
The biggest sorrow at work: the order is reversed



The biggest sorrow at work: the order is reversed

Author: Insight MK

The Polish writer Lemont said: "Everything in the world must be in place according to a certain order." ”

The same goes for work.

Many people are busy in the workplace every day, but they still don't make any achievements.

At the end of the day, it's all about getting the order wrong.

If you can't grasp the center of gravity of going to work, and blindly exert your strength in the wrong direction, the result can only be that the harder you work, the more sad you feel, and the more you struggle, the more powerless you become.

If you want to get twice the result with half the effort, you must not reverse the order of work.


  • Wrong order 1: Put personal emotions first, and solve problems second.

I saw an interesting joke on the Internet:

In the workplace, you will communicate, plus 10 points;

will cooperate, add 20 points;

If you have resources, add 50 points;

But if you can't control your emotions, sorry, deduct 100 points.

Many times, it's not a lack of ability that is holding you back, but emotional instability.

When people are excited, their blood and qi surge, and it is easy to mess things up.

Writer Li Xiaoyi once shared one of her experiences in the book:

At the age of 26, she worked as a deputy director of the advertising department at a company.

Once, she met a very important client who, if she signed a contract, could increase her performance by at least 50% that month.

In order to win this customer, Li Xiaoyi often revised the draft in the middle of the night and adjusted the details without sleep or food.

But the plan has been changed dozens of times, and the customer is not satisfied, and Li Xiaoyi is becoming more and more aggrieved.

During a phone call, the other party began to find fault with the plan again, pointing out that there were several things that needed to be corrected.

Thinking that he was working so hard, but the other party didn't care, Li Xiaoyi couldn't bear it anymore.

She shouted to her client on the phone:

"Your request is particularly unreasonable, and you are also very perverted, don't think that Party A is great, I won't serve!"

After saying that, she slammed the phone hard, thinking that it was too enjoyable

Soon, however, she paid the price for her impulsiveness.

The client told her peers about her anger as a joke, one to two, two to three, and within a few days, this matter caused a stir in the circle.

At this moment, not only Li Xiaoyi's personal reputation has deteriorated, but even affected the company's reputation.

The company's leaders also criticized her, and she fell directly into a career trough.

Writer Hovland said:

Of all the negative influences in the world, the one that can make people fail is often excessive emotions.

In the workplace, the most taboo thing is to work with emotions.

Follow the mood of the moment, be carried away by irrationality, and small problems will turn into big troubles, making it difficult for you to get out.

Mature people don't lose their temper easily.

Because they know that every emotion has a price to pay.

No matter where you work, put away your glass heart.

Be thick-skinned, relax your heart, don't listen to unpleasant words, and don't be bad when you encounter setbacks.

The one who can taste the sweetness of work is always the one who puts things first.

The biggest sorrow at work: the order is reversed


  • Wrong order 2: Keen on interpersonal interactions, ignoring personal improvement.

I watched a Spring Festival Gala sketch called "What You Like".

Ma Jingjing, the female section chief, is a sycophant, in order to expand her network, she racked her brains and worked the leader's hobby.

But her personal ability is a mess, and she either fishes or sleeps at work.

As a result, the inspection team discovered her inaction during her tenure and relieved her of her duties.

It was only then that she understood:

If a person does not have the strength, no matter how high the circle is and how many connections he has, he will not be able to help his career.

Ding Xiaohuai in "The Water of the Waves" is a good example.

He has no academic qualifications and no family background, but he has always wanted to climb into the relationship with the director.

So, he followed the old hall chief all day long, like a dog skin plaster, rushing to serve tea and pour water for him, busy before and after.

I thought that I had a good relationship with the director, and the next one to be promoted must be myself.

But until his retirement, the old director did not seek any tangible benefits for him.

And his colleague Chi Dawei never disdained to win connections, and after working for many years, he spent all his thoughts on himself.

Others go to work to drink tea and chat, he concentrates on reading business books, writing articles, and declaring national projects;

Others complained that his work was boring, so he took advantage of his spare time to study Japanese and get a doctorate.

Over the years, his abilities have become more prominent.

It didn't take long for his talent to be discovered by the old director, and he succeeded as the youngest leader in the hall in decades.

Bacon once said, "The nearest shortcut is usually the worst road." ”

The more opportunistic a person is, the easier it is to be self-defeating, and the more eager he is for quick success, the easier it is to embark on a crooked path.

In a world where strength is judged by strength, self-improvement is the king.

It's better to fight for connections than for yourself.

Abide by your duty, step by step, and raise your professional ability.

When you make a grade, promotions and salary increases are a natural thing.

The biggest sorrow at work: the order is reversed


  • Wrong order 3: focus on the immediate small profits and ignore the long-term development.

I once saw a question on the Internet:

"As someone who has come before, what advice do you have for young people who are just starting out in the workplace?"

One of them replied with high praise, saying:

Never just look at the money.

Because most of the wealth in life is earned after middle age.

More important than making money is the ability to keep yourself valuable.

In the final analysis, work depends on accumulation.

If you only stare at the one-third of an acre of land in front of you, all you want is to make quick money and take shortcuts, you are destined to be eliminated by the times.

Tiger Woods, a well-known golfer, was in junior high school and had a friend with whom he used to practice.

The two are on par with each other, but they have chosen different paths.

My friend couldn't stand the hard and boring training life, so he went to work as a sparring partner with a wealthy local man, and made $1,000 in less than two weeks.

Watching his friend make a fortune, Tiger was ready to move.

Under the red eye, he couldn't help but follow to do part-time work, and missed the school's training several times.

When Tiger's coach found out, he asked him a serious question:

"Do you want to be a professional athlete or a sparring partner for a wealthy family?"

A word wakes up the dreamer.

Tiger then realized that giving up practice in order to make more money in front of him was tantamount to self-destruction of his future.

So he made up his mind and decided to reject all temptations.

Since then, there has been one less high-paid sparring partner in the wealthy man's mansion and one more unpaid intern in the club.

Seven years later, Tiger became the world's No. 1 golfer with a record $7.6 million in prize money for a single event.

And his friend has long been reduced to an unknown passer-by.

Amy Rasnieski, a psychologist at Yale University in the United States, once divided the view of work into three types:

The first is to treat work as an errand and get a share of money for doing one thing.

Second, treat work as a profession, fulfill your duties, and care about your long-term development;

The third is to regard work as one's mission, love it from the bottom of one's bones, and strive to achieve higher value.

A person's outlook on work is the pattern of his life.

People who only see small profits can't do anything big.

Take a long-term view, deepen your professionalism, and precipitate your skills, so that you have the opportunity to break through mediocrity and complete the real transformation.

The biggest sorrow at work: the order is reversed


  • Wrong order four: hands and feet walk in front of the brain.

Nadal, the "Godfather of Silicon Valley Investment", said a thought-provoking point:

In the modern workplace, busyness is the norm.

It is no longer possible to surpass others by pure hard work, and only people who can think can stand out from the crowd.

At work, the most feared thing is that the brain is not moving, and the hands and feet go first.

Netizen @林澜 works as a workshop director in an electronics factory that produces watches.

In his early years, he was just a worker, assembling parts for watches, and he was busy from morning to night.

Because earnings are calculated on a piece-by-piece basis, many workers will voluntarily extend their working hours and delay leaving work until late at night in order to earn more money.

In the end, often the money is not much more, and people are tired and have problems.

But Lin Lan is different.

He knows that relying on manpower to work hard can only make hard-earned money, and he has to find ways to improve efficiency.

So, he began to study the architecture of the entire watch, the functions of various accessories.

He left work on time every day, and as soon as he returned to the dormitory, he sat in front of the computer and began to tinker, learning the assembly principle while learning how to use the computer to operate the automated production line.

Later, the factory introduced a large number of manipulators, and many people lost their jobs.

Because he had rich theoretical knowledge and could also operate computers, he was retained and successfully promoted to workshop director.

Thinking Mentor Ye Xiu said:

Ordinary people like weeds, it is simply difficult to get ahead. For us, there is only one ticket left for the competition in life, and that is the ability to think.

In this society with serious involution, it is impossible to go far with brute force.

Guarding a post and blindly working to the death will only break your body and mind.

The future, after all, is the era when brain power is king.

Only the ability to think deeply can become the confidence for us to leap forward.

Before doing the task, use your brain, stand on a high place, and look at the overall situation, so that you can grasp the key points and fundamentally complete the advancement of ability.

With the support of thinking, life will be very different.

In the book "Lifelong Growth", it is written: Pain + reflection = progress.

Work is destined to be hard.

But some people suffer from muddy nightmares and stagnant progress.

Some people suffer from gradually awakening and escalating to fight monsters.

As you can imagine, the former falls into mediocrity, and the latter excels in growth.

Therefore, when you realize that your work is bad, you must reflect in time and take the initiative to adjust.

Quit the fluke mentality and reject all useless work.

Learn to grasp the big and let go of the small, smooth out the work ideas, and do each small task to the extreme.

Like it, jump out of the cycle of ineffective efforts, when your strength is strong, the work will naturally go smoothly.