
Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son


During the Jiajing and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty, a large number of ancient paintings and calligraphy appeared in a corner of Taihu Lake in the south of the Yangtze River, and connoisseurs and calligraphy and painting brokers frequently participated in calligraphy and painting trading activities.

As one of the more representative appraisal figures, his Chinese Zhengming is known as "Dafa Eye" and "Gu Eye" in the appraisal of calligraphy and painting. Every time you hear a painting, that is, hundreds of miles away, the boat is built, and it is fortunate to have an exhibition. ”

Collection and appraisal of paintings and calligraphy

Wen Zhengming can be said to be a family of collectors, as early as the inscription of his father's Wenlin and Wen Sen, it can be known that they once purchased a frame of Wang Xianzhi's calligraphy "Dihuang Soup Post" from an unknown gentry in Longyou, as well as Zhao Mengfu's "Lin Zhiyong Thousand Character Text" and Zhao Yong's "Lin Li Gonglin Ma Tu" and other famous works obtained from unknown sources. These collections deeply influenced Wen Zhengming as a child, and led him to embark on a truly large-scale collection.

Wen Zhengming once had Wang Xizhi's "Peace Post", Mi Fu "Fighting for the Seat Post", Mi Fu Lin's "Yu Shinan Princess Runan Epitaph" stone carving rubbing, Su Shi "Chu Song Post" stone carving rubbing, Zhao Mengfu "Linwang Right Army Clothing Post".

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Wang Xizhi's peace post
Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Su Dongpo Chu Songti stone carvings

The total number of calligraphy and painting works collected by Shi Zaiwen Zhengming father and son should be about 100, and the number of works that have passed through and left inscriptions is even more numerous, such as the late Tang Dynasty poet Lin Zao's book "Deep Comfort Post", which was originally the old collection of Huizong Imperial Mansion in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the tenth volume of "Xuanhe Book Pedigree" has been recorded as follows: Lin Zao, I don't know what kind of person is also, the biography is not available and the details of its line are coordinated, and the book is written, and its graceful Fengyan has many Zhiyong penmanship. There are three hundred years of Tang Dynasty scholars, although they have been written by generations. Gai Tang calligraphy from Taizong Jianhong Wenguan for the place of education, for a while the habit is still prosperous, to the later scholars with their own achievements, such as the algae to Zhiyong is also. At the beginning, Yong deliberately learned the book in Wang Xizhi, quite wonderful, the lack of the wind god, the speaker said that its chapter grass into the wonderful, the book into the ability, so a word out of the straight 50,000, which was admired at the time. Those who enter and exit the domain of Zhiyong with the steps of algae are unfortunately unable to study the eternal learning, and they also lose their arms. The book in the collection of the Imperial Mansion is "Deep Comfort Post".

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Lin Zao: Deep consolation

Lin Zao calligraphy master Zong Zhiyong monk, belongs to the "two kings" system, the ink "deep consolation post" has long been lost, fortunately there is a rubbing piece survives, it can be seen that its font structure is rigorous, the breath is graceful, the chapter is soothing, the strokes are full and plump, and there is indeed the atmosphere of "graceful and abundant". In May of the reign of Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty (1565), Wen Jia, the second son of Wen Zhengming, saw this ink when he inspected the private collection of Yan Song (1480-1567), and he wrote in the "Records of Calligraphy and Painting in the Shan Tang": "Lin Zao's "Deep Comfort Post" I, Wu Wending's official book, is the collection of Xuanhe Inner Palace. Don't be the family of Mr. Yunkuangan, Song Xuanhe Imperial Mansion Records, Lin Gongshu is the only one". Pondering Wenjia's tone, he believed that the calligraphy was not only genuine, but also that it was a unique ink blot of the Lin family.

Since the "Deep Comfort Post" was collected by Wen Zhengming's poetry teacher Wu Kuan before entering the Yan family, Wen Zhengming was able to watch the book many times and made a detailed examination of it: Right Tang Linzao Deep Comfort Post, Yuan Ren Ba Zhi Five. Li Qishihong, a native of Hedong, is an official to study for a bachelor's degree, and is a member of Zhangsu. Zhang Zhongshou Xijing, the minister, with a bachelor's will. Shao Hengzhen's refuyu, Lu people, Yuhua Pavilion. Yuan Hua Yuying, a native of Kunshan, is a teacher of the early county school. Zhang Shiziyi, a native of Cheung Chau, is the ambassador of the final mission class. According to Zhu Bao said that this post is contained in the Xuanhe book, there is no mark of the tomb today, only the two small seals of Shaoxing, which seem to be hidden by the tomb. After Gai Nandu, the purchase of the first dynasty calligraphy and paintings, folk collectors, or have the seal of the inner house, that is, dismantle the list to offer. At that time, most of them belonged to Cao Xun and Long Dayuan, and their eyesight was short, and they often cut off the inscriptions of their predecessors. This post is either offered by the people, or by the hands of Cao and Long, and it is not known. There are also Ke Jiusi, Chen Yanlian Mingyin, Ke Zi Jingzhong, Tiantai people, and Dr. Guan Kuizhang Jianshu. There are a lot of imprints on this post, and there are secret words, and the cover is also hidden. And the question of Zhongshou is also hidden by the clouds. Yan Lian name Baosheng, a wealthy merchant in Quanzhou, lived in Taicang at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, his family has a spring grass hall, the calligraphy and painting are very rich, and Yuan and Zhang taste their home. This post is also Chen's inscription, then this post is undoubtedly hidden by the three clans, and then returned to Wujiang Shi Minggu, and my teacher Kuangan got it, so a certain number of views. This is the case today, and the details are for the boya gentleman.

Judging from the relevant documents, most of his collections came from his teachers and friends, while Wen Zhengming and his sons were different, Wen Zhengming rarely participated in the utilitarian nature of painting and calligraphy, Wen Peng and Wen Jia were not. The Xiang Yuanbian family and the Wen family have the most exchanges in the collection, and many of the Xiang family's collections come directly from the Wen family. It is a pity that the collection of the writer has not survived, and it is difficult for us to understand the specific situation of his collection. Xie Wei believes that Wen Zhengming's "Putian Collection" "contains hundreds of famous ancient paintings and calligraphy, and if you count the calligraphy and paintings of the famous masters of the Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde, and Jiajing dynasties, there should be hundreds." During his tenure in Hanlin from the second to the fifth year of Jiajing, there must have been many people in the collection of the Inner Palace, as well as collectors and good deeds to be sent for appreciation. And his family spared no effort to search for calligraphy and painting during the Jiajing period, and the engraved "Stopping Cloud Pavilion Post" has been seen to collect the wealth of law books."

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Wen Zhengming stopped the cloud pavilion post

Du Mu once had a collection of "Huang Ting is not complete" Mo Tuo, and asked Wen Sen, who was then the magistrate of Qingyun County, to transfer Wen Zheng Ming Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty for examination and identification, Wen Zheng Ming added detailed research and made a long march, thinking that this post is the Song book, although it is not complete, but it is also quite rare: "Song Zhuxian on Huang Tingzhong. However, he argued that it was not a goose thing, and he did not decide who the book was. Although Minan Palace, Yidiyun 'has no Tang personality'. To Huang Changrui's secretary Yi Shao died in Shengping five years, and the last three years were the second year of Ningxing. Yi Song and Qi people's books, but they can't be examined. According to Tao Yinjun and Liang Wuqi, there are other words. Seclusion to Jin is near, at that time has been mistakenly this purpose, then the book is not Yi Shaopen, it is the Jin Dynasty, the Song Dynasty celebrity book is undoubted. And Zhao Weigong thought that Yang Xu's old traces were the same, how could he see anything else? ”

Several kinds of Tang stone carvings are good, spread in modern times, turn distorted, and have no spectators. This paper and ink engraved extension are all ancient, in the word "Xuan" and lack of the last pen, solid is the Song book. Since "still sitting on the Yin and Yang Gate", there is nothing, and the school has only half of it. The word is long and thin, and Fu Weng's so-called Xu Hao copy is true. Du Xuanjing didn't know how to get it, so he followed his father's Qingyun order and transferred it to Fu. Although it is not complete, it is also a treasure.

The above is a long inscription written by Wen Zhengming in 1491 for the incomplete version of the Huang Ting in Du Mu's collection, and it is also the earliest inscription on the collection of Wen Zhengming known so far, when Wen Zhengming was twenty-two years old. Indicates that a high level of appreciation has been achieved.

How to buy paintings and calligraphy

Wen Zhengming and his two sons collected paintings and calligraphy, and part of their collection of paintings and calligraphy was purchased from the calligraphy and painting market, and there were also several ways to obtain the collection, such as exchange, family heirlooms, and gifts.

Zhan Jingfeng recorded in "Dongtu Xuanlan" that there are many records of Wen Zhengming's buying and selling of calligraphy and paintings. In addition, some of the Wen family's collection also came from Wen Zhengming's teacher, Shen Zhou. "Dongtu Xuanlan" contains: Wenxiu Chengjia collection plum blossom Taoist ancient pine, the root plate cliff, the curvature of the wheel, the lower shelf stone peak, and the branch on the blue sky, its momentum is like a dragon. The penmanship is ancient, there are several stone peaks under the peak, the big thorns and thorns under the peaks are chaotic leaves, the ink is dripping, the original Shen Shitian family things. The three paintings are good, and the snow goose is particularly wonderful, and the picture of Zhong Mu's godson is also considerable, and it should be purchased at a good price. Yesterday, Ma Wenbi Yunshan, the price can be above one or two, between two and two, and there is no need to collect it. Hastily enshrined the village brothers. October obscure.

In another calligraphy and painting inscription, Wen Zhengming also revealed the purchase price of his teacher Li Yingzhen to obtain Su Dongpo's authentic "Chu Song Post": "...... In the past, I tasted the stone book. Compared with Chu, it is better to look at the Taifu Shaoqing Li Gongsho. He first hid the Jinling Zhang family, and Li obtained it with 14,000. I wanted to return to the old Yixing Gong of the Pavilion, but I died unsuccessfully. After his death, Yixing Zha Jiajun Temple paid tribute to him, and he was left to his family for half a year...... "Here, Wen Zhengming clearly wrote that Li Yingzhen obtained the collection of "Chu Song Post" from the Zhang family in Jinling, and spent 14,000 yuan.

In addition, when Wen Zhengming was obsessed with Zhang Sengqiu's "Frost Forest Yunxiu Picture", he mentioned in the text that Wang Wei had repeatedly begged for it during his lifetime, but after the collector died, his son came to Wuzhong with paintings to ask for sale: ...... This volume is hidden in a quiet place in ancient times, and Wang Wenkegong has repeatedly sent people to look at it, but it is not available. Now Zhongzhong is quiet, and his son holds it to Wuzhong for sale, and Mo'an does not hesitate to buy it for 300 gold......

In order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the prices of ancient paintings and calligraphy in Suzhou in the mid-Ming Dynasty, let's take a look at some of the contents of other contemporaneous connoisseurs in their anthologies. Wen Zhengming's friend Du Mu once obtained a work by Zhao Mengfu, and recorded it in the "Moral Edition": Zhao Ziang's "Autumn River to be Crossed", next to the official title, Yun Wei Shugu Gong copy. There is Zhang Tianyu's poem, Changshu Chen Yuanxi's family belongings, and the Dan guest got it, and sold it to the county people Shasheng, and 25,000 returned to the Dongting family.

It can be seen that one of Zhao Mengfu's works cost twenty-five thousand at that time. Among the collectors of ancient China, Xiang Yuanbian's collection was rich and famous, but he was also criticized by literati collectors because of his innate merchant nature.

Of course, in addition to direct purchases, connoisseurs often exchange items with each other, and there are also cases where friends are particularly fond of the collection, and there are also cases where they generously give gifts. Wen Zhengming once remembered that he had exchanged "Runan Post" with Zhu Cunli in his own collection of "Confucius Temple Tablet", and was set up as Mi Fu's hand, and then Mu saw that he said love, and returned to the beautiful thing.

Exchanges between collectors

Collecting naturally raises the level of personal connoisseurship. At the same time, many calligraphers, painters, collectors and literati doctors in Wu at that time hired him to collect paintings and calligraphy, such as Shen Zhou, Tang Yin, Xiang Yuanbian, Hua Xia, Lu Zongying, Nie Shuangjiang, Shen Runqing, Shi Minggu, Zou Guangmao, Huang Yinglong, Zhang Aoshan, Zhang Bingdao, Wang Zhifu, etc. Most of these literati doctors were not specialized private collectors, Wen Zhengming and they sang and traveled with each other, and recorded some of the allegorical collections of calligraphy and painting, leaving their own appraisal opinions, mainly concentrated in the inscriptions of Wen's calligraphy and painting works and a large number of ancient calligraphy and painting works, which constituted an important document for later generations of scholars to study Wen's archaeological calligraphy and painting.

He Liangjun once recorded in his writings: Hengshan likes to comment on school calligraphy and painting. Every time I see it, I will hide the past, and Mr. will see it all day. He also gave his best. I often go into the study and come out with four volumes. Exhibition, re-entry, replacement of four volumes. Although the number is tireless.

For the collection of ancient paintings and calligraphy, Wen Zhengming has maintained a love from the bottom of his heart since he was young, and the Suzhou area in the middle of the Ming Dynasty provided a broad world for his free development of this love. Whether it is Wu Kuan, Li Yingzhen, or Shen Zhou, the professors not only gave Wen Zhengming the cultivation of poetry, calligraphy, and painting, but also provided him with rich experience and valuable experience in connoisseurship. In his later years, Wen Zhengming had surpassed his teachers in connoisseurship and became a central figure in the connoisseurship activities in the Jiangnan region. Like his teacher Shen Zhou, he was able to learn from the ancients through calligraphy and painting appreciation activities, and applied them to the creation of calligraphy and painting.

Wen Zhengming and Huaxia have a deep friendship, Huaxia once received the "Chunhua Pavilion Post", Wen Zhengming made a long journey for it: the rest of his life for sixty years, read the "Chunhua Pavilion Post" I don't know how many, but there is no one who has six volumes of Huajun Zhongfu's collection. Taste for the examination, set for the ancient book is undoubted. And Zhongfu Gu hated for not being complete. Yu said that Chunhua arrived more than 500 years ago, and he was more than a soldier, a line of numbers, all of which were enough to hide and play, and six volumes? Jiajing Gengyin, his son Jiaju got three volumes from the Shuren, and he urgently reported that Zhongfu bought them at a high value. It is not suitable for the number of separate volumes, and the engraving of paper and ink is no different from the dialectic of Zhu Shu between the lines. The cover was originally a post, and I don't know how it was separated. When they are separated from each other, they become one, how can there be a divine object in the middle!

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Song Ta Wang Xian's Chunhua Pavilion Post

It is not difficult to see from Wen Zhengming's inscription that he not only acted as the gatekeeper of Huaxia connoisseurship, grasped the order of his collection, examined and identified it, but also took the initiative to search for Xinyi's collection for Huaxia, playing a similar role as a collection middleman.

He also maintained close contacts with other literati. In the thirty-fifth year of Jiajing (1556), He Liangjun resigned and returned to the south, and also visited the literary house twice to seek calligraphy and painting. He recounted this experience in his "Inscription of Calligraphy and Painting": When Yu returned, he went to see Hengshan, but because his hometown had become miserable, he was eager to reflect on it, so he resigned. Forty days after arriving at home, return to Wumen in Beijing, rebuild Hengshan, sit and set up meals. After a long time, Liangjun asked: "The arsenal is full of fine products, but Liangjun will never forget the memory, Dusu Changgong's "Songyang Post" and Zhao Wenmin and Zhongfeng's hand Jane two volumes. Please look again. "Because of the show, the loop exhibition plays, the mind flies over, and the real universe is also a strange treasure.

It seems that He Liangjun is very familiar with many of the paintings and calligraphy collections kept in Wen Zhengming's house, and it should not be the first time that he has seen the works of Su Dongpo and Zhao Mengfu that he likes in Zhengming. Wen and He are also very frequent in the exchange of calligraphy and painting collections.

The most interesting thing is the interaction between Wen Zhengming and the great collector Xiang Yuanbian. Xiang Yuanbian once had a collection of "Shen Zhou's Painting of Han Yu Painting", which has Xiang Yuanbian's self-devotion: "Shen Shitian painted Han Wengong's painting of the map, Wen Hengshan book, Molin Xiang Yuanbian true reward, Ming Jiajing 31 years (1552) spring and March has been installed in the pool. Xiang Yuanbian's book was written in 1552, and from his words, it was originally thought that this work was a combination of Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming's calligraphy and painting works, but in fact, Wen Zhengming's book reads: "Jiajing Wuwu (1558) August 20th and 4th, for Xiang Junzi Jingshu." ”

From other sources, we can also see more examples of Xiang Yuanbian's interactions with Wen Zhengming: on March 24, the 36th year of Jiajing, Wen Zhengming wrote Xiang Yuanbian's book "Beishan Shifting Text"; In June, Xiang Yuanbian passed through the Cloud Pavilion and asked Wen Zhengming for books with four gold brushes, and Wen wrote "Nineteen Ancient Poems" and Tao Yuanming's "Pastoral Poems"; On the 13th day of the 7th month of the 37th year of Jiajing, Wen Zhengming wrote Xiang Yuanbian's book "The Story of the Paradise of Paradise"; Xiang Yuanbian's own collection of Wen Zhengming's calligraphy and painting works is still alive. For example, Wen Zhengming's "Self-written Poetry Scroll", "Guanshan Snow Picture Scroll", "Painting Orchid Bamboo", "Ancient Tree Maotang Book" and so on in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Wen Jia self-written poems

The way of appreciating paintings and calligraphy

In the process of painting and calligraphy, Wen Zhengming attaches great importance to learning from the ancients, collecting his favorite ancient paintings and calligraphy, inscriptions, and ancient books, carefully studying and learning, and imitating calligraphy and painting more, which is an effective means to improve the level of artistic creation through collection. However, the number of personal collections is limited, if you encounter your favorite calligraphy and painting works or ancient inscriptions, Wen Zhengming will use the way of "borrowing view", this situation is not uncommon at that time, Suzhou local collectors and calligraphers and painters are very recognized by each other, such a way of connoisseurship and exchange, which undoubtedly greatly makes up for the lack of personal collection ability, and expands the cultural influence of the collection.

Tang Yin has a "Song Gaozong Stone Scripture Fragment", Wen Zhengming has "borrowed" the view for several months, and carefully examined the author of this rubbing, and the age of the version: the right small character Stone Scripture fragment of the 100 leaves, about 10,000 words. The front and back are missing, and there is no name of the book. Yu Kaozhi, Gai Song Siling book also. …… Tang Jun Bohu treasure this post, the rest of the borrowing to stay in the fasting for many months, because of the neglect of its roots, set for the Ling book undoubtedly. Zhengde was twelve years old in Dingchou Xia, Duanyang.

"Borrowing and staying in the fasting for many months", presumably because the content of this stone scripture fragment is very large, and it takes a lot of effort, but Wen Zhengming's research on the inscription is indeed outstanding. Through this kind of "borrowing and viewing", not only Wen Zhengming's knowledge of connoisseurship has been tested and enriched, but also through his research, Tang Yin's knowledge of connoisseurship has been promoted, which can be said to be a multiplicity with one stone.

When he was learning from his teacher Li Yingzhen, he had already had many opportunities to look at the original works of ancient calligraphy, and then he also attached great importance to the collection of ancient calligraphy works and stone carvings.

"Yan Lu Gong Liu Zhong Envoy Post" is the collection of the Huaxia family, originally collected by the historical jian, Wen Zhengming was young and his teacher Li Yingzhen in the history of the connoisseur to get a view, he liked this work very much, never forget, because of the friendship with Huaxia, so that he was able to often "borrow the view": the right Yan Lu Gong "Liu Zhong Envoy Post", when Zheng Ming was young, he tasted from the servant Li Gong Yingzhen in Wujiang Shishi. Li Gong said: "Lu Gong's true deeds survive, this post is the most." "I didn't know what I was saying, and I didn't know what he said. And now 40 years, more than 60 years old, the face books read many times, and there is no one who wins. Because Hua Jun Zhongfu held it to show it, the number of exhibitions was four, and his spirit was refreshing. Jiajing was ten years old in the eighth month of Xinmao, and the Changzhou text was clearly inscribed. I came to look left early, and I was ashamed not to get the song in a hurry. Borrowing the face post, suitable for returning, servants and horses are not as good as reading in detail, so they follow the envoy. When he enters the city one day, he hopes to bring it to a look, tens of thousands. I don't know if I signed the question. Zheng Ming's head, Zhongfu's brother.

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Yan Zhenqing Liu Zhong envoy post

In addition to "borrowing" from collectors, you can also go to the collector's home after learning about the collector's information or a certain work that you have loved for a long time, which is the so-called "viewing". In the thirteenth year of Hongzhi (1500), Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing went to Shen Lu's house and watched Shen Jun's collection of "Song Huizong's Painting of Wang Ji Guanma" and Zheng Sixiao's "Painting Orchid", and the two also wrote poems on Zheng Sixiao's volume.

For connoisseurs who love the art of painting and calligraphy, "looking at the past" is not only not hard work, but a valuable opportunity for collectors to communicate and learn from each other, and they never tire of it. Wen Zhengming once said: "Yu Yousheng is fond of calligraphy and painting of the ancients, and he forgets to sleep and eat." Every time you hear a painting, that is, hundreds of miles away, the boat is built, and it is fortunate to have an exhibition. ”

As long as you can observe the famous paintings, even if you can visit them by boat for hundreds of miles, Wen Zhengming's spirit of calligraphy and painting appreciation is commendable.

In addition to borrowing contemplation, contemplation and elegant collection are also one of the ways to appreciate Wen Zhengming. One of the important reasons why Zheng Ming has a high level of appreciation at a very young age is that he can often "see" a certain collection with Shen Zhou and Li Yingzhen, and accept their guidance in the process. In addition to teachers and students watching together, more often than not, many friends watched together. A passage of Wen Zhengming's later years is not only a reminiscence of friends and friendship, but also a confirmation of everyone's appreciation of calligraphy and painting: Zheng Ming and Xu Di Gongchang read this volume in Shen Jun Runqing's house, which is the thirteenth year of Hongzhi Gengshenye. And now Jiajing is ugly, just 30 years old. Reminiscing about the gentlemen in the volume, Ruodu Taifu Xuanjing, Zhu Jingzhao Xizhe, Huangjun Bo Yinglong, Zhu Shiyao Min, Zhang Wenxue Mengjin, Cai Taixue Jiukui and Changguo, all of them are clothed, and they all like to identify famous paintings of law and calligraphy. Whenever you have something, you will judge each other and enjoy it. And all the monarchs have gone, but the rest and Jiukui are the only ones left, and they are also decadent old men, and there is no interest in the discussion at that time. Runqing went to Shizhongzhou and will bring this volume to the past. After a few re-readings, I can't help but be sorry for it. It is the midsummer of the year, and the May is both hopeful.

Thirty years ago, Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing watched this volume in Shen Jin's house together, and Du Mu, Zhu Yunming, Huang Yinglong, Zhu Yaomin, Zhang Mengjin, Cai Jiukui, thirty years later, when Wen Zhengming looked at it again, except for Wen Zhengming and Cai Jiukui, the rest of them were all ancient, and Wen Zhengming was overwhelmed with emotion.

The best time to show the appreciation of "contemplation" was precisely the collection of literati at that time. The literati elegant collection, the ancient has been, the most famous elegant collection in history, the Wailanting elegant collection. Gu Aying in Kunshan at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, made friends with famous people all over the world, and opened up the atmosphere in Wuzhong. Until the middle of the Ming Dynasty, in the Suzhou area, Yaji was still an important way of life for the literati. Zheng Ming's teacher Shen Zhou's Zhuju, Wang Wei's Zhenshi Garden, and Wu Kuan's Dongzhuang were all important places for literati to gather at that time, and Wen Zhengming also recorded Zhu Cunli, Qian Tongai, Chen Chun and other people's paintings in the Cloud Pavilion.

Identification methods and connoisseurship concepts

Compared with other connoisseurs of painting and calligraphy, Zhengming has its own unique appraisal methods and concepts. He attaches more importance to the collection of calligraphy and calligraphy, and among the many ancient paintings and calligraphy works he inscribed, the number of calligraphy and calligraphy is significantly more than that of paintings, and in the process of collecting calligraphy and paintings, he also pays more attention to his favorite calligraphy works, especially the works of calligraphers who are old and occupy an important position in the history of calligraphy, which he particularly cherishes.

This habit of connoisseurship has accumulated valuable resources for him to engrave the "Stopping Cloud Pavilion Post" in his later years, and some of the legal calligraphy works he has seen and identified in his early years have become the objects of selection when engraving the post: the eight elements of the living method of the immortals of the right young master Yang, the history of Nangong Shu, the rest of the Dongguan Theory, and the Xuanhe book spectrum are not included. Yu Xian has the "Shaoxing" small seal and the "inner temple secretary" seals, the old things of Gai Siling. Later, Mi Youren reviewed the tail and the translation of the four lines. According to the calligraphy and painting of Shaoxing's inner house, and Cao Xun, Long Dayuan and other identifications. Its superior authentic deeds are reduced to Mi Yourenba. And Cao and Long people, their eyesight is short, and they often cut off the inscriptions of their predecessors. This post is incomplete for more than ten stitches, and it has been cut and dismantled; Its source committee is awarded, and it can not be examined.

The history of the condensation is called Young Master Yang, and Zheng Ming first examined the circulation of this work. Although Mi Fu's "Book History", Huang Bosi's "Dongguan Yu Treatise", "Xuanhe Book Spectrum" are not recorded in this work, Wen Zhengming still clarified the ins and outs of this work through the Tibetan seal and the text. This is the old collection of the Inner Mansion of the Song Gaozong, and the book has Mi Youren's Bawen and commentary, and Mi Youren is also a master of the Song Gaozong's calligraphy and painting collection, so his Bawen is naturally also an important basis for Wen Zhengming's acceptance.

Lu Youzhi: The calligraphy and painting collection of Wen Zhengming's father and son
Yang Ning's "Immortal Living Method"

At the same time, "avoiding characters" is actually an important basis for judging the authenticity and age of calligraphy and painting. In Wen Zhengming's identification method, there is also a very clear use of this: Xitaishu is rare in the world. This volume of thousands of texts, the body is charming, the writing is mellow and ancient, and the wind and bones are stored in the hypertrophy. According to Huang Wenjie's public court, Xitaishu "has no fat left, such as a beautiful woman with plump muscles, and a delicate spirit". It is also said that "there is a pen in its words, such as the law of Zen sentences". Looking at this book today, I believe it or not. However, the title is hidden, or it is doubtful. However, the Song and Yuan inscriptions know several people, and they are all highly appreciated. And the so-called "grandson of the pillar history" is also surnamed Li. Although this matter cannot be examined, there is no doubt that it is a Xitai book. Among them, the words "Yin", "Jing", "Kuang" and "Heng" all have a que pen, and the four dynasties of Gaiyi, Xuan, Yi and Zhen are also. The people of the Zhenzong in the construction of the sect stopped here.

Zheng Ming has never concealed that among his many calligraphy and painting inscriptions, there are several works involving Su Dongpo, one of which is the inscription of Zhang Bingdao's "Dongpo Ink", which shows the depth of his research on Su Dongpo: the right Su Wenzhong Gong and the village monk Zhiping two masters, Zhao Wenmin thought it was a true work in his early years. According to the first year of Gong Jiayou, he was promoted to a scholar, and in the sixth year of Xin Chou, he was sentenced to Fengxiang. The more four years of peace and hardship, such as the judgment of Dengwen Drum Courtyard, looking for Ding worries and returning to Shu. In the second year of Xining, he returned to the dynasty and was imprisoned. Four years of Xinhai sentenced to Hangzhou. This book was issued on August 16, and there is a saying that "it is not a long-term invitation to the county", which was written when Xining Zhongju Jingshi was a teacher. Although Gai Gongzhi Pingzhong tasted Beijing, he returned to the dynasty in winter. And Lao Quan will be born in April next year, and there will be no August in between. At that time, it was shallow and should not be a county, so it was designated as the Xining Shishu, and there were four in the Chinese New Year's Eve. The official secretary learns Xu Jihai less, and he is flattering. In his later years, he went in and out of Yan Plain and Li Beihai, so he was particularly healthy and harmonious, and he was like two people.

There are two papers, and the Yuan season is hidden by Wu Seng Shengsheng Jiugao. Jiugao tasted Shihu Zhiping Temple. In this post also has the word "Zhiping", so stay in the temple, and carve the stone to pass on, but it is not Wuzhong Zhiping. Jiugao did not, this post was transferred to other places, and one of them was lost. My friend Zhang Bingdao, on the Shihu Lake. It is said that it is the truth in the mountains, and it is hidden with thick direct purchases, and the rest is roughly so.

In the process of studying Su Dongpo, Zheng Ming also paid attention to absorbing his views on the history and style of painting, and at the same time used them in the appraisal of calligraphy and painting. For example, Wen Zhengming's inscription on Ke Jiusi's "Ink Bamboo" collected by Lu Zongying says: Wenhuzhou paints bamboo, with thick ink as the face and light ink as the back. Dongpo said that this method began in Huzhou. Ke Kuizhang's picture is quite strange, many people don't know its origin, and it covers the whole of Huzhou. Yu Wenjingyun: "Although Danqiu is a teacher in Huzhou, the slope stone is too much. "But the time is said that Huzhou bamboo is very few, and the remaining two are small, and there is no slope stone to verify; Use the theory of the book to answer Zongying and talk about comments. Jing Zhong's name is Jiusi, Danqiu is born, and he is a Tiantai person. Shi Yuan, when Wen Zong, was a doctor of Kuizhang Pavilion, and he was quite favored. The painting has the seal of "Xunzhong's home", and the tomb of his father has "the monument of Xunzhong", so it is cloudy. It can be seen that Wen Zhengming attaches great importance to the application of painting history and bibliographies in appraisal.

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