
Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

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For school-going children, composition is an assignment that they must do seriously, but it can often be a source of distress for children. Because the vast majority of children do not have complete writing ideas, they are often at a loss in the process of writing essays, often without specific ideas, and often present a blank state of brain.

Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

But in fact, all tasks can be achieved through imitation and learning, and composition is no exception, and composition is indeed trained by reading and writing more, which requires children to put more effort into this area.

Xu Lu, a writer, poet and essayist of children's literature, has many of his articles selected for primary and secondary school textbooks. From a certain point of view, this also indicates that his articles have been recognized, and they are very suitable for children in primary and secondary schools to read and imitate.

Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

Now Xu Lu has shared his own articles suitable for children to read with this book "The Melon Lantern of Childhood: Writers in Textbooks Teach Children to Read Prose and Writing Essays", and he uses his own writing experience to guide the children and let them know the writing skills of these articles.

This book can be said to not only provide us with models, but also provide us with the experience of completing these templates, and it is a proper hand-in-hand teaching children to write. And how can this not be called a gospel for our children?

Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

This collection of essays is divided into four parts, namely nature, childhood, mountain country and stars, which are actually the people, scenes, and things that we are accustomed to knowing.

What about these articles? Let's just excerpt a paragraph to feel the charm of the author's words! "In late autumn, the camphor trees are full of ripe, purple-black berries. These round fruits became a delicacy for black-collared starlings, mercerized starlings, magpie robins, blackbirds, turtledoves and starlings. In autumn and winter, the camphor trees become a paradise for birds. ”

Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

At first glance, such a text can only be written by the author after careful observation. For all scenery writing articles, observation is the first step, so the author has also given us corresponding guidance here, and there is also a guide article on "How to Describe Spring", which teaches children the skills of observation and teaches children to discover the beauty of nature from the details.

Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

The same is true for characters, for example, the prose "Xiao Yong's Sea" is actually writing about children by the sea, which depicts the image of Xiao Yong living by the sea. The article is full of dialogue, and it has a sense of being able to bring us into the scene. Learning from such an article is that the description of the characters actually needs to grasp the core and be able to write the most attractive side of a person.

Read the articles of great writers to learn about these essay writing skills and improve your child's writing skills

What about the other articles? What about other writing skills? There are many more in this book, so let's bring this book to children, so that children can better understand the article in such a beautiful prose reading, and write excellent articles under the author's writing guidance. #童书##作文##写作#

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