
The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

author:The first drop of dew

The long-awaited spy war drama "Lonely War" (formerly known as "Lone War") starts tonight! Finally waiting for another spy war drama!

Next, let's take a look at the plot synopsis and starring lineup of the show with Dewdrop! It's convenient to catch up on dramas happily at night!

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

"Lonely Lost City" is set on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and tells the story of Ou Xiaoan (played by Huang Jingyu), an underground member of the Communist Party of China, who successfully escaped from the prison of the Japanese Army's Biochemical Gas Research Institute. During the escape, Ou Xiaoan was seriously injured and fell into a coma, but was subsequently discovered and rescued by the Chinese Expeditionary Force.

However, after waking up, Ou Xiaoan found that he had lost his memory for nearly four years.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

In order to expose the criminal face of the Japanese spy, Ou Xiaoan took the end of his memory four years ago as a starting point, and began a secret investigation with the number "9548" that he had been remembering in his mind during his coma as a key clue. @第一滴露珠原创文章

In this process, he and Qin Moqing (played by Xin Zhilei), who is also an underground member of the Communist Party of China, from the initial mutual questioning and temptation, to the later joint cooperation, jointly searched for the Japanese army biochemical gas research institute, and successfully captured the Japanese army intelligence commander Ohashi Kazuno (played by Guo Qiucheng).

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang attempted to completely accept the "people, money, and materials" of the Japanese Army's Biochemical and Poison Gas Research Institute in preparation for the future war with the Chinese Communists.

Ou Xiaoan learned this information in time and successfully smashed this vicious plan, and at the same time exposed the true face of the Japanese spy Li Shaotang (played by Ma Sichao).

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Ou Xiaoan, codenamed "Lone Star" in the underground party of the Communist Party of China, finally returned to the embrace of the organization.

It can be seen from the plot synopsis that "Lonely War Maze", as an anti-Japanese spy war drama, although it also revolves around the anti-Japanese spy war, involving intelligence collection, espionage activities, and the struggle between friends and enemies, etc., but compared with other spy war dramas, the show has many fresh differences. @第一滴露珠

First, the plot is novel:

"Lonely Lost City" is set on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and the male protagonist loses his memory after successfully escaping from the Japanese Army's Biochemical Gas Research Institute.

And the suspense elements in the play are also very attractive, the secret of the group of numbers "9548" that Ou Xiaoan remembered, the revelation of the conspiracy of the Japanese Army's Biochemical Gas Research Institute, the revelation of Li Shaotang's true identity, what is the specific content and purpose of the Japanese army's "Falling Sakura Project", etc., these suspense will always follow the audience, attracting the audience to follow the drama all the way and explore all the way.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

The second is the amnesia element: after the actor Ou Xiaoan loses his memory, he needs to recover his memory while revealing the enemy's crimes, and the addition of this amnesia element also adds more suspense and uncertainty to the plot. @第一滴露珠

The third is the role setting: in the setting of the male and female protagonists, "Lonely Battle Maze" breaks the common pattern of the male and female protagonists in traditional spy war dramas who are undercover agents for each other, the two are both underground members of the Communist Party of China, but they don't know each other's identities at the beginning, so there will be a limit pull, and finally after the two make it clear that they are comrades, they will start to cooperate and jointly expose the enemy's crimes.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Let's take a look at the show's starring cast.

"Lonely Battle Maze" is starring Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei, starring Ma Sichao, Ma Yue, Luo Qiuyun, Dong Xuan, Guo Qiucheng, Zhang Xilin special guest starring, Zhang Zijian, Zhang Shen friendship starring, Zhao Da, Xiao Shunyao, Lu Zhaohua special starring 40 episodes of anti-Japanese spy war drama.

Male number one Huang Jingyu, playing the male protagonist Ou Xiaoan.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Huang Jingyu is known as one of the "most handsome actors in uniform in domestic entertainment", and he has played many roles such as soldiers and policemen.

Li Fei, the anti-narcotics policeman in "Icebreaker", Chang Zheng, the criminal policeman in the anti-crime drama "Punishment", Gu Shun, the sniper of the Jiaolong commando in the movie "Operation Red Sea", and Huang Jingyu have created unforgettable roles of righteous and tough guys that make the audience unforgettable.

This time to appear in a spy war drama, it is also exciting.

Female No. 1 Xin Zhilei, who plays the heroine Qin Moqing in the play.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Xin Zhilei's acting skills have actually been good, but they were not so popular before "Flowers".

After the TV series "Flowers" was broadcast, the mysterious proprietress Li Li played by Xin Zhilei attracted everyone's attention, allowing everyone to not only see her beauty and moving, but also get her acting skills.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

The Begonia Blossoms she played in the first and second seasons of "Celebrating More Than Years" are also very popular with everyone.

Judging from the trailer of "Lonely Lost City", Xin Zhilei is sassy and heroic in military uniform, particularly handsome, and the role she plays this time is also the dual identity of an agent and an underground party, as well as the wait-and-see, temptation, and limit pull between her and the male protagonist played by Huang Jingyu, which are also exciting. @第一滴露珠原创

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Young actor Ma Sichao plays the villain Li Shaotang in the play.

He was a Japanese spy who was cunning and ruthless.

The play also has veteran actors Guo Qiucheng, Zhang Xilin, Zhang Zijian, Zhao Da and other stars to join the starring.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead
The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead
The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Guo Qiucheng plays the Japanese devil Ohashi Kazuno in the play.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

He has played many roles in military dramas, including "My Brother is Shunyo", "The Flying Eagle Gone Away", "Lone Hero" and "Wolf Warrior 2".

In addition, "Lonely Battle Maze" also brings together many young and middle-aged actors, such as Ma Yue, Luo Qiuyun, Dong Xuan, Zhang Shen, etc., when the show starts, we will definitely find more actors we are familiar with.

The 40-episode anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premieres tonight! Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei lead

Dong Xuan plays the role of an underground party in the play, and his apparent identity is the owner of a cheongsam shop. You can see the beautiful Dong Xuan wearing a cheongsam again.

Not much to say, whether the show is good or not, you will only know after watching it!

"Lonely Battle Maze", which will be broadcast on Tencent Video and iQiyi at 7 o'clock tonight, will premiere 4 episodes.

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