
With a budget of 100,000 yuan and no change of car within eight years, how should girls choose to buy a car?

author:The big coffee will be in the car

Today continue to answer questions from netizens, girl, 27 years old, current monthly salary of 5k, commuting to work 30km, the car needs to commute to work by themselves, the first family car in the family (take parents to relatives, used for the New Year's holidays) has a driver's license and has not driven a car, there are 13 deposits, all the expenses of the car in the later stage are borne by themselves, I don't want to use my parents' money, a car with a budget of about 100,000 yuan, do you have any recommendations?

With a budget of 100,000 yuan and no change of car within eight years, how should girls choose to buy a car?

Plug-in hybrid consideration Wuling Starlight and Geely Galaxy L6, pure electric and oil vehicles are also considered, but I just don't know what to buy, the unit has no charging place, if you have your own home, it is convenient to park, you can install charging piles at your own home. The first car in life will not change the car within 8 years, it is not easy to make money, and it is not easy to save money.

With a budget of 100,000 yuan and no change of car within eight years, how should girls choose to buy a car?

The difference between girls and boys is too obvious, this girl has a deposit of 130,000 yuan and wants to buy a car, and she has to keep 30,000 yuan. And the man survives 30,000, but he wants to buy a car for 300,000, hehe, do you feel like you were shot? This girl is definitely a good girl living at home, and she is probably single, otherwise she would not leave a message. Wuling Starlight Standard Edition is 79,800, compared with other plug-in hybrid cars at the same price, the materials are good, the rear suspension is still independent suspension, and the seat comfort is relatively good, but there is no fast charging in the low configuration. The Galaxy L6 may be more suitable for fast roads or high-speeds, and if you drive at low speeds in urban areas, the ride is the shortcoming of the 3-speed DHT.

With a budget of 100,000 yuan and no change of car within eight years, how should girls choose to buy a car?

I originally wanted to say that pure electric models may be able to consider Volkswagen ID.3 or BYD's dolphin, but you said that you will not change the car within eight years, then I still have that point of view, the current plug-in hybrid and pure electric are in the rapid development stage, the update iteration is very fast, and now the speed of new energy new cars on the market is faster than that of mobile phones, many of them are transitional models, first what is the champion version, now it is the glory version, in case there is a triumph version later, can you stand it? So listen to me, it's not easy to make money, buy a gas car honestly, for you, the three mothers of the road (Lei Ling, Xuanyi, Corolla) are very suitable for you.