
2024 No. 9 "Qiushi" magazine guide

author:Seeking truth

2024 No. 9 "Qiushi" magazine guide

Qiushi Journal Issue Preview: No. 9, 2024


Qiu Wen

  Issue 9 of 2024 published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of trade unions in the coming period.

  An article by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of trade unions in the coming period was published in this year’s ninth issue of Qiushi Journal.

  The article stresses that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the working class on the mainland has played a major role in the development of the cause of the Party and the country, the cause of the labor movement has made historic achievements, and the work of trade unions has made all-round progress.

  According to the article, since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Chinese working class, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, has played a major role in advancing the cause of the Party and the country. Historic achievements have been made in the workers’ movement, and all-around progress has been achieved in trade union work.

  With regard to trade union work in the coming period, the article stresses: First, uphold the party's overall leadership over trade unions. The cause of the labor movement on the mainland has developed under the leadership of the party, and the trade unions are mass organizations of the working class under the leadership of the party. We must uphold the party's overall leadership over trade unions, and we must not waver or deviate from it at any time or under any circumstances. To uphold the party's leadership, it is necessary to comprehensively and effectively implement it in the entire process and in all aspects of trade union work.

  On the work of trade unions in the coming period, the article, first of all, stresses the importance of adhering to the overall leadership of the Party over trade unions. The cause of the workers’ movement has developed under the leadership of the Party, and trade unions are working-class organizations led by the Party. Upholding the Party’s overall leadership is a principle that trade unions must not waver or deviate from at any time or under any circumstances. It must be implemented comprehensively and effectively throughout the entire process and in all aspects of trade union work.

  Second, organize and mobilize hundreds of millions of workers to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era. There are thousands of points in the work of trade unions, and the most fundamental one is to unite the broad masses of workers and workers closely around the party and unite and struggle for the realization of the party's central tasks.

  Second, efforts must be made to encourage workers to forge ahead on the new journey and make contributions in the new era. Among the many tasks of trade unions, the most fundamental one is to rally our workers closely around the Party to accomplish its central task.

  Third, do a good job of rights protection services with heart and affection. To make more obvious and substantive progress in promoting common prosperity for all the people, it must first be reflected in the hundreds of millions of workers. Efforts should be made to solve practical problems that have a bearing on the vital interests of the masses of workers, and special attention should be paid to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers in the new form of employment.

  Third, trade unions should pour care and passion into serving and supporting the workers. To make more notable and substantive progress in bringing prosperity to all, they should first of all work to bring prosperity to the hundreds of millions of workers. They should work hard to solve practical problems that affect the vital interests of workers, safeguarding the legal rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment in particular.

  The article stresses that it is necessary to continue to deepen the reform and building of trade unions. Party committees (leading party groups) at all levels should strengthen their leadership over trade unions and their work. Governments at all levels should actively help trade unions resolve the practical difficulties and problems of the masses of workers.

  The article says, it is important to continue to deepen the reform and development of trade unions. Party committees (Party leadership groups) at all levels should strengthen the leadership over trade unions and their work. Governments at all levels should help trade unions solve practical difficulties and problems faced by workers.

  In this issue, we have distributed articles from the editorial department that study the important articles of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

  Readers will also find in this issue an editorial piece inspired by Xi’s vision.

  The article of the Party Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions of the Communist Party of China explains how to promote the high-quality development of trade union work in the new era and new journey.

  The CPC Leadership Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions elaborates on promoting high-quality development of trade union work on the new journey in the new era.

  The Xinhua News Agency reporter's article vividly tells the story of workers from all walks of life forging ahead.

  A reporter with Xinhua News Agency vividly recounts the inspiring stories of workers from various industries.

  Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, explained that serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and serving the rule of law should be used to support and serve Chinese-style modernization with the modernization of procuratorial work.

  An article by Ying Yong, Procurator-General and Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, explains the procuratorate’s commitment to serving the overall situation, administering justice for the people, and upholding the rule of law, and its goal to support and serve the Chinese modernization.

  The article of the commentator of "Qiushi" magazine explains the promotion of party discipline learning and education to be deeper and more practical and achieve practical results.

  The Qiushi commentary elucidates how to achieve practical results in the education campaign on Party discipline.

  Wang Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, explained the article on solidly promoting the construction of a social security system with Chinese characteristics.

  The article by Wang Xiaoping, Minister and Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, introduces the Ministry’s steady steps in developing a social security system with Chinese characteristics.

  The article of the Party Group of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist Party of China explains the continuous consolidation of the upward trend of the national economy from three aspects: macro indicators, development quality, and development prospects.

  The CPC Leadership Group of the National Bureau of Statistics offers signs of the ongoing recovery and improvement of the economy from three perspectives, namely, macroeconomic indicators, development quality, and development prospects.

  An article by the Xiamen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in Fujian Province introduces the Xiamen practice of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization.

  The article by the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee in Fujian Province introduces the practice of Xiamen under the guidance of Xi Jinping thought on ecological conservation.

  Zhang Laiming, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, explained the focus on promoting high-quality development and accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

  The article by Zhang Laiming, Deputy Director and a member of the CPC Leadership Group of the Development Research Center of the State Council, explains the efforts to promote high-quality development and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces.

  The article of the Propaganda Department of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China studies and implements Xi Jinping's cultural thought and expounds Tianjin's good work in promoting cultural inheritance and development.

  An article by the Publicity Department of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, with a focus on studying and implementing Xi Jinping thought on culture, elaborates on Tianjin’s ongoing efforts and achievements in promoting cultural inheritance and development.

  Lin Shangli, president of the Chinese National University, explained the promotion of Chinese-style modernization through the development of people's democracy in the whole process.

  Lin Shangli, President of Renmin University of China, explains how to promote Chinese modernization by developing whole-process people’s democracy.

  An article by Chen Jin, former member of the Academy of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, tells about Comrade Mao Zedong's study life.

  Chen Jin, a former member of the executive council of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, introduces to readers how Mao Zedong set an exemplary example in reading.

  The National Bureau of Statistics released a statistical chart of economic and social development: the main indicators of the national economy from January to March 2024.

  This issue closes with a diagram released by the National Bureau of Statistics which shows major indicators of China’s national economy from January to March in 2024.

  Translation: Yi Xiaowei

  Chinese Editor: Hao Yao Shangye

  English Editor-in-charge: Yi Xiaowei

  English Reviewer: Zhang Xian, Li Xiaoqiong

  Producer: Yu Bo, Li Zhentong

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