
The Huashan Road community carried out the party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and following the party and forging ahead on a new journey".

author:Sichuan people's livelihood information

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will educate and guide party members in the jurisdiction to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, and promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical. On June 28, all party members of Huashan Road Community, Xuefeng Street, Lizhou District, Guangyuan City carried out a party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and following the party and forging ahead on a new journey".

The main contents of the activity include: reviewing the oath of joining the party; Concentrate on studying the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China; Lecture on the "July 1st" special party class; Go to Cangxi Red Army Ferry and Xunle Book Rock to visit and study.

The Huashan Road community carried out the party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and following the party and forging ahead on a new journey".
The Huashan Road community carried out the party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and following the party and forging ahead on a new journey".
The Huashan Road community carried out the party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and following the party and forging ahead on a new journey".
The Huashan Road community carried out the party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and following the party and forging ahead on a new journey".

After the event, the party members and comrades said that this activity is not only an immersive learning, but also a vivid party spirit education class, and will continue to strengthen learning, enhance party spirit cultivation, comprehensively improve their own quality, and contribute their own strength to the party's cause with real actions. (Wang Hua)

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