really a contradiction, went to extremes, and a tragedy occurred, and it must be the former who suffered.

It is better to offend the villain than to offend the single. No matter how bad the villain is, it's just a little trick. And once the single person gets angry, it will be a "fatal" tragedy of "one for one".

Behind the singles crisis: marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal


Since we talk about singles, we have to talk about the "workplace".

Generally speaking, in the workplace, single people who do not have a family will go to work on time and leave work on time, even if the boss asks for overtime, they will not pay attention. And the boss will not embarrass them.

And employees with families, who not only want to earn money to support their families, but also are afraid of losing their jobs, so they will work overtime desperately. Even if the boss's demands are unreasonable, they will obey. And the boss just likes this kind of employee with a family.

Singles who don't have a family, they have nothing to worry about, so it's not easy to control and it's not easy to handle. And people with families, they have concerns, so they are very easy to control and control.

Many bosses are more educated, and I believe they have all read an article "Tang Ju Lives Up to His Mission".

There's a classic plot in it. Tang Ju said: "The king tasted the anger of the cloth? The king of Qin said: "The anger of the cloth clothes is also exempt from the crown and the ground, and the head is robbed." ”

Tang Ju said: "The anger of this mediocre man is also the anger of the non-soldier...... If the soldier will be angry, the corpse of the two, bleeding five steps, the world is vegetarian, today is also. "Raise your sword. King Qin scratched, knelt down and thanked him.

Behind the singles crisis: marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal


Behind the singles crisis, marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal - without any constraints, human nature will go to extremes and do extreme things.

In Japan and South Korea, singles who have no children, no partners, no families, and whose parents have also died are called "invincible people". Because they have nothing to worry about, they are not afraid of anything.

If you are not afraid of anything, it will lead to all kinds of extreme events and tragedies.

You will definitely say that there are laws and norms in human society?

Careless singles, they don't even want their own lives, so do you think they will be in awe of the law and norms? A person who doesn't even want his life, no matter what he is, can't restrain him.

If he has a family, parents, a partner, and offspring, then he is naturally bound, and he is cautious in everything he does, afraid of making mistakes. Because they are afraid that if they make a mistake, it will affect the life of the family.

And a single person who has no family, no parents, no partner, and no offspring, will not be bound by anything. Even if they do things, they don't worry too much. Because they are "barefoot".

Behind the singles crisis: marriage is not the focus, this 1 problem is fatal


For ordinary people, there is only one suggestion, in the future, do not offend the middle-aged and elderly singles group.

What kind of people will have a higher risk factor?

Over 40 years old, and his parents have died, he has no relatives and no family, and he is unemployed. For such a person, the risk factor is too high.

A few years ago, there was a report that a certain boss owed a single employee wages. The single employee was furious and took the boss and his son away.

Be a human being, don't believe in evil. We only have one small life, and we must not gamble on the kindness of others with our own small life. The evil of human nature will only gradually expand with the increase of pressure in life.

For singles, it's best to respect their lives and not put their beaks too much. It is not easy for everyone, so don't force others to "jump off the wall". Only if you are good and I am good, can we be good to everyone.

Text/Shushan has deer