
The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

author:Traveler Claire 3C0

In the long history of the Tang Dynasty, there is an official whose name is always staggering. He has changed hands three times, and each time he has been completely gone; He was clever in his words, but he was never greedy for money; He has harmed countless people, but he is called "incorruptible". This contradictory image is none other than Dou Congyi, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. When power is like flowing water, he can be like a fish in water; When the court is like a battlefield, he can be left and right. However, such a powerful and skillful figure ended up in disrepute. What is even more surprising is that when the imperial court sent someone to search his house, they found that there was nothing else in his house except a few stones of brown rice. What kind of peculiar character is this? What ups and downs did he go through in his life? Why is such an "incorruptible" official called a traitor by history?

Dou Cong was born in the reign of Li Zhi of Tang Gaozong and was born in the prominent Dou family. The Dou clan was known for its civil and military skills in the early Tang Dynasty, and its ancestor Dou Kang assisted Li Yuan in establishing the Tang Dynasty and made great contributions. Dou Congyi's father, Dou Dexuan, was a very popular minister, serving as the left minister during the Tang Gaozong period, ranking first in the imperial court.

Thanks to his illustrious family background, Dou received a good education from an early age. He was brilliant from an early age, well-read poetry and books, proficient in etiquette, and showed extraordinary talent. However, unlike other famous families, Dou Congyi was not complacent because of his family's status, but showed extraordinary caution and low profile.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

Under the recommendation of his father, Dou entered the official career from the beginning and was appointed as the commander of Qinghe County. Qinghe County is located in present-day Hebei Province, although it is remote, but as a canal artery, merchants gathered and the economy prospered. For the fledgling Dou Congyi, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to experience.

During Qinghe's tenure, Dou Congyi showed a different way of being an official. Unlike most pleasure-seeking officials of the time, he lived a simple life and never accepted bribes. His incorruptible style soon spread in the local area, and the people were full of praise for the young county magistrate. However, careful people found that although Dou Congyi was not greedy for money, he showed a cunning and treacherous side when dealing with government affairs.

Once, there was a homicide in Qinghe County. The deceased was a wealthy local businessman, and the murderer was unknown. After Dou Congyi took over the case, he did not immediately launch an investigation, but secretly observed the reactions of all parties. He noticed that the deceased's wife, despite her outward grief, often exchanged eyebrows with the servants in the household. Dou Congyi set a trap and finally revealed the truth that the adulterer and adulteress conspired to kill the rich businessman. The cracking of this case not only shows Dou Congyi's wisdom, but also allows people to see that he is good at figuring out people's hearts and gaining insight into human nature.

With the passage of time, Dou Congyi's political achievements in Qinghe gradually appeared. He is well governed, the county is safe, and the people live a stable life. However, he did not rest on his laurels and set his sights on a higher career. At this time, Wu Zetian began to take power, and the situation in the imperial court changed abruptly.

The keen Dou Congyi realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He began to plan how to take refuge in Wu Zetian in order to reach a higher level. He knew very well that Wu Zetian liked courtiers who could speak well, be witty and flexible. As a result, Dou showed his talent on various occasions from the beginning and skillfully expressed his support for Wu Zetian.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

The opportunity has finally arrived. At a court meeting, a minister impeached Wu Zetian's dictatorship. When everyone was silent, Dou Congyi stepped forward and made a generous statement to defend Wu Zetian. His sharp rhetoric and rigorous logic not only refuted the minister's arguments, but also highly praised Wu Zetian's ability to govern the country. This performance immediately attracted Wu Zetian's attention.

Since then, Dou Congyi's career has developed rapidly. He was first promoted to the rank of Imperial Historian and was responsible for supervising hundreds of officials. In this position, Dou Congyi showed amazing political sense and skill. He was able to expose those officials who disagreed with Wu Zetian's politics, and he was also able to skillfully defend Wu Zetian's policies. Every move he made was just right, which would not cause disgust from others, but could also be appreciated by Wu Zetian.

With the passage of time, Dou Congyi was gradually promoted, and finally became an official to the imperial historian and became an important minister in the court. In this position of high authority, Dou Congyi is more cautious. He was well aware that under Wu Zetian's rule, the change of power could be fleeting. As a result, he has always maintained a clean appearance, while secretly accumulating strength to prepare for possible political changes in the future.

With the abdication of Wu Zetian and the re-accession of Tang Zhongzong Li Xian, the situation in the imperial court changed dramatically again. Dou Congyi was keenly aware of the shift in the center of power, quickly adjusted his strategy, and began to move closer to the new core of power. However, although Li Xian is named emperor, the real power is in the hands of Empress Wei and Princess An Le. Dou Congyi is well versed in the art of power and decided to start with these two people in power in order to gain a firm foothold in the new political landscape.

Dou Congyi first set his sights on Empress Merriam. He knew that in order to gain the trust of the empress, extraordinary means had to be employed. So, he made a decision that shocked the government and the opposition: to marry the queen's nurse. At that time, Dou Congyi was nearly fifty years old, and the queen's nursing mother was over the age of six. As soon as the news of this marriage came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the DPRK and the central government.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

Many ministers scoffed at Dou Congyi's behavior, believing that he did not hesitate to devalue himself in order to cling to the powerful. However, Dou Congyi ignored these criticisms. He not only insisted on this marriage, but also made a big deal and held a grand wedding. Although this move made Dou Congyi a laughing stock of the government and the opposition, it successfully won the favor of Empress Wei. Through this special relationship, Dou Congyi was able to frequently enter and leave the harem and became the queen's confidant.

However, Dou Congyi was not satisfied. He quickly set his sights on Princess Anle, who also held real power. Princess Anle's henchman Fu Xinyi relied on the protection of the princess to act as a prestige in the court, oppressed the people, and committed many crimes that were enough to lose his head. This incident caused a stir in the court, and Princess An Le also fell into a dilemma.

Dou Cong saw the right time and took the initiative to ask Ying to deal with the matter. He used his privileges to skillfully evade the imperial court's investigation of Fu Xinyi, allowing him to escape. This method not only resolved Princess Anle's predicament, but also allowed Dou Congyi to successfully win the princess's trust and gratitude.

Through these two moves, Dou Congyi successfully gained a firm foothold in the new power structure. He is not only a close confidant of the queen, but also a confidant of the princess, and his position in the court is becoming more and more stable. However, Dou Congyi did not relax because of this, but became more cautious. He knew very well that in this court with frequent changes of power, today's nobles might become prisoners tomorrow.

Sure enough, the good times didn't last long. Empress Merriam-Webster was ambitious and had the idea of usurping the throne. She assassinated Li Xian, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, in an attempt to establish herself as emperor. However, the conspiracy was soon debunked. Li Longji, the king of Linzi, led his troops into the palace and killed Wei and his henchmen.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

This coup put Dou Congyi in danger again. As a close confidant of the Empress, he could be the object of reckoning at any time. However, Dou Congyi once again showed superb power skills. At the critical juncture, he decisively drew a line with the empress, and even killed his wife, the empress's nurse, with his own hands, and dedicated her head to the newly enthroned Tang Ruizong Li Dan.

Although this move was cruel, it successfully saved Dou Congyi's life. Li Dan was moved by Dou Congyi's "loyalty" and only demoted him to the title of Haozhou Sima without further investigation. Although he was demoted, Dou Congyi saved his official position and life, leaving the possibility for a comeback in the future.

Dou Congyi's series of behaviors fully demonstrated his power and magic methods. He was able to accurately grasp the changes in the political situation and adjust his position in a timely manner. He did not hesitate to sacrifice his personal image and even the lives of his relatives in exchange for political survival and development. Although these methods are despicable, they have allowed Dou Congyi to repeatedly turn danger into a disaster in the crisis-ridden Tang Dynasty political arena.

However, Dou Congyi's path to power did not end there. After being demoted to Haozhou, he soon smelled new political opportunities. At that time, Princess Taiping's power was expanding dramatically in the court. Dou Congyi was keenly aware that this could be his last chance to return to the center of power. So, he began to plan how to join Princess Taiping and open a new chapter in his political career.

After Dou Congyi was demoted to Haozhou, he did not sink. He was keenly aware of the growing power of Princess Taiping in the court, so he decided to take advantage of this to make a comeback. However, how to attract Princess Taiping's attention and gain her trust became the primary problem faced by Dou Congyi.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

The opportunity was not long in coming. Soon after Tang Ruizong Li Dan succeeded to the throne, he intended to pass the throne to his son Li Longji. However, Princess Taiping was extremely dissatisfied with this and secretly plotted to obstruct it. As soon as Dou Congyi learned of the news, he immediately set out to make a bold plan.

He first secretly contacted Princess Taiping's henchmen and expressed his willingness to serve the princess. Subsequently, Dou Congyi skillfully used his position in Haozhou to fabricate a detailed military intelligence. This intelligence claimed that Li Longji was secretly mobilizing troops with the intention of seizing the throne. Dou Congyi sent this false information to Princess Taiping through reliable channels.

Princess Taiping was shocked when she received the information and immediately summoned Dou Congyi. When meeting Princess Taiping, Dou Congyi showed loyalty, claiming that although he was degraded, he was still concerned about the affairs of the court. He analyzed in detail the possible actions that Li Longji could take and proposed a series of countermeasures. Dou Congyi's performance greatly appreciated Princess Taiping, thinking that he was a talent that could be relied on.

In this way, Dou Congyi successfully returned to the court. Princess Taiping used her influence to reinstate Dou from the first official position, and was soon promoted to the position of Zhongshu Shilang. Dou Congyi once again showed his political talents, strategizing in the court, eliminating dissidents for Princess Taiping and consolidating power.

However, Dou Congyi did not bet all his chips on Princess Taiping. He secretly kept in touch with Li Longji and often revealed some of Princess Taiping's movements to him. This two-sided betting practice has made Dou Congyi always invincible in the complex political situation.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

As time passed, Princess Taiping became more and more trusting of Dou Congyi. On her recommendation, Dou Congyi was appointed prime minister. This marked the pinnacle of Dou Congyi's political career. As the prime minister, Dou Congyi has the power of the imperial court and can influence major decisions.

However, the pinnacle of power often comes with great risks. Dou Congyi knew that his situation was still dangerous. The contradiction between Princess Taiping and Li Longji became increasingly intensified, and there were undercurrents surging within the court. Dou Congyi must be cautious and find a balance between the two forces.

In order to consolidate his position, Dou cultivated cronies from the beginning. He used the power of the prime minister to install his protégés and former officials in various important positions in the imperial court. These people became Dou Congyi's eyes and ears in the court, providing him with all kinds of important information.

At the same time, Dou Congyi did not forget to encircle other ministers. He often held banquets to entertain important ministers in the court, taking the opportunity to win over relations. At these banquets, Dou Congyi always behaved humbly and politely, giving people the impression of being approachable. However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a political ploy by Dou Congyi.

Dou also pays special attention to maintaining good relations with local officials. He often sent his cronies to various places to learn about the local situation and solve problems for local officials. This practice not only allowed Dou Congyi to grasp a large amount of local information, but also won the support of many local officials.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

When dealing with the government, Dou Congyi showed a superb balancing skill. He had to meet Princess Taiping's requirements, but he couldn't offend Li Longji's faction too much. Whenever faced with a difficult problem, Dou Congyi can always find a solution that has the best of both worlds. Although this approach could not fundamentally resolve the contradictions, it could temporarily maintain the stability of the imperial court.

However, Dou Congyi's balancing technique did not always work. As the conflict between Princess Taiping and Li Longji intensified, Dou Congyi's situation became more and more dangerous. He must always be vigilant in case he is drawn into a battle between the two factions.

In this tense situation, Dou Congyi still maintained his usual cautious style. He never revealed his true position in public, and always put the interests of the court first. Although this practice is elusive and elusive, it has also earned him a reputation as "incorruptible".

However, Dou Congyi knew very well in his heart that this situation could not be maintained for a long time. As the political situation changes, he must make a choice. Will he continue to support Princess Taiping, or will he turn to Li Longji? This decision will determine his future political fate. Dou Congyi fell into deep thought, and he knew that he was about to face the most critical choice of his political career.

As the conflict between Princess Taiping and Li Longji intensified, Dou Congyi's situation became more and more dangerous. As an important minister in the court, he had to make the final choice in this power struggle. This decision is not only related to his personal political fate, but also will affect the future direction of the entire Tang Dynasty.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

After Tang Ruizong's death, Li Longji succeeded to the throne for Tang Xuanzong. However, Princess Taiping did not give up her power because of this, but interfered in court politics more unscrupulously. She used her influence to continuously install her cronies in important positions in the imperial court, intending to control the entire imperial court. This practice caused strong dissatisfaction among Xuanzong, and an undercurrent was surging in the court, and a storm was coming.

In this tense situation, Dou has maintained a neutral attitude on the surface, but in fact has begun to secretly plan a way out for himself. He is well aware that whichever side he chooses, there will be huge risks. Supporting Princess Taiping may be beheaded for the sin of rebellion; If he takes refuge in Li Longji, he may be retaliated against by Princess Taiping.

Just as Dou Congyi was hesitating, an unexpected event upset the balance. Princess Taiping's henchman Xue Chongjian openly contradicted Xuanzong at the court meeting, causing an uproar. Xuanzong was furious and ordered Xue Chongjian to be demoted to a concubine on the spot. This incident made Dou Congyi realize that Xuanzong no longer tolerated Princess Taiping's arbitrariness, and the situation was about to change.

Dou Congyi made a decision on the spot and decided to take refuge in Li Longji. He secretly made an appointment with Xuanzong and reported in detail on Princess Taiping's various conspiracies. Not only that, Dou Congyi also provided a lot of evidence that Princess Taiping was secretly mobilizing the army and preparing to launch a coup d'état.

When Xuanzong heard this, he was shocked and greatly appreciated Dou Congyi's loyalty. He immediately ordered Dou Congyi to cooperate with the eunuch Gao Lishi and secretly plan a crackdown on Princess Taiping. With the contacts and information network accumulated over the years, Dou Congyi quickly worked out a well-thought-out plan.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

On the day of the operation, Dou Congyi pretended to convene Princess Taiping's cronies to discuss important matters. Just as these people gathered, the forbidden army sent by Xuanzong suddenly surrounded the venue and wiped out Princess Taiping's henchmen. At the same time, another army smashed into Princess Taiping's mansion and put her under house arrest.

This sudden coup d'état shocked the government and the opposition. Princess Taiping's power collapsed in an instant, and Dou Congyi was appointed as the secretary of the military department because of his high merit. However, Dou Congyi did not let up because of this. He knew very well that in this deceitful court, today's heroes might become prisoners tomorrow.

In order to consolidate his position, Dou strongly supported Xuanzong's various reform measures from the beginning. He actively participated in the formulation of various policies of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, and made important contributions in many fields such as taxation, military, and culture. These measures of Dou Congyi not only won the trust of Xuanzong, but also laid the foundation for the prosperity and development of the Tang Dynasty.

However, Dou's political career has not been without its challenges. Over time, Xuanzong gradually discovered some of Dou Congyi's misdeeds during the reign of Princess Taiping. Despite Dou Congyi's outstanding achievements, Xuanzong decided to punish him as an example.

Xuanzong ordered Dou to be demoted from one to Luoyang. The punishment, though relatively minor, marked the end of Dou's political career. However, Dou Congyi was not depressed because of this. He worked diligently in Luoyang, actively implemented various policies to benefit the people, and won the love of the local people.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

In his later years, Dou reflected on his life from the beginning. He compiled his political experiences into a book called "Politics Notes". This book records in detail his various experiences in the court, which is not only a precious historical material, but also an important window for future generations to understand the politics of the Tang Dynasty.

Dou Congyi's life is full of legends. He gradually climbed from an ordinary official to the pinnacle of power, and went through ups and downs in the change of the court. His experience not only shows his personal political wisdom, but also reflects the complexity and changeability of the Tang Dynasty's political scene. Dou Congyi's final choice not only changed his personal fate, but also had a profound impact on the historical process of the entire Tang Dynasty.

Dou Congyi's ups and downs in the political arena of the Tang Dynasty triggered extensive discussions among later historians. His political career has been fraught with controversy, with both brilliant and disgraceful sides. This complexity makes the evaluation of Dou Congyi appear diverse.

First of all, Dou Congyi's political talent has been widely recognized. He gradually rose from an ordinary official to the position of prime minister, showing extraordinary political wisdom and ability to deal with things. During his tenure as prime minister, Dou Congyi actively participated in the formulation of a series of policies conducive to the development of the country, contributing to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. In particular, in terms of tax reform, the "two tax laws" proposed by Dou Congyi greatly increased the state's fiscal revenue, and was praised by later historians as a major innovation in the financial system of the Tang Dynasty.

However, Dou Congyi's performance during the authoritarian period of Princess Taiping attracted a lot of criticism. Some historians have pointed out that Dou Congyi was too bent in this period, and did not hesitate to help and abuse for personal interests. In particular, his behavior of assisting Princess Taiping to suppress dissidents was considered to be contrary to the principle of loyalty to the monarch and patriotism. This assessment is particularly evident in the Book of the New Tang Dynasty, which lists Dou Congyi as a "Legend of the Lucky Fortune" and questions his political integrity.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

At the same time, Dou Congyi's choice to support Li Longji at a critical moment was regarded as a wise move by some historians. They believe that Dou Congyi's choice not only saved his political life, but also helped Li Longji stabilize the situation and laid the foundation for the arrival of the prosperous era of the Kaiyuan Dynasty. This view is reflected in the Zizhi Tongjian, which gives a positive evaluation of Dou Congyi's choice at a critical moment.

Dou Congyi's literary talent is also an important aspect of later generations' evaluation of him. His "Records of Politics" not only recorded his political career, but also became an important historical material for the study of Tang Dynasty politics. The writing of this book is smooth and the narrative is vivid, and it is respected by later generations of literati. Li Bai, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, once mentioned Dou Congyi in his poems and praised his literary talent. To a certain extent, this has enhanced Dou Congyi's status in cultural history.

In terms of system construction, Dou Congyi's contribution has also been affirmed. During his tenure as the secretary of the military department, he carried out a series of reforms to the military system of the Tang Dynasty. Especially in the reform of the military system, Dou Congyi put forward many innovative suggestions, which contributed to the improvement of the military strength of the Tang Dynasty. These reform measures have been studied and used as reference by later generations of military strategists, and have had a profound impact on the development of China's ancient military system.

Dou Congyi's way of being an official has also become a model for later generations of officials to learn. His diligence and love for the people during his tenure in Luoyang was regarded as a model for local officials. In later generations, many officials would refer to Dou Congyi's administrative experience when they went to the local government. This influence continued until the Ming and Qing dynasties, and Dou Congyi's political achievements can still be recorded and evaluated in some local chronicles.

However, Dou's political career is also seen by some historians as a victim of power struggles. His vacillation between Princess Taiping and Li Longji has been interpreted as a typical case of the political elite trying to survive in the cracks. This kind of interpretation is more common in historical research since modern times, and has become an entry point for exploring the political ecology of ancient China.

The most "incorruptible" traitor in the Tang Dynasty harmed countless people in his life, but when he searched his house, he found that there were only a few stones of brown rice

Dou Congyi's family has also experienced ups and downs in its career changes. When he was in a high position, the Dou family was once prominent. However, with the loss of Dou Congyi's power, the family's influence also declined. This change in the fate of the family has been regarded by later scholars as a typical case of studying the rise and fall of ancient Chinese bureaucratic families.

In general, the historical evaluation of Dou Congyi presents complex and pluralistic characteristics. His political talents, literary achievements, and institutional contributions were recognized, but his political integrity and vacillation also drew criticism. The pluralism of this evaluation reflects the complexity of ancient China's political ecology and provides a unique perspective for future generations to study the history of the Tang Dynasty. Dou Congyi's experience and contributions are still an important topic of discussion in the field of historiography, and his influence will continue to play a role in the study of Chinese history.

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