
【Reminder】Safety production has an internal "Han"

author:Voice of Jilin
【Reminder】Safety production has an internal "Han"

Last fall, when the first fallen leaves fell on the construction site of the Fuyuan Sanjiang Natural Ecological View Project, Han Shanglin knew that his journey of safety protection was about to begin. As a new generation of young engineers of CCCC, he shoulders the important task of escorting this ecological treasure land, and is full of sincerity and cannot afford to lose.

At the beginning of construction, the excavation of the foundation pit was in full swing. Xiao Han arrives at the scene early and leaves the latest every day. He always kept in mind that this process was the cornerstone of the entire project at the project summary meeting, and that if there was a safety problem, the consequences would be unimaginable. Therefore, he strictly supervises every operation process and does not let go of any possible hidden dangers. "Brother Han's geological conditions here are a bit complicated, and special attention needs to be paid when excavating." Zhang Xuanyu, a newly registered construction worker of the Fuyuan Project Department of the Third Company of CCCC First Harbor Bureau, ran to his side and gasped and said. "Yes, we must be fully prepared and not careless. Before construction, it is necessary to do a good job of disclosure, require the construction team to carry out a pre-shift meeting before the operation, arrange work tasks, analyze potential safety hazards, and ensure that each worker is clear about safety risks and countermeasures. Han Shanglin's tone was firm and decisive.

As the season deepens, the winter of Fuyuan arrives as scheduled. As the easternmost city in China, winters here are exceptionally cold. Han Shanglin knows that cold environments are more likely to cause safety accidents. Therefore, he reported to the project department in advance and equipped the workers with sufficient warm supplies and heating equipment. "Han Gong, on such a cold day, you also need to wear more clothes." Worker Lao Zhang said with concern. "Thank you, and you guys should also keep warm. Are you wearing non-slip shoes and gloves? In cold weather, we must protect ourselves. Han Shanglin said while checking the potential safety hazards in the main body insulation construction.

In the new year, the spring is getting warmer, and the project has entered the decoration stage. But Han Shanglin did not let his guard down because of this. He knows that the closer he gets to completion, the more he can't take it lightly. Wear and ...... of work at height, temporary electricity, tower crane safety, fire safety, and labor protection equipment He personally inspected every detail, and he supervised the whole process of scaffolding removal to ensure that nothing went wrong. "Han Gong, the scaffolding has been inspected, everything is normal, the pre-shift meeting has been carried out, and the demolition operation can be carried out." The shelf squad leader reported to him. "Very good, I'll check again, you have to be present during the demolition, do a good job of supervision, and there can be no laxity." Han Shanglin admonished. Under his strict requirements, the safety management of the entire project has been effectively implemented. Workers have also gradually formed good safety awareness and habits, and everyone can consciously abide by safety regulations, supervise and help each other.

"Safety is no trivial matter, responsibility is greater than the sky, the earlier you start, the sooner you can find the problem." These are the words that Han Shanglin most often wears on his lips, and the inspection table in his hand is outlined with various marks. He carefully checked the stability of the scaffolding, the arrangement of wires and cables, and the operation status of various construction machinery. He sometimes squatted down to check whether the bolts of the tower crane foundation were firm, and sometimes looked up to observe the safety of the working surface at height.

A new worker who had just joined the project couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart when he looked at Han Shanglin's serious work. He stepped forward and asked curiously, "Han Gong, why do you check so seriously every day?"

Han Shanglin stopped what he was doing, looked at the new worker seriously, and said: "Safety is the lifeline of the project, and it is related to the life safety of every worker. As a safety officer, I want to make sure that every link meets safety standards, so that everyone can work with peace of mind.

The new worker listened and nodded with deep feeling. He looked at Han Shanglin's focused and determined eyes, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knew that with such a responsible safety officer, they would be more at ease and at ease working on the construction site.

In the construction of the Sanjiang Natural Ecological Museum project in Fuyuan City, Han Shanglin, a safety officer, has always played the role of a "little blue hat" for safety. He is not only the executor of safety management, but also the promoter and practitioner of safety culture. Let security not only depend on Xiao Han, everyone strives to be an internal "Han".

【Reminder】Safety production has an internal "Han"

Article source: Reprinted by CCCC First Harbor Bureau Third Engineering Co., Ltd

Editors: Liang Tianyu, Zixin

Review: Hao Zili

Producer: Zhao Min, Zhong Xiao

【Reminder】Safety production has an internal "Han"

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