
In 2016, Ai Yuejin and his wife took the last group photo, with a haggard and moving face!

author:You and I are history
In 2016, Ai Yuejin and his wife took the last group photo, with a haggard and moving face!

Ai Yuejin and his wife

In 2016, Ai Yuejin and his wife Fu Hong took the last group photo! 58-year-old Ai Yuejin was lying on the hospital bed, his face was haggard, so thin that he was out of shape, and he looked powerless, but he still kept smiling in front of the camera, and his optimistic attitude was moving. Next to him was his wife, Fu Hong, wearing plaid short sleeves, a pair of glasses, and a birthday hat on top of his head. This day is Ai Yuejin's birthday, Fu Hong wants to celebrate her husband Ai Yuejin's birthday well, and she also knows in her heart that this birthday may be Ai Yuejin's last birthday. Although Fu Hong felt uncomfortable, she barely smiled in front of the camera, she didn't want her husband to see her sadness.

After graduating from Nankai University, Ai Yuejin studied abroad to teach, his wife is also a student of Nankai University, the two are alumni, Ai Yuejin is 6 years older than Fu Hong, and is Fu Hong's senior, the two have common life hobbies and goals, so they came together and loved each other.

Ai Yuejin's lectures at Nankai University are distinctive, and he has made great efforts to make the lectures vivid and attractive to students. He set up the Military Teaching and Research Department, and in 2006, he declared the only master's degree program in military science in non-military colleges and universities in the country, and began to recruit master's students in military science and military thought the following year.

Ai Yuejin's vivid and passionate explanation in the classroom really attracted the interest of many students, and a group of students who originally wanted to doze off also cheered up and listened with relish. Especially when talking about Chairman Mao and Deng Gong, Ai Yuejin's lectures always make blood boil, and let students understand many unknown things.

In 2016, Ai Yuejin and his wife took the last group photo, with a haggard and moving face!

Ai Yuejin and his wife

A photo of Ai Yuejin and his wife Fu Hong! Ai Yuejin was wearing a white shirt, his hands folded in front of him, a black coat on one arm, smiling, and very friendly; Fu Hong was wearing a light blue dress and a white short-sleeved jacket, intellectually beautiful, dignified and generous. Fu Hong is a doctor of philosophy, a professor at Nankai University, a doctoral supervisor, and a leader in ideological and political education.

Anyone who has listened to Ai Yuejin's lecture can feel that he is a patriot, and he once said that dignity is only above the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon.

In 2016, Ai Yuejin and his wife took the last group photo, with a haggard and moving face!

Ai Yuejin and students

In 2016, Ai Yuejin witnessed a group photo of students joining the party! At this time, Ai Yuejin was critically ill, his life was about to come to an end, and it took a lot of strength to even raise his hand, but he still witnessed the solemn moment when the students took the oath to join the party. After Ai Yuejin was diagnosed with stomach cancer, he was admitted to the hospital, where most of his stomach was removed, and the doctor told him to rest more, and the school also gave him a long vacation to recuperate. However, Ai Yuejin loved the classroom, he did not listen to the doctor's advice, just took a short break, and then went to the classroom to give a lecture to the students, he told the students that he would rather die in the classroom than die in the hospital bed, and many students cried after hearing this. When Ai Yuejin was hospitalized, many students came to visit the teacher, and some students carried the party flag to the hospital ward and joined the party under the witness of Ai Yuejin.

In 2016, Ai Yuejin and his wife took the last group photo, with a haggard and moving face!

Ai Yuejin's memorial service

In 2016, Ai Yuejin's memorial service! On April 21, Ai Yuejin died of illness at the age of 58. Three days later, Ai Yuejin's memorial service was held in the Xianyuan Hall of Tianjin's No. 1 Funeral Home, and thousands of people from all over the country spontaneously saw him off, a large number of whom were teachers and students from Nankai University, who missed Professor Ai Yuejin.

Ai Yuejin once said, "Don't miss me, learn from me, be me, surpass me!" "He was a good soldier for the real Chairman Mao.