
It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

author:Wild Girl

Just now, I read a post, the blogger of this post said that he used to like to order takeout, but with the increase in prices in the past two years, there are various reasons, in short, the frequency of ordering takeout is getting less and less. Why did he not order takeout? According to his own analysis, first, he began to feel that the takeaway was not clean, even if he boiled a green vegetable at home, lay an egg, and put some noodles, he felt more comfortable than eating takeout. The second reason, he said, always feel that eating takeout is not as delicious as dine-in, as if there is something shortcoming, but he is not sure, it may also be a psychological reason. The last reason, he said that he simply felt expensive, and every time he went down, he would be a little sulking when he added packaging fees and courier fees as soon as he checked out. Xiaobian couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, hahaha, isn't this the editor's editor, every time I want to order takeout, I have already selected the product, and when I check out and see the packaging fee and courier fee, I am reluctant to pay for the packaging fee and courier fee.

It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

Some people say that in the past two years, there have been fewer and fewer takeaways, and everyone may know that many takeaways are pre-made dishes, but this editor didn't find out, to tell the truth, there are still so many takeaways on the streets, I saw them riding electric cars, swiping their mobile phones in one hand, and one hand after another, crossing the middle of the city, and even sometimes not obeying traffic rules, at that time they will sweat for them. Seeing them so wild, there should still be quite a lot of takeout orders, right? Adults have slowly moved away from takeaways, but what about the young? The barbecue and spicy tang at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night are all special sessions for young people.

It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

To be honest, in the past two years, everyone has become more and more important to their physical health, especially after 315 exposed a lot of food, the number of times adults order takeout seems to be really significantly less, not that everyone is reluctant to spend money, but mainly because everyone has begun to care about their lives. It's not easy to live one more day in this turbulent society, you have to pay off your mortgage, you have to raise children, and you have to worry about others coming to kill you, it's really pitiful when you think about it. As a result, most adults began to switch to their own kitchens, and they can do whatever they can, even if it doesn't taste good, it's better than ordering takeout.

It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

Some netizens said that I ordered takeout less and less, simply because I felt that the current takeout was too expensive, and it cost more than 30 yuan to eat a spicy hot. Who would have imagined that the people I used to order takeout would now only dare to order KFC and pizza. When I thought that the takeaway I ordered was full of cooking bags, I was a little scared, I wondered how many years my small body would last?

It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

I don't know if you have this feeling, no matter how good the takeaway, as soon as you see that it is a plastic box, the mood seems to be different, and it always feels like it has become tasteless. Otherwise, it's a lot of oil or a lot of chili peppers, and there are not many things to eat. Also, every time I finish eating takeout, I feel very thirsty, in fact, the takeout is not very salty, but I don't know why, I always want to drink more water.

It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

A netizen commented like this, suggesting that those friends who like to eat takeout go to the back kitchens of those small restaurants to have a look, and also take a few more looks, you can suppress the desire for takeout. In particular, it is recommended that children nowadays must eat less takeout, even if they make a tomato egg soup at home, it is better than takeout, and don't think that there are cockroaches and rats in the back kitchen of the restaurant that are fake.

It turns out that the people in the comment section are just like me! That's why I don't order takeout!

Some netizens said, okay, I'll tell you the truth, mainly because it's hard to make money now, and I always feel that ordering takeout is not as good as doing it at home. Sometimes a family of three orders takeout, not to mention pre-made dishes, which can be said to be our living expenses for a week. Delivery fees, packaging fees, extra money might as well go buy some fruit, okay, I have a showdown, I don't order takeout because I'm too poor! #头条创作挑战赛#

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