
My sister recruited a son-in-law, and my mother said that she would rely on her to support the elderly, and gave her my 100,000 bride price as a dowry

author:I'm a March Fish


My name is Zhou Yan, I am 31 years old, and I have a younger sister who is 30 years old.

My sister and I have been in love for about the same time, but my sister is looking for a boyfriend, and my mother is very opposed.

The reason is that the conditions in the other party's house are too poor, and the conditions in my boyfriend's house are not bad.

My mother asked my sister to find a new one according to my boyfriend's conditions, but my sister didn't agree.

She said that although the other party's family conditions are poor, she has a good character and is also very filial.

In order to break them up, my mother asked the man to join them, and she agreed to their marriage.

Unexpectedly, my sister's boyfriend was really willing to join my family. Because his family's conditions are too poor, he can't afford the bride price. The man's parents said that as long as he could marry a daughter-in-law, it didn't matter if he was married.

My mother saw that the other party was not only good to my sister, but also very considerate to her, so she agreed to their marriage.

Since my mother decided to let my sister recruit a son-in-law, she said that she would rely on my sister to support her in the future. She also put all her thoughts on my sister.

My sister recruited a son-in-law, and my mother said that she would rely on her to support the elderly, and gave her my 100,000 bride price as a dowry


My sister and I discussed a wedding together, and my mother asked for a split ceremony so that she could receive an extra gift.

Listening to my mother say this, I had to get married first, and my sister postponed it for half a year.

I also have a good relationship with my boyfriend, and his parents approve of me very much. But when my mother got married, she suddenly raised the bride price.

The bride price of 60,006 was originally promised, but my mother suddenly asked for 100,000. We have the highest bride price there, which is not more than 80,000 yuan.

Moreover, our local custom is that the woman's parents have to add half of the dowry, so that the daughter can take it to the man's house.

My boyfriend simply offered a bride price of 100,000 yuan.

As a result, my mother didn't give me a penny for the dowry, and she deducted all the bride price.

She said that she had raised me for so many years, and I got married without making much money for my family, and this money should be used to repay her parenting.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that half a year later, my sister got married, and the dowry furniture and appliances were complete, and I couldn't fit a few cars.

My mother said that the man my sister chose was in worse condition than me, and he was not in a position to buy it.

And people are in the redundancy, so they have to put on a show, and they can't let outsiders underestimate their brother-in-law.

Although I feel uncomfortable, I think about it.

I'm going to seal a big red envelope for my sister and support her for the scene. But I saw my sister putting things away, and she had a bank card in her hand, which was very familiar.

I took a closer look, and that card was the same card that my husband gave me for the bride price when I got married.

I asked my sister, how could this card be with her?

My sister was not wary of me, she told me that my mother had secretly stuffed it for her, and told her not to tell me. This is my bride price, and I say that it is for them to settle down after marriage.

It turned out that my mother withheld my bride price money to supplement my sister.

After my sister's wedding, I asked my mother why she didn't give me the bride price.

My mother scolded me directly, saying that she was my mother, and she didn't need to report to me about things, and I was not qualified to ask.

She raised me so much that she spent more than ten times as much as the bride price. also said that I was too cautious, and 100,000 yuan was a matter of pounds.

She has raised me for so many years, and she hasn't settled accounts with me, but I came to her to settle accounts, which is simply unfilial.

In the end, she also asked me to go back to my parents' house less to anger her in the future!


Although I had an unpleasant quarrel with my mother because of the bride price, she was my own mother after all. After a while, I was angry and self-extricated.

I also bought a scooter just to go back to my parents' house and see my mother more.

Every time I go back, I buy a lot of things in a big bag, and I will give my mother 500 yuan when I leave.

Once I gave my mother money as usual, but she didn't ask for it, saying that I was like a flower child, and she didn't miss me three or five hundred.

That's too, since my sister got married, my mom has set up a farm.

I heard my husband say that my mother's farm has an annual income of at least two or three hundred thousand, no wonder I don't look down on my small money.

My husband also joked that when we bought a house, we could ask my mother for money and let her make up the original dowry.

I only smiled and didn't speak, thinking that I had saved enough money to buy a house, and I didn't need to open my mouth to her.

But the accident came suddenly, and that day my mother-in-law was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. In order to treat her, we spent a third of the money we saved.

At this time, my mother bought a house for my sister in full and spent 800,000 yuan, and my heart was empty.

My child is about to go to kindergarten, and there is a school district room, so it is more convenient for my child to go to school.

I originally wanted to be hard again, but I still compromised.

I bought my mother's favorite fruit and went back to see her, and wanted to ask her for my bride price. Knowing my intention, my mother said directly: "If you want money, you have to die." I just bought a house for your sister, and I still owe money in my hand, so don't always think about me.

You are the daughter of a married woman, and it has nothing to do with me what you spill the water. ”

I endured the grievances in my heart and told my mom about the current situation, but my mom was indifferent.

I have to say that we have paid a deposit for our house, and now there is a difference of tens of thousands of yuan, and if we don't pay it all, the final deposit will be lost.

My mother reluctantly said: "Then you have to make an IOU, I only have 50,000 yuan in my hand, I will give you 40,000 yuan, and I will keep 10,000 yuan for farm expenses." ”

I had no choice but to type an IOU.

The house was bought, the matter of the children going to school was solved, and the stone in my heart fell to the ground. Just thinking about my mother's approach, my heart is still very cold.

My sister recruited a son-in-law, and my mother said that she would rely on her to support the elderly, and gave her my 100,000 bride price as a dowry


On the day of moving to a new house, my aunt told me that when my sister moved to a new house, my mother wrapped 10,000 red envelopes and asked my mother how much she had wrapped for me.

When my sister moved to a new house, wasn't it time for me to borrow money? It turned out that the 10,000 left by my mother was not for her own use, but for my sister.

Don't talk about giving me a red envelope, I moved to a new house, but no one came, and told me in advance that she paid 40,000 yuan for this house, and the red envelope would be free.

I smiled at my aunt and didn't speak, let her eat melon seeds, and went to take care of other relatives and friends.

To say that I am not sad at all is false, but even more sad is yet to come.

Less than half a year after I bought a house, my mother asked me to pay me back. At the beginning, I clearly said that I would return it to her in a year.

Now I have to pay off the mortgage, and my mother-in-law also needs money for follow-up chemotherapy, and we are just short of money, where can I give her money all at once?

My mother said that the money was hers, and she asked for it to be repaid when she wanted, and asked me to pay it back quickly.

It turned out that my sister had a crush on a gold bracelet, and my mother said that she would pay for it in order to make her happy.

Her farm also has a lot of income a month, and I don't believe my mother has no money in her hands, but she just used this excuse to get the money back.

I asked my mother, why did she embarrass me when I was at my hardest, when she didn't lack these tens of thousands of yuan?

My mother yelled at me angrily: "What do you mean to embarrass you, you are already married, I will lend you the money, and it is only right for you to repay the money."

Besides, even if I still have money in my hand, it will be reserved for your sister. I'm old and I have to rely on your sisters.

Don't even think about my money, hurry up and return the 40,000 yuan to me, I'm still waiting for the money to buy a gold bracelet for your sister. ”

My sister recruited a son-in-law, and my mother said that she would rely on her to support the elderly, and gave her my 100,000 bride price as a dowry


Listening to my mother's urging, my heart also fell to the bottom.

I still want to support my mother with my sister so that my mother can have a comfortable life in her old age.

Since she doesn't count on me in the future, why am I still rushing to make a mistake?

My husband and I had to borrow money from a friend and return my mother's 40,000 yuan to her.

My mother is anxious for me to pay back the money to please my sister, so I will fulfill her.

After that, I won't have a mother's home. The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. It's better to spend all my thoughts on my little home.