
Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

author:Study in Australia

Industrial design is undoubtedly one of the most traditional and most studied majors in art study abroad.

However, the question of "where to study industrial design" still bothers many art students:

The prestigious schools represented by Royal Arts and St. Martin's are undoubtedly the most popular destinations, which we have introduced many times and have a lot of information on the Internet;

However, industrial design is not unique to these two institutions, and there are obvious differences in different countries and universities, so the "multinational joint application" is still the safest landing plan!

Today we will take stock:

If you want to "multi-national joint application for industrial design", which countries and universities should not be missed?

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?


United Kingdom

M50 Winland Art

The first thing to mention is, of course, the United Kingdom.

As the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, the UK has a deep enough innate advantage in the field of industrial design, and the industrial interaction major is also a strong major in top universities such as Huangyi and Lunyi.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

Although Huangyi and Lunyi are the most representative art and design schools in the UK, there are not only two colleges that offer industrial interaction majors.

First of all, although Loughborough University is not well-known in the university rankings, the school's industrial design major is a trump card major, with high industry recognition, and the employment rate and gold content are no less than that of Huangyi Lunyi.

Loughborough's industrial design curriculum is very solid, especially for undergraduates, which focuses more on the learning of design skills;

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

Outside of the curriculum, Loughborough University's Industrial Design program provides students with state-of-the-art equipment resources, such as: construction machinery workshop, rapid prototyping and printing, metal fabrication workshop, multi-material workshop, electronic laboratory, a variety of computer facilities, etc.

Not only that, the program has also established partnerships with a number of well-known companies, including Microsoft, IBM, Unilever, Adidas, PUMA, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, etc.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

Secondly, Brunel University's Industrial Product Design program is also well-known in the UK.

The major is deeply tied to engineering or other disciplines, and attaches great importance to school-enterprise cooperation, and maintains strategic cooperative relations with international manufacturers including British Airways, Bentley Motors, Dyson, Samsung, etc., to provide students with convenient internship opportunities.

That's why Brunel's Industrial Product Design students have won the Dyson International Design Award for three consecutive years, and in 2017 they were accredited by the British School of Engineering Designers.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

Finally, Goldsmiths, University of London, ranked 4th in the UK and 21st in the world in the QS Subject Rankings, is also a leader in the field of industrial interaction.

The school attaches great importance to cross-border learning and the cultivation of critical thinking, although the School of Art only offers two majors, art and design, but the design major provides:

  • Convey and experience
  • Fashion & Performance
  • Innovation & Service
  • Interaction & Practice
  • Space & Participation

The Five Studios encourage students to break the boundaries of design, especially the two studios of "Innovation and Service" and "Interaction and Practice", and discuss topics including interaction, experience and service design, which are highly sought after by students.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?


United States

M50 Winland Art

In terms of development history, the United States is certainly inferior to Britain and Italy; But in terms of the current industrialization process and industrial interaction design education, the United States is the world's first.

As far as art study abroad in the direction of industrial interaction is concerned, the biggest feature of the United States is that the best colleges and universities that offer such majors are some comprehensive science and engineering universities.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has a Design Lab that studies a variety of the world's most cutting-edge industrial product design topics.

In addition to MIT, major universities in the United States also offer very high-end industrial interaction majors, such as: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), New York University (NYU), Washington University in St. Louis, etc.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

However, the difficulty of applying to comprehensive universities in the United States is still very high for art students, not only do they have high requirements for past academic and language scores, but most comprehensive universities also pay great attention to academic project experience and competition experience.

Fortunately, there are many art colleges and universities in the United States that have also opened industrial interaction design majors, and each has a very unique advantageous direction:

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

For example, the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), which is known for its industrial products, the Art Center School of Design (ACCD), which is known for its transportation design, and the New York School of Visual Arts (SVA), which is known for its visual interaction design, and so on.

These art schools do not have a background like a comprehensive university, but will pay more attention to the creative ability of students.

The application materials that can best reflect the level of creative ability are undoubtedly the portfolio:

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A must-read list for industrial design majors, a collection of excellent work cases, and a dismantling of cases

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?
Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

In addition, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Georgia is the largest design school in the United States, focusing on the field of industrial interaction.

The teaching philosophy of the SCAD Department of Industrial Design is to improve people's quality of life based on product design, teachers require students to design products that can adapt to the environment, be pleasant, have fun, make life more convenient, and improve communication between people.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

Moreover, compared to comprehensive universities and highly ranked art schools such as RISD and ACCD, SCAD is much more difficult to apply.



M50 Winland Art

Italy is one of the few countries in the world where public universities do not charge tuition fees, which has made Italy a mecca for countless children from working families to study abroad.

As the core country of the Renaissance, Italy is not only full of artistic atmosphere, but also industrial, but compared to Germany, which is famous for its heavy industry, Italy's light industry and heavy industry have developed in parallel.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

Matching with the developed industry is the industrial design education in Italy: Politecnico di Torino, Milan Institute of Industrial Design, European School of Design, etc., are all world-renowned industrial design schools.

However, if you are talking about Italian industrial design, you have to mention Politecnico di Milano.

Although Politecnico di Milano is called Polytechnic, it is known for its design, ranking 5th in the world in the QS Art and Design Subject Rankings, after Royal Arts, Lunyi, Parsons, and Rhode Island.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

With a strong background in science and engineering, Politecnico di Milano's Industrial Design program is highly interdisciplinary and offers relevant courses at both the undergraduate and master's levels.

There is no distinction between research directions at the undergraduate level, and there is only one major in product design, but it is only taught in Italian, and Italian language scores are required to apply;

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

At the graduate level, the research direction is refined at once, and the following are offered:

There are 4 major directions of product service system design, digital interaction design, integrated product design, and design and engineering, and these majors are taught in English.

Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

What other countries or regions are suitable for multi-country joint application? Which institutions are unique in their industrial design?

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Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?
Multinational joint application for industrial design, which strong schools are absolutely not to be missed?

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