
More than 20,000 yuan in cash only stole 10,000 yuan, this thief actually "showed mercy"?

author:Life full coverage

Don't smash the car


Just "pull" the door

Just want to open a "lucky blind box"??

Recently, the Huancheng Police Station of Huangpi District, Wuhan City, received a report from Mr. Huang, a resident of a community in the district, that his private car parked in the underground parking lot of the community had cash stolen.

However, to the surprise of the police, Mr. Huang had a total of more than 20,000 yuan in his car, and the thief only took half of it and left half for him.

More than 20,000 yuan in cash only stole 10,000 yuan, this thief actually "showed mercy"?

Soon, the police retrieved the surveillance video in the parking lot and found that four suspicious men were shuttling back and forth in the underground garage of the community in the early morning of that day, and there were movements of pulling the car door.

Zhu Wenjun, an auxiliary police officer of the Huancheng Police Station of the Huangpi District Public Security Bureau: "At first, they were looking for the target vehicle everywhere in the parking lot, and when they walked to the stolen vehicle, they found that the window of the stolen vehicle was not closed, so they directly climbed into the vehicle through the unrelated window. ”

More than 20,000 yuan in cash only stole 10,000 yuan, this thief actually "showed mercy"?

Subsequently, the police launched a video investigation on the whereabouts of the four people, and tracked down the identity of one of the men, Wu.

On May 25, the police arrested him at the home of Wu in a village on Wangjiahe Street. According to Wu's confession, the police then arrested the remaining three men, Wang, Gu and Wu, and seized all the stolen cash that the four had not had time to squander.

More than 20,000 yuan in cash only stole 10,000 yuan, this thief actually "showed mercy"?

Kang Hao, a police officer from the Huancheng Police Station of the Huangpi District Public Security Bureau: "This group of people is usually in a state of idleness, they usually don't have a fixed job, basically after they run out of money, they want to spend money, and they all have a history of stealing." ”

According to the suspect's confession, half of the cash left at the scene of the theft was purely due to weakness and luck.

Kang Hao, a police officer from the Huancheng Police Station of the Huangpi District Public Security Bureau: "At that time, 2-30,000 yuan was put in the armrest box, according to the suspect's own confession, he was panicked at the time, so he just grabbed a handful after he went in, and if he took it all, the owner would definitely find that his money was gone, but he might be lucky and would not be found by the owner, but the owner still found out that the money was stolen." ”

More than 20,000 yuan in cash only stole 10,000 yuan, this thief actually "showed mercy"?

At present, the four thieves have been dealt with by the police in accordance with the law, and the case is being further handled.

Police remind

1. Try to park the vehicle in a regular parking lot or a supervised parking spot designated by the traffic department, and do not park in a remote area.

2. After leaving the car, you should carry valuables such as mobile phones, video cameras, cameras, handbags, laptops, etc. in the car.

3. No matter what the circumstances, the owner must develop the habit of locking the door after leaving the car, which is the primary condition for ensuring safety.

4. Once such a case occurs, the police shall be reported immediately and the scene of the crime shall be protected.