
3 homicides look at the "principle of concession for the happy": my life is precious, I will retreat first

author:Lawyer Zhou Zhaocheng

On December 12, 2012, Li Li, a black car driver in Beijing's Daxing District, pulled a young man with a Henan accent.

The young man was dressed as a migrant worker, and after getting in the car, he said "Xinggezhuang".

Li Li offered a fare of 30 yuan, and the other party wanted to reduce it to 25 yuan, but after Li Li refused, the other party reluctantly agreed.

The two didn't say anything all the way, and just when the young man was about to fall asleep, Li Li stopped and said, "It's here."

The young man took a closer look, and the place he went to was "Cigezhuang", and asked Li Li to send it to the designated place.

Li Li thinks that the young man is not articulate and only drives the wrong way, so he should pay the fare.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and then the young man gave in and handed Li Li 50 yuan, but Li Li only recovered 15 yuan, and charged 5 yuan more on the basis of 30 yuan, on the grounds that the two sides had made a detour during the dispute, and the oil money should also be borne by the young man.

What Li Li didn't know was that the 50 yuan was the young man's last savings.

After graduating from high school at the age of 19, he came to Beijing to work, but because he had no money to return home, he robbed a lady's backpack and was later sentenced to 11 years in prison for robbery. He was released early after serving seven years in prison for his good behavior, and worked as a construction worker in Beijing, during which he met a girl with severe allergies and devoted everything he could to seeing a doctor for him, who conceived him and gave birth to a boy, and the only source of income for the family of three was this young man. The young man went out this time because he couldn't make ends meet, and he wanted to borrow money from his brother's family to buy milk powder for his children.

After getting out of the car, he went straight to the driver's seat, dragged Li Li from the car to the surrounding wilderness, smashed Li Li to a coma with his fists and mobile phone, and then took off Li Li's clothes, tied the person to a telephone pole, bought a military coat to cover it, and then drove away.

That night, the north wind howled in Beijing, the first snow of the year fell, and Li Li was frozen to death. Just then, she and her husband had just paid off the house loan, and her daughter was about to take the college entrance examination, so she sent her daughter with excellent grades to a private middle school, insisting on asking for an extra 5 yuan, probably to better provide for her daughter's education.

It's a pity that all this she cared for stopped forever on that snowy winter night.

3 homicides look at the "principle of concession for the happy": my life is precious, I will retreat first

At 9 p.m. on April 29, 2017, the actor of the well-known online program "Chen Xiang at Half Past Six" came out of the emergency department of a hospital in Kunming with his boyfriend.

The young couple had just finished taking wedding photos in Thailand the day before, received blessings from many netizens, and are now in full swing preparing for the wedding.

They came to the hospital to visit their grandmother, who had a sick leg, and to report the good news to her grandmother by the way.

Not surprisingly, the two will take a taxi home after leaving the hospital and continue their stable and happy lives.

However, as soon as they left the door of the emergency building, the two were suddenly hit by a rampaging drunk, and the other party was still swearing.

The leg-legged boyfriend also asked, and the two sides had a quarrel, and the more noisy it became, the more intense it became.

The legs and legs wanted to calm down, so they stepped forward to persuade the fight, who knows, the drunk may have seen that the girl was a bully, so he pulled out a knife from behind and stabbed the legs directly.

The legs and legs of the heart and spleen were covered in blood, and he died on the spot before he could be sent to the nearby emergency room for rescue.

All the good expectations for the future came to an abrupt end in just a few minutes.

3 homicides look at the "principle of concession for the happy": my life is precious, I will retreat first

On June 9, 2024, Lin Wei, a 27-year-old girl from Chengdu, heard something strange outside the door at home, and looked out through the cat's eye to see a strange woman standing at the door of her house.

The woman looked to be in her thirties, with long hair and a satchel on her back, coughing from time to time, scraping a mouthful of phlegm from deep in her throat before casually spitting onto the surrounding ground.

Lin Wei felt strange and complained to her mother, mentioning that she had met her outside before, and she kept spitting outside at night, which was very disgusting.

At the suggestion of her mother, Lin Wei called the property, hoping that the other party would send a security guard to come and invite the woman away.

After a while, the property sent a security guard in his sixties, Lin Wei was a lot more relieved, so she opened the door and reasoned with the woman, asking why the other party was spitting at the door of her house, and the two sides quarreled about it, which gradually turned into pushing.

Who knows, the other party suddenly took out a fruit knife from his satchel and stabbed Lin Wei violently, among them, a fatal wound on the neck caused Lin Wei to die of serious injuries.

After investigation, the spitting woman's surname was Liang, 35 years old, who also lived in this community, and because she didn't want to live with her parents, she went to the neighbor's house in the community and knocked on the door, wanting to ask whose house was rented.

The deceased Lin Wei, who was lively and cheerful since childhood, had excellent grades, was escorted to Beijing Foreign University after graduating from high school, and went to Japan to study at public expense in her junior year, and worked in a Japanese company in Beijing after graduation, and engaged in new media work after returning to Chengdu.

Her beautiful life has just begun, and she is still actively exploring the possibilities of life, but because of a small dispute, it all is buried.

3 homicides look at the "principle of concession for the happy": my life is precious, I will retreat first

There's a classic game theory problem like this: there are two sheep that meet on a single-plank bridge, and there is an abyss below. If you don't give in to each other, when your physical strength is exhausted, both sheep will fall down and die, but if you want to let it, who should let it?

Many people may not be able to judge, so let's add another background information: a sheep, there is a rich pasture at home, and there are lambs waiting for him; And the other sheep, alone, with no relatives and terminal illness, will soon die as a sheep - at this time, who do you think should let go?

The answer is self-explanatory – it's called the "happy give way" principle.

As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

In those seemingly minor disputes, you can't tell if the other party has nothing and has been cornered by life, and your normal theory may become the last straw that breaks the strings of the other party's reason.

You think you're fighting for a trivial matter, but the other party wants to fight for your life.

One of the widely circulated comments went like this:

"At the moment I was being frantically abused by a delivery man, who attacked me with all the swear words he knew in his life, and I didn't fight against him, just bowed my head and accepted the storm with humility. I am 35 years old this year, I have a house and a car in Shenzhen, and I have a beautiful and virtuous wife and a well-behaved and lovely daughter, and he, who has nothing, knows the house number of my house. ”

When looking at some social disputes, I also have a very clear feeling, that is, some people really do not understand the principles and rules of the civilized world.

Just like an ant living in a two-dimensional plane who can't understand things in the three-dimensional world, if you spend your life trying to explain the concept of "space" to him, the other party can't understand it, because he has never seen it, and there is no such thing in his world. So why would you argue with such people?

If you win, what can you win? But if you lose, you may have nothing.

Therefore, those smart people around me can only have "disputes" when facing people of the same level and class, and this kind of dispute is meaningful; In the face of people who live in hardship and hardship, in the face of the anger and ruthlessness in their eyes, they often choose to bow their heads and admit cowardice and take a step back.

I don't think it's because they think they're wrong, it's because they feel that their lives are invaluable and that they have to protect it for the sake of all those who love them, so — my life is precious, and I'm going to take a step back.

3 homicides look at the "principle of concession for the happy": my life is precious, I will retreat first