
Good news: → will open soon

author:Voice of Jilin
Good news: → will open soon

Announcement on the opening of the West Scenic Area and the South Scenic Area of Changbai Mountain

Dear Tourist Friends!

Thank you for your interest in Changbai Mountain! In the cool summer, the mountain flowers are splendid, and the infrastructure and highway maintenance construction of the Changbai Mountain West Scenic Area and the South Scenic Area are nearing completion, and will be opened to the majority of tourists with a new look.

The gentle and beautiful West Scenic Area will open on July 5, you can visit Tianchi, Iris Garden (seasonal), Jinjiang Grand Canyon, Alpine Garden (seasonal), Wangchi (seasonal) attractions, a total of 3,000 tickets, the check-in time is 7:30-12:30.

The majestic South Scenic Area will open on July 10, you can visit Tianchi, Yuehua Twin Waterfalls, Yalu River Grand Canyon scenic spots, the total number of tickets is 2,000, and the ticket check-in time is 8:00-13:30.


1. Changbai Mountain Scenic Area will strictly implement real-name, time-sharing and segmentation, and make an appointment to enter the area, and tourists who have not arrived at the check-in time need to wait for the pre-inspection, please arrange your time to enter the area reasonably. Online and offline are synchronous inventory, if there are no tickets online, there are no tickets for sale on site, do not blindly go to the site to buy;

2. The temperature in Changbai Mountain is still low, please pay attention to the meteorological information in advance and pay attention to cold protection and warmth.

All the staff of Changbai Mountain Scenic Area will welcome you to visit Changbai Mountain with a warm spirit and high-quality service.

Good news: → will open soon

Article source: Reprinted from Changbai Mountain WeChat, Changchun Evening News WeChat public account

Image source: Reprinted from Changbai Mountain WeChat

Editor: Zi Xin

Review: Hao Zili

Producer: Zhao Min, Zhong Xiao

Good news: → will open soon

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