
The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

author:Liu Dayi 2021


The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

When bathing your child and pouring dirty water, don't forget to pick it out

But you see that they Americans, American presidents, presidential candidates, are throwing their children out together.

The philosophical debate between Hegel and Feuerbach has not been clear in their 245-year history as Americans: what is the foundation of the nation?


Industrial capital?


You look at the debate between Biden and Trump, off-topic, unfocused, incoherent, personal attacks, and invective of each other.

What is the most serious problem?

Debate debate, arguments?

The general argument?

Presidential Candidate + General Argument = ?

The economy is the foundation, and the president belongs to the superstructure.

The economic base determines the superstructure: tell me how you grasp the economy, industry, and the new industrial revolution!

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

Why off-topic?

Why not get to the point?

Presidential candidates, with a think tank behind them, and a work team, are they not as good as me, the people of China's fourth-tier cities?

5 words floated through the sky: The concubine can't do it.

And then what?

The U.S. presidential debate has become a joke, the U.S. has gone off topic, and the U.S. has entered the countdown to decline......

What's the difference?

China Theme: Always take economic construction as the center, Mount Tai will not bend over

1. China completed the Industrial Revolution

2. China's successful "deindustrialization"

3. Made in China to create

Article 2 is the most critical: new industrialization = high-quality development

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

The monks do not speak, and the Chinese are pragmatic in doing things:

1. Made in China 2025 (enactment time: 2015)

2. Seven Strategic Emerging Industries (proposed in the 1990s)

And then what?

It's time to put execution to the test.

Biden approved $7.5 billion for charging stations in 2021, and only 8 have been built in 3 years.

Of the 36 items stipulated in Made in China 2025, there is only one that has not been completed in advance, that is, chips;

China has fully implemented the 7 strategic emerging industries and is leading the world!

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China


The United States can't, because—

1 Capital is king 2 Financial capital is king 3 The financial oligarchy is the real king

In the stage of industrial capital, the United States is forward-looking, pragmatic, and able to fight.

Once financial capital is in power, there is only one indicator left in the United States: stock performance.

For example, China's "de-industrialization" - de-capacity, de-leveraging, de-consumption, and making up for shortcomings (three to one supplement).

Among them, "deleveraging" is to de-finance capital. It is to put an end to the prostration, swing and high fever that financial capital may bring about when it intervenes in the industrial revolution.

To put it bluntly, industry is industry, finance is finance, completely tear it apart, don't mix!

Why is the U.S. real economy declining?

Let's pick their best and hottest companies to talk about?

1. Why did Apple build a car for 10 years and then announce that it couldn't do it anymore?

2. Microsoft always wants to make another product with the same quality on top of Windows, why can't it do it?

3. Nvidia's market value has been speculated, indicating that Nvidia is a promising company?

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

Not to mention that these companies are the "concept" of Wall Street, even the United States is a "plug-in" of the Federal Reserve

The United States is a financial powerhouse.

The American Revolutionary War was won by France sending 100,000 troops and borrowing money from Jewish conglomerates.

Later, the French troops withdrew, but the Jews, as the financiers of the United States, remained......

In 1896, the United States had the largest GDP in the world;

In 1913, Jews founded the Federal Reserve as the majority shareholder.

Just one meaning: American industrial capital has been done by Jewish capital!

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

Industrial giants?

Financial oligarchy?

In the United States, which is more? Which show? Who's in charge? Who has the final say?

A more vivid and straightforward example is clear, who are the "enemies" of those assassinated US presidents?

To take another easy-to-understand example, in 1911, Ford invented the world's first automobile assembly line, and then became the head company of the global automobile industry.

And then what?

Ford Consortium –

1. Monopolized the manufacturing of highways and automobiles in the United States, weakened the construction of railways, and led to an average of 3.5 medium and large accidents per day on American railways;

2. In the 90s of the last century, electric cars were built, and 3,000 samples were made, but they were not promoted, reason: what to do with Ford fuel vehicles?

3. When China's new energy vehicles bring a new era of global automobile industry revolution, Ford Motor (Ford Consortium) and (Ford Consortium + other Jewish Consortium) passed a bill through the U.S. Congress to prohibit 1 Chinese car 2 battery 3 spare parts from entering the United States, providing tariffs to 100%.

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

That's the thing.

That's why.

So the United States, dare to touch China? Dare to move China? And then what?

Playing finance, it does have a sense of luxury.

However, that is only played by a small number of people. Have you ever seen a mahjong game where all four people win? Have you ever seen a casino owner get overturned by a gambler?

Has there ever been a country in human society that sits on a mountain and eats nothing, lies flat and counts money, and then becomes rich and rich, and benefits are equal, and all people are happy?

The debate is off topic, and the United States is off track. Click the confirm button again: then the United States really can't win against China

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