
I understand the reason, why can't I manage my children well?

author:vimfun Weifan Psychology

Educating children is a challenging task, and even if we understand some of the truth, we may still encounter difficulties when it comes to practical application.

I understand the reason, why can't I manage my children well?

1. Individual differences: Every child is unique and has their own personality, needs, and learning style. The same approach may work for one child, but it may not work for another. It is important to understand your child's personality and adapt your educational approach to their needs.

2. Emotions and stress: As parents, we also have our own emotions and stresses, which can affect the way we interact with our children and educate them. When we feel tired, anxious, or depressed, it may be more difficult to stay calm and sane, which can affect the management of our children.

3. Lack of consistency: Children need consistency and clear rules and boundaries. If parents are inconsistent in their approach to education, or if the rules change frequently, the child may be confused and not know how to behave.

4. Environmental factors: A child's behavior is also influenced by the surrounding environment, including family atmosphere, school, social media, etc. If a child is in an environment that is not conducive to their growth and development, parents may experience difficulties even if they do their best to educate them.

5. Lack of support and resources: Sometimes, parents may feel a lack of support and resources to educate their children effectively. This may include a lack of time, financial resources, or professional educational advice.

6. Self-growth and learning: Educating children is also a process of continuous learning and growth. We may need to constantly upgrade our educational skills and knowledge to better respond to children's needs and challenges.

I understand the reason, why can't I manage my children well?

To better manage your child, consider the following:

1. Get to know your child: Take the time to build a close relationship with your child and understand their interests, needs, and challenges. This allows for better education based on their characteristics.

2. Manage your emotions: Learn to deal with your emotions and stay calm and rational. When interacting with your child, try to avoid emotional reactions and instead guide them in a rational and patient way.

3. Establish clear rules and boundaries: Work with your child to set clear rules and boundaries and stick to them. Let your child know what is acceptable and what is not.

4. Provide positive feedback: Pay attention to your child's positive behaviors and give timely affirmation and encouragement. This boosts their self-confidence and motivation.

5. Seek support: Don't be afraid to seek support and advice from family, friends, or professionals. They may offer new perspectives and approaches.

6. Continuous Learning: Continuous learning and improvement of one's educational abilities can be achieved by reading books, attending trainings, or communicating with other parents.

7. Lead by example: Children learn more by observing our behavior, so be a good role model for them, demonstrating positive values and behaviors.

I understand the reason, why can't I manage my children well?

The most important thing is to be patient and persistent, educating children is a long-term process and every child will have moments of progress and growth. Building a good relationship with your child and providing them with love, support, and guidance will help them grow up healthy.