
Food recommendation: red stewed mutton hot pot, soybean drenched with okra, pepper and sour soup chicken production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: red stewed mutton hot pot, soybean drenched with okra, pepper and sour soup chicken production method

Red braised mutton hot pot


2500 grams of lamb.


4 grams of cumin, 3 grams of cinnamon, 3 grams of star anise, 2 bay leaves.


50 grams of ginger slices, 50 grams of green onions, 30 grams of Pixian bean paste, 30 grams of sweet noodle sauce, 30 grams of light soy sauce, 20 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of dark soy sauce, 8 grams of salt.


1. To make this dish, you can choose pure mutton or mutton with lamb backbone, cut the mutton into pieces, put it in clear water to submerge, soak it in bloody water, and set aside.

2. Put the mutton soaked in bleeding water into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water to submerge, pour in a little cooking wine, skim off the foam after boiling over high heat, blanch for 3 minutes and then remove it, rinse it well, and set aside.

3. Add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the wok, add 50 grams of green onions, 50 grams of ginger, 4 grams of cumin, 3 grams of cinnamon, 3 grams of star anise, 2 bay leaves, add 30 grams of Pixian bean paste after stir-frying the fragrance over low heat, add 30 grams of sweet noodle sauce after stir-frying the red oil and fragrance, and then cook 30 grams of light soy sauce after stir-frying the sauce fragrance, add 2500 grams of stock or water after stimulating the flavor of the sauce, and then put in the processed mutton, then put in 20 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of dark soy sauce, 8 grams of salt, and cover with a lid. After boiling on high heat, simmer over low heat for 90 minutes, then it can be removed.


According to personal taste, you can add an appropriate amount of chili pepper and Sichuan pepper, you can eat mutton directly, or you can put the stewed mutton into the hot pot and add an appropriate amount of vegetables to make a hot pot to eat.

Food recommendation: red stewed mutton hot pot, soybean drenched with okra, pepper and sour soup chicken production method

Soybeans drizzled with okra

Raw material:

300 grams of fresh okra, 100 grams of soybeans in tomato sauce, a little shredded green onion and red pepper, an appropriate amount of clear oil, 120 grams of scallion oil juice.


1. Remove the head and tail parts of okra so that the length is consistent; Put water into the pot and boil, add a little clear oil, blanch the okra over high heat for 2 minutes, remove and drain, put it on a plate and make a shape;

2. Blanch the soybeans in boiling water, remove and serve; Heat the scallion sauce, pour it on a plate, and garnish with shredded green onions and red peppers.

Comments: Soybeans are paired with okra, and the taste is fresh and pleasant.

Food recommendation: red stewed mutton hot pot, soybean drenched with okra, pepper and sour soup chicken production method

Chicken in sour soup

Raw material:

1 chicken (1 kg), 50 g cucumber.


4 bell peppers, 10 grams of green peppercorns, 50 grams of yellow pepper paste, fish pepper, red oil, 25 grams of salt and cooking wine, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of corn starch, 150 grams of special sour soup, 500 grams of salad oil (actual consumption of 50 grams).

Special sour soup recipe and production:

50 grams of Paolai water, 10 grams of red Zhejiang vinegar, 5 grams of pepper, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, and the above raw materials are evenly blended.


1. Remove the bones of the Qingyuan chicken, cut it into wicker strips and marinate it with salt. Shred the cucumber and place it in a bowl.

2. Put the salad oil into the pot, fry the chicken fillet for 1 minute when it is hot to 5 minutes, remove the oil, put the red oil, bell pepper, yellow pepper sauce, fish chili powder, cooking wine and stir-fry for 3 minutes, put in the sour soup, add the chicken fillet, evenly thicken, put the person in a bowl with cucumbers, sprinkle with green peppercorns, and pour it on the chicken fillet with 70% hot oil.

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