
In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

In the blink of an eye, June is over, July is coming, dog days are coming, heat waves are coming, many people are particularly prone to heat stroke and fire, resistance is particularly low, the body is very weak, and the appetite is getting worse and worse. Many people only know that spring tonics, summer is a good time to tonic, you can eat less delicacies and seafood, drink more delicious soups, such as this mushroom tangerine peel duck soup, fresh duck meat and several ingredients in a pot, the soup is delicious, more conducive to the digestion of nutrients, strengthen the body, and have many benefits. In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

【The specific method of duck soup with mushroom tangerine peel】

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Prepare some ingredients: buy 50 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms (shiitake mushrooms are fungi that can be eaten all year round, known as the "king of mushrooms", divided into fresh shiitake mushrooms and dried shiitake mushrooms, dried shiitake mushrooms retain the nutrition of shiitake mushrooms, which is more conducive to the storage of ingredients, is the first choice for making soup, with chicken and duck is a perfect match), about 10 grams of tangerine peel (tangerine peel is also called orange peel, is a Chinese herbal medicine that regulates qi and strengthens the spleen, usually used to soak in water or make soup, so that the therapeutic value of the soup is doubled), half a piece of ginger, a few shallots, a little cold water and warm water, Buy a fresh duck (duck is also called wild duck, is a free-range duck, used to make soup with live duck, duck meat will be very tender, soup is very good), a little cooking wine, a loss of pepper, some salt, others.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days
In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Detailed production process:

Step 1: Buy duck, tangerine peel and shiitake mushrooms and other ingredients in advance, peel and wash the ginger, cut it into slices of the same thickness, remove the shallots, wash and tie into onion knots for later use.

Step 2: Remove the roots of the dried shiitake mushrooms, put them in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of warm boiled water, soak for half an hour, rinse off the sediment and dirt on the surface, wash and control the moisture on the surface.

Step 3: Slaughter the old duck you bought back (you can also put it to the vendor to dispose of, it is very complicated to remove the duck feathers yourself), and then roast it over a fire for a while to clean it up.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Step 4: Chop the duck meat into small pieces in advance, soak the blood water in cold water, pour the duck meat into the soup pot, add an appropriate amount of cold water, add green onions, ginger and cooking wine, simmer the duck meat for a few minutes, remove the fishy smell, and rinse the foam.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Step 5: Heat the bottom of the pot in advance, add a little cooking oil, pour in the blanched duck meat, stir-fry quickly with a spatula until it changes color, and add a spoonful of cooking wine to remove the smell.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Step 6: Add green onion and ginger shreds, add some dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, then add shiitake mushrooms and tangerine peel, add an appropriate amount of boiling water and bring to a boil, let the soup boil until it changes color.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days
In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Step 7: Simmer for about 70 minutes, let the duck stew until soft, you can also add vermicelli, add pepper, chicken essence and salt, let the soup cook until it tastes, turn off the heat and serve, this mushroom and tangerine peel duck soup is ready.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Shiitake mushroom tangerine peel duck soup is a particularly delicious soup, fresh duck meat, with tangerine peel and mushroom in a pot, the soup is huge and delicious, nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting the digestion of nutrients, but also to enhance resistance, early food and early benefit.

In July, if you have money or not, you usually have to drink more of this soup, which is nutritious and easy to digest, and welcomes the dog days

Duck meat is a common ingredient in life, braised is not as good as soup, with shiitake mushrooms is a perfect match, nutritious and delicious. Netizens, have you mastered the specific recipe of this duck soup with mushroom and tangerine peel? (All the pictures in this article are from the Internet)

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