
Girl D classmate puppy love (3)

author:Tiger Qiwei

I was born in the Xinjiang Corps, and my family was in a grassroots company when I was a child.

(At the end of 1986, in the winter of thousands of miles of ice, my father and mother, with the approval of the leaders of the regiment headquarters and the division headquarters, ended their careers as soldiers in the Northwest Frontier Corps for more than 20 years, returned to their hometown in Henan, and went to work in Pingdingshan City.) My brother and I went with him. )

Girl D classmate puppy love (3)

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(When I was in junior high school, I was in the same school as classmate D, not in the same class, and we lived in the same dormitory.) I remember one time, classmate D quietly told us a few female classmates that her parents didn't like her at home, and her brothers and sisters didn't like it; As long as she leaves the house, outsiders look up to her, and their attitude towards her is like a star-studded moon, which is completely opposite to her family. I listened carefully, and my mind flashed the image of classmate D's father being irritated by her, which I believe to be true; When I was a child, my dad never treated me like this. )

It was about 1981 after the eldest sister of student D got married, a young man surnamed R of the younger brother of the eldest brother-in-law of student D came to the company of my family in the Xinjiang Corps from the mainland, and my father and I were colleagues in the company's maintenance platoon and worked together every day; In his free time after work, when he often came to my house to talk to my dad about work, I could tell from his accent that he was from rural Henan. The ancestral home of the eldest sister of student D is Shandong, and the ancestral home of the eldest brother-in-law of student D is Henan, and marriages between two people in different provinces of the Xinjiang Corps are common.

Girl D classmate puppy love (3)

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In 1982, after my aunt came to my company in the Xinjiang Corps from rural Henan, when the school started in the fall, my aunt became a junior high school student, and I also heard my aunt say that she was thin and small, originally 19 years old, and she told her classmates that she was 17 years old, and her classmates recognized it without the slightest doubt. (By the fall of the following year, my sister-in-law joined the company and became a soldier of the Corps.) At this time, the younger brother of classmate D's brother-in-law, a young man surnamed R, had a crush on my sister-in-law, and I only found out after he told my father. At that time, the two young people were of the same age, and for some reason, my aunt didn't have a mind about the young man surnamed R, so she shook her head when she mentioned it. A few months later, in the spring of 1984, my mother saw the letter that my aunt was going to get married in her hometown in rural Henan, and she didn't understand why women didn't take their careers seriously, and complained to my aunt that women should not rely on men to live.

(At the end of 1986, after I returned to Pingdingshan in Henan Province with my family, I was closer to my hometown in eastern Henan, and my relatives and friends revealed that my aunt was subjected to domestic violence when chatting.) In order to confirm that the matter is true, I deliberately told my aunt in front of my mother that my aunt was abused by the family, my mother had a black face and lowered her head without explanation, seeing this scene, I believed that the matter was true, I immediately lamented: If my aunt agrees with the pursuit of a young man surnamed R, now at least there is a formal job in the county, the young man surnamed R is thin and tall and white and handsome to get along with my aunt, it is simply a "slave and a general", the main thing is that my aunt is not blessed, the young man surnamed R is full of talent and brother and sister-in-law, and the Chinese are the most particular" Trust Relationship".

Girl D classmate puppy love (3)

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My little uncle is also handsome in appearance, not tall, working in the county Yu Opera Troupe, the troupe is in a state of semi-paralysis and exists in name only. It's okay if the workplace is sluggish, as long as the husband and wife work together to create a better future. It's a pity that my sister-in-law and sister-in-law are not interested in hardships and hard work, especially my sister-in-law changed her tricks to ask her three sisters (my eldest aunt who works in Aksu, southern Xinjiang, my mother is the second, and my third aunt) for money to maintain their daily life. The money of the three sisters is thrifty in daily life. After a long time, my uncle was disgusted with my aunt's behavior of "reaching out for money", and it was common for the husband and wife to quarrel and quarrel, and sometimes they even abused my aunt. Girls must not be picky when looking for a partner, thinking that they have found "love", but in fact they are waiting to be "beaten". )

At the same time, after the eldest sister and brother-in-law of student D got married, the husband and wife still worked in the management of the company and did a lot of good things; The eldest brother-in-law of student D was promoted to an important position in the company, and after a few months, there were 20 places in the regimental field, and he was sent to a college in Tianjin for advanced education and training, and the eldest brother-in-law of student D, who was the leader of the company, recommended his wife who had been married for a few months, which was completely in line with the regulations at that time. At that time, secondary school students were also rare talents in the country and people with lofty ideals who attracted the attention of thousands of people. As a result, the life of the eldest sister of classmate D is simply a step to the sky; It is very reminiscent of ordinary workers being promoted to state cadres and flourishing in their careers.

Immediately afterwards, it was reported that the eldest brother-in-law of student D had studied adult higher education on his own, that is, the "University of Electricity" at that time, and the brother-in-law of student D was once again promoted to a major position - the number one position in the company. Hearing this news, I just felt that it was no wonder that it had been a long time since I rarely saw the figure of classmate D's eldest brother-in-law, who turned out to be busy studying and reduced his appearance.

Girl D classmate puppy love (3)

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During this period, I went to junior high school in the same school with classmate D, and I also lived in the school in winter, I don't know why classmate D was very disgusted with me, and found fault everywhere, and a classmate mediated from it, and classmate D reconciled on the surface, and the next day he said a sentence in front of me with anger: people's hearts are separated from their stomachs! (School is not a society, it is not so complicated, it is too exaggerated to use the word "people separated from the belly" to describe the classmates, besides, we are all students There is no competition for "power and money" in the dark, only academic performance in the open.) I don't know why classmate D hates me, I don't even know where I am wrong, in the face of what is presented in front of my eyes, I only don't think of escaping, only patience, there is no other way, I only know that only mutual disregard is the best way to solve the problem, I never took the initiative to approach classmate D (my academic performance is not good, that's my personal thing).