
Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

author:Shouguang Rong Media Center

Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

The Shouguang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal Working Committee of State-owned Enterprises of the Communist Party of China and the Shouguang Fire and Rescue Brigade Committee of the Communist Party of China signed an agreement on party building and co-construction

On June 29, to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China - party building and co-construction and "I take the lead in safe production, party members and pioneers take the lead" fire safety publicity activity was held. About 100 representatives of Shouguang City's state-owned enterprises such as Shouguang Fire and Rescue Brigade, Shouguang State-owned Assets Operation Center, Shouguang Finance Bureau and Development Group, Industrial Investment Group, Urban and Rural Public Service Group, Agricultural Control Group, Water Affairs Group, and Pension Group participated in the event.

Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development
Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

During the event, the Working Committee of the Shouguang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal State-owned Enterprises Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shouguang Fire and Rescue Brigade Committee of the Communist Party of China signed a party building and co-construction agreement to establish a co-construction relationship. Through party building and joint construction, the relationship between units will be further harmonized, resource sharing and complementary advantages will be realized, so that the two sides can cooperate at a higher level, in a wider field and in depth and effectively, so that the activities of the party organization and the safety management of the enterprise will be closely integrated, so as to achieve the same goal and promote each other, and continue to create a new situation of high-quality development and strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era.

Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

The participants also visited the Shouguang City Fire and Rescue Brigade propaganda display boards, vehicles, equipment, combat clothing, brigade command center, etc., and watched the subject display and fire extinguisher operation training drills at the training ground.

Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development
Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development
Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

Wang Yuanzhi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Chairman of Shouguang Pension Service Group: As a member of the state-owned enterprises, we should take this event as an opportunity to really grasp the safety production in our hands after we go back, and provide a strong guarantee for the healthy development of state-owned enterprises with our strong work measures.

Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

Subsequently, the participants went to the Anti-Japanese Armed Uprising Exhibition Hall in Niutou Town to pay homage to the cultural relics on the spot, listen to touching stories, and review the oath of joining the party, so as to express their firm belief in not forgetting their original intentions, keeping in mind their mission, and always maintaining the true character of party members.

Party building and co-construction promote integration and write a new chapter of development

Source: Shouguang Rong Media Center

Reporter: Fu Dehua, Zhang Jinkun, Hu Shasha