
The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved

author:Funan release
The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved

According to the spirit of the "Notice of the Funan County Education Bureau on Doing a Good Job in the Evaluation and Identification of First-class Kindergartens in Funan County in 2024" (2024-62), after the kindergarten declaration and county-level review and evaluation, it is proposed to identify 11 kindergartens such as Luming Kindergarten of Lucheng Education Community in Funan County as a first-class kindergarten in Funan County, and the list of identities is now publicized (see the annex for details).

The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved

Publicity time: During the publicity period from June 27 to July 3, 2024, if you have any objections, please reflect to the Funan County Education Bureau. Supervision telephone: 0558-6728777 (Basic Education Unit) 0558-6666706 (Party Style and Clean Government Supervision Office)

Funan County Education Bureau

June 27, 2024

Source: Funan County People's Government Network

The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved
The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved
The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved
The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved
The list is announced! 11 kindergartens in Funan are involved

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