
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

author:Simon has material

The former top stream has been reduced to selling goods in the Internet celebrity live broadcast room?

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

used to wear haute couture on the red carpet, but now I wear haute couture to buy shoes in the online celebrity live broadcast room?


It turned out that Yang Ying and Angelababy appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, wearing a high-definition costume and selling shoes!

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

Simba also praised Angelababy in the live broadcast that he is the most easy-going artist he has ever seen, and he doesn't play big names! He also revealed that he had met someone who played a big name!

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

His remarks were instantly ridiculed by netizens, who plays a big name, isn't it you?

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

In the live broadcast room, Yang Ying also fought hard and sang rap!


Her one-hour operation has really worked, the one-hour sales in the live broadcast room exceeded 1700w➕, the number of online viewers exceeded 100w➕, and the crazy sale of 790 million has to say that the popularity of Sister Nose is still okay!

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

Of course, the Internet has a memory, and there are many people who are obsessed with her watching FMX, and feel that bad artists like her should not come out again, and now they are still frantically testing the waters, buying popularity everywhere!

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

Some people think that three hot searches a day, and the heart that wants to make a comeback has seen it, but when other post-85 female stars are fighting for acting skills and works, are you fighting for beauty and Gaoding a little immature, you can only say that you don't die, and you have also set a negative example for other female stars, which is also a good thing!


Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million frequently, and was sprayed by netizens not to buy it

It seems that if she wants to be recognized by netizens, Angelababy, the sister of Beina, is not a task that can be completed by selling goods in the live broadcast room, dancing, singing and singing by virtue of her beauty! What do you think about this?

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