
The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

author:Doujing Comrade

At 21 o'clock on June 27, U.S. time, financial tycoons from all walks of life, political celebrities and old American voters all spent 90 minutes of worry, greeting each other in the air for nearly a year, and finally ushered in the first head-to-head confrontation.

For the two old men, this is not only a test of reaction ability, but also a physical fitness competition, and it is a key moment to determine the future of Lao Mei.

In fact, it can be concluded now, after Biden's cross-strait debate comparable to the disaster of the century, the old United States dishman party has collectively fried the pot. Let's describe it this way, they can think that Biden is a little old, and there will be occasional downtime, but they didn't expect that they could be forced by the king to be forced under the premise of full preparation.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

How well is this prepared? It is equivalent to an exam, give you the answer in advance, and then the invigilator will replace it with your relative, and there are people next to you who are afraid that you will forget to memorize the answers for a week, and they will give you tips all the time, and even before the exam, they will prepare functional drinks for you, afraid that you will be physically exhausted during the test, and there is only one purpose for this, that is, not to be too far behind your opponent!

The minimum paper score has to be earned, and as a result, you only earned a sympathy score and only got 59.

As we all know, he is also a veteran of the debate tournament for a long time, and his debate style is actually very radical, and he likes to interrupt people's speech, which children cannot learn and is impolite.

For example, in 2020, during the debate between Biden and Wang, almost no sentence was said in full, everyone knows that it is difficult to express opinions accurately in English, so it takes a while to state, and I just know that Wang likes to answer very much, plus Biden stuttered a little, and finally Biden said the classic sentence: "Dude, can you shut up?" ”

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

At the end of a debate, everyone only remembered that Biden told the king to shut up, and at that time, the Presidential Debate Committee (CPD) organized and supervised the presidential debate, which was an unofficial organization, naturally in order to ensure the minimum fairness on the surface, this year it was directly replaced by a two-party directly responsible organization, and a forced closure link was added.

In order to forcibly interrupt the interjection skills of the king, after all, Biden may not be able to quarrel with him, and the king is not a vegetarian here, after getting the news, he immediately proposed to participate in the debate, he could only bring paper and pen plus a bottle of water to prevent anyone from carrying the answers written in advance.

However, the topics in the debate process have basically been guessed in advance. The host's questions are also within the appropriate range, and you only need to memorize the answers in advance, which is not difficult for people who are in good health and have normal intelligence.

Unless, the person is not so normal.

The debate was held at CNN's Atlanta studio, which is the mouthpiece of the party's media, and once Biden makes a verbal mistake at the debate, his own turf can also be a good round.

Unless, this fault will not be paid back at all.

The duration of the debate has also been changed, although it is 90 minutes in total, but there will be two commercials in between, which can not only attract sponsorship, but also give the two tired old people more time to rest, which is also very intimate.

In addition, there are ambulances and medical staff accompanying them throughout the whole process, and for the two elderly people, this debate is a proper heavy physical labor, and they are likely to be suspected of "elder abuse" in other positions.

There was no live audience in this debate, and the audience would cheer and applaud when they went to the highlight part, and the cross-section would boo, and according to the level of the two people's speeches, it is not difficult to guess who the emotional audience will affect.

So as long as they don't turn things upside down, stumble, and forget their words, at least the two can tie, and maybe Biden will get more recognition because his performance exceeds the previous level.

This is a valuable opportunity to break the stereotype of "Sleepy Joe".

The dish-based party should also know where Biden's disadvantages will occur, and warmed up in advance about Biden's cold, that is to say, if there is physical exhaustion in the debate competition, it is because of the persistence of illness, a conscientious old man, is burning his life to illuminate the United States.

However, American netizens didn't buy it, and still turned on the poisonous tongue mode, they said: Do you hear the sound of puff, it is the United States crying.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Others say that they have witnessed the destruction of the United States by robots.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

After the debate, CNN headlines were as follows: We're in big trouble.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

There are also several reporters who revealed the news in advance, and many congressmen from the main party sent text messages to each other to ask if Biden would drag them down when watching the live broadcast of the debate, and some people said that they loved Biden in their hearts, but Biden's performance was really heart-wrenching.

Although Wang is only three years younger than Biden, the gap between the two on stage is too big, one has a loud voice, the other has a muddy voice, Biden is obviously more difficult, and there is a feeling that he has exhausted his strength, but he still can't spit out his voice.

When answering the first question, Biden made a serious mistake, the host responded to Biden's question about the economy, although inflation is slowing down now, but the prices of daily necessities are still high, housing prices have risen by 30 percent, what do you want to say about the bad life of the people, the host will do things, this can also be called "inflation slowdown"?

It is obvious that he has given face to Biden and the main party, hoping that he can catch the handle and hit the king directly.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Biden is very "witty" here, and after taking over the conversation, he directly threw out the crux of the problem, because when he became president, the U.S. economy was in "free fall", and then there were a large number of casualties caused by masks.

Jobs created and the like, note that this is not a positive answer to the question, but a pot thrown at the king of understanding, at this time the expression of the king is very intriguing, as I guessed you would say this.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

When it comes to understanding Wang's speech, first affirm his contribution, although there are masks, but the stock market is booming, the United States was the world's greatest economy at that time, and it did not start a war, and the next thing is to directly attack Biden's "immigration problem", the jobs created by Biden are for immigrants, not for Americans, Biden's expression is very interesting at this time, this is thinking deeply??

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Biden, who received the host's signal, directly started the second trick, the fiscal deficit problem, after speaking, Biden brought up the issue of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, and made it clear that there were no casualties during his tenure.

Wang still loves China as always, and in the face of the host's tariff issue, he repeated China three times, just as he described China as a "piggy bank" in the debate a few years ago.

In response to the problem of taxation, the direction of attack of the dish cooking party is to understand that Wang's tax policy has reduced the proportion of taxes paid by rich enterprises, which will cause a fiscal deficit, after all, it is reduced from 39% to 21%, which is good for the rich and not good for the poor, but Wang is obviously more professional in answering, because reducing corporate taxes will attract capital to invest in industry, and then bring more dollars to the United States.

With enterprises, there will be jobs, and increasing tariffs will protect the competitiveness of local goods, and the tax policy he has implemented will not expire until next year.

So it's really not certain who created the jobs during Biden's tenure, and then they sprayed each other badly, and both old men became the worst presidents in each other's hearts.

This is one of the few things that the two candidates agree on in the entire debate, and the word used by Wang is the classic translation of "stupid policy".

After going back and forth two or three times, Biden was a little anxious and seized the opportunity to revisit his eldest son, who died young, has always been one of the selling points of Biden's campaign.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Biden's eldest son Beau was a U.S. soldier, but later died of brain cancer in a hospital in Maryland, but Biden has always claimed that his son "died in Iraq", because brain cancer is likely to be caused by inhaling toxic gases from burning garbage heaps in Iraq.

Because some non-mainstream tabloids on the old American side once wrote that the US military killed and captured were "sucker" and "loser", so when Wang attacked Biden's stupidity, Biden suddenly became angry.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Understand Wang is not used to Biden's void fighting style at all, and he directly denied it three times and never said it at all, and then Biden will not be able to, and understand Wang's denial for more than ten seconds for Biden to be hard controlled.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Understand Wang took over the topic and directly stated that it was your youngest son Hunter who said these words, and he should have apologized, not me.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine issue and the Middle East issue, both sides politely avoided their own sensitive parts, and ended the topic by pouring dirty water on each other and continuing to attack each other's sensitive parts, for example, Wang said that Biden said that support on the Ukraine issue is because many European countries owe money, and Biden said that those who do not owe money also support, such as Japan and South Korea.

Biden said that he understood that Wang would not withdraw troops from the Middle East, resulting in casualties among U.S. troops, and he said that Biden allowed illegal immigrants to enter the United States, resulting in terrorists everywhere in the United States and a "big explosion" all over the world.

In response to the question of whether to support the establishment of a Palestinian state, the answer was the question of European trade, and it is clear that this question involves the sensitive area of the king, and it is the best option to turn a blind eye.

understands Wang's peachy news hush money, understands that Wang once again emphasized to the people of the United States that "I have not had a relationship with any stars" may be a sensitive word that touched a certain nerve of Biden, and the old man who was originally sleepy suddenly became energetic.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!


There is also the issue of Biden's age, which voters are concerned about, Biden said that I am only three years older than the person next door, and the implication is that being old is not necessarily really old, and not showing old is not necessarily not old.

For a debate on the territory of the Dish Cooking Party, there is actually only one issue for understanding the king, and whether there will be a repeat of the Capitol Hill riot after losing the election.

This incident actually has a far-reaching impact in the United States, and for the first time, it directly tore apart the inside story of the split between the United States and the United States, and it is also the direct evidence of Wang's subversion of "democracy", which is much more powerful than scandals, and Wang was asked twice before answering vaguely "I don't necessarily guarantee it"

In this canvassing contest about the US presidential election debate, it is not surprising that there is a hidden protagonist, there is China on tariff issues, China on tax issues, and even China on child care issues in the United States.

Biden accused Wang of not having contact with China, causing the most terrifying fiscal deficit in history, and the next problem was opioid abuse, which led to a sharp rise in the death toll, and as a result, the main body of their debate was still China, and Wang accused Biden of collecting money, and Biden was a puppet.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

He even accused Biden of letting China own the United States.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

So, after some operation, the issue of childcare and opioid abuse was so quickly skimmed, and no one said any good constructive opinions, in fact, it was not nothing, Biden mentioned a machine to detect fentanyl, which costs a lot of money.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

He is more pragmatic, and the great equipment in his mouth is a dog with a very sensitive nose, which is led to the border to strictly check addictive substances

The above two old people's speeches answered the question of how to solve the problem of excessive intake of addictive substances, although I didn't understand where the logic was, but they were very serious.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

The Capitol Hill riots, abortions, immigration, age, addictive substances, and so on are actually all backpot meat, and they don't have any practical meaning because they can't solve them, or they wouldn't say it every time, and they were the same issues four years ago and eight years ago.

Why can't it be solved, because there is no problem in itself, just like the US military industry is honest and honest, here I am not talking nonsense, this is the case, I will give you an example, some time ago the sky-high coffee cup that shocked the world, the United States officially spent $1200 to procure, it seems that it is not even $100.

The 2024 U.S. election has begun! After the White House, the king's revenge begins!

Twenty years ago, the price of this coffee pot was as high as 800 US dollars, and now it is more expensive and reasonable, as for why the price was outrageous before, it is because of the average research and development cost, this is not a simple coffee pot, this is a coffee pot developed together with aircraft parts.

In 2022, the price of a Boeing aircraft will be as high as 400 million US dollars, and the 700 US dollars for a coffee pot above is much more reasonable.

How is the book made, the specific amount of research and development of an aircraft is there, but how much is the cost of parts? At this time, some people will definitely ask, can't we find a replacement?

This is the same as the replacement of supporting equipment at will, and the manufacturer is not responsible for the problem, who will bear the accident? The matter was settled, the doubts were gone, and the problems were gone.

Let's take a look at the above questions, among which abortion, when Wang and Biden were debating, it was mentioned that if the fetus is more than nine months old, it is considered to be deprived of the right to life, and whether to respect the choice of adults or to respect life has become a question of "keeping it big" or "keeping it small".

On the issue of immigration, I understand Wang's so-called restrictions on immigration, whether it will forcibly separate a family that has lived in the United States for many years, for example, some people in the family are illegal immigrants and some people are legal immigrants, and whether it is inhumane to forcibly separate.

Severely restricting the use of addictive substances is not a human rights violation.

The Capitol Hill riot is an election fraud or a violation of democracy in the mouth of the party.

Not to mention that the two old people can't understand it for 90 minutes, and they can't understand it for a hundred years, so the only significance of this debate is that the Dish Cook Party may not be so firm in believing in Biden, and almost all the mainstream media of the Dish Cook Party, including lawmakers, are worried about Biden, afraid that his body will not be able to support him through the whole campaign, and even more afraid that he will affect the final vote because of his old age and frailty.

This is the biggest variable in this round of elections, and it is possible that in the end it will not be the battle of Tebay, but another undetermined person against the king.

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