
CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

author:Enshi release

"The mountain song sung by Grandma and Abba floated along the boat to the river, no matter how far away I went, my home was in my heart, and the bright moon of my hometown shone on me."

CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

Tonight at 20:00

Gong Linna, a Chinese singer and founder of New Art Music

will be with

Hubei Provincial National Song and Dance Troupe "Tujia Rare Brother" group

Cultural programs on the main station of the Central Radio

Poetry and Painting in China Season 2

Co-performed the song "A Weir in Front of the Door"


CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

Broadcast information

CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

June 29 20:00 file

CCTV integrated channel CCTV-1


Simultaneous broadcast


CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

She is a female singer and founder of Chinese new art music, and graduated from the Department of Ethnic Vocal Music of China Conservatory of Music. In 2000, he won the silver medal of the 9th CCTV Young Singer TV Grand Prix in the professional group of national singing. In 2010, Gong Linna amazed the four with a song "Worried", and then "Fahai, You Don't Know Love" and "Golden Hoop Stick" came into being, and "Free Bird", "Silent Night Thoughts" and "Little River Flowing Water" let people see her ancient meaning, nationality and self. Gong Linna's singing voice blends traditional and contemporary styles, which is gripping and infectious. Whether it's a passionate high note, a low mourning, a murmur, a twist and turn, or a girlish expression, her interpretation is wonderful.

A Weir in Front of the Door

It is adapted from the "Tujia Rare Brother" group based on the Enshi folk tune "A Weir in Front of the Door", which tells the strong nostalgia of the children of Tumiao, and the song is moving, tactful and melodious.

The "Tujia Rare Brother" group has performed this song many times on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", which has touched countless audiences. The unique high tone of the Tujia family shows the national tension, and the tactfulness of the big opening and closing conveys the indescribable nostalgia, and the aftermath is lingering, simple and melodious, which makes people intoxicated.

CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage
CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

Poetry and Painting in China Season 2

"Poetry and Painting in China Season 2" is a cultural program jointly launched by China Media Group, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, the Palace Museum, Beijing Normal University, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the National Art Museum of China.

This season's program takes the cultural context of the motherland as a clue, uses poetry and painting as the carrier, explores the development trajectory and spiritual context of Chinese culture with modern literary and artistic expressions, and makes classic paintings "come alive" again through new technologies, new interpretations, and new expressions. The program integrates new technologies such as 3D mapping projection technology, AR immersive stage, and CG digital image technology, calling on the whole people to participate in the co-creation of poetry and painting. The program combines the spirit of Chinese aesthetics with the aesthetic pursuit of the 21st century, and writes a brilliant chapter of Chinese culture in the new era through poetry and painting business cards with a new era perspective.

"Poetry and Painting China" includes: "Poetry and Painting China Season 1" and "Poetry and Painting China Season 2", the second season is themed "Rivers and Eternal Flows".

CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage
CCTV will broadcast tonight! Brother Tujia and singer Gong Linna sang on the same stage

Poetry and painting inheritance moistens all directions

CCTV-1 is on file at eight o'clock tonight

Tujia is a rare brother

We invite you to join us in the painting

Travel through the millennium and feel the scenery of the river

Explore the beauty of poetry and painting

Stay tuned!

Source: Hubei Provincial National Song and Dance Troupe

Edited by Hu Chengcheng |

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