
The Russian army's help has arrived, the United States refused to send troops to the war, and as soon as the words fell, Zelensky hoped to end the war

author:Xu Liang

10,000 new Russian immigrants joined the army to reinforce the Russian army on the front line, Ukraine's decline is unstoppable, and the United States has always refused to send troops to the war. At the critical moment, Zelensky shouted that he hoped to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible, why would the United States refuse to send troops to intervene? And what is the reason for Zelensky's shouting to end the war?

The Russian-Ukrainian military conflict has entered its third year, which may be a result that many people have not expected, after all, a number of military forces, including NATO, believe that it is difficult for Ukraine to support in the face of the overwhelming offensive actions of the Russian army, and it will only take a week at most for Russia to defeat Ukraine and end this special military operation. However, Ukraine was unexpected by the outside world, not only withstanding the offensive of the Russian army, but also launching counteroffensives many times, burning the flames of war to Russia itself, allowing the outside world to see the true combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army again. But to the disappointment of the Western media, Ukraine's wonderful performance was only a flash in the pan, as Russia increased its investment in the Ukrainian battlefield, the Ukrainian army gradually lost the initiative on the battlefield and fell into a situation of passive beating. A few days ago, Alexander Bastrykin, chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, revealed that 30,000 immigrants who have obtained Russian citizenship have refused to register for military service, and about 10,000 of them have been sent to serve in the "special military operation zone".

The Russian army's help has arrived, the United States refused to send troops to the war, and as soon as the words fell, Zelensky hoped to end the war

Bastrykin's statement can be interpreted in two ways: first, the new Russian immigrants refuse to serve in the military, but the Russian government has the means to deal with the situation. Second, Russia will send 10,000 new recruits to the Russian army on the front line to increase the size of the Russian army. Bastrykin gave an irrefutable reason for this practice of "forced enlistment": any citizen who joins the Russian Federation must fight for the Motherland, including participation in the special military operation. However, Bastrykin also made a point of emphasizing that this new group of Russian troops will not be sent to the most intense front line to carry out combat missions, but will be specifically responsible for building fortifications. In other words, Russia will give these recruits some time to adapt to the battlefield environment. Therefore, the size of the Russian army's troops carrying out combat missions on the front line has not been newly increased, it is just that there is an additional batch of "reserve militia" to build fortifications in the rear. However, for Ukraine, whether these 10,000 recruits are coming to carry out combat missions or build fortifications, the decline of the Ukrainian army is difficult to stop.

The Russian army's help has arrived, the United States refused to send troops to the war, and as soon as the words fell, Zelensky hoped to end the war

At present, the main forces of the Ukrainian army are engaged in fierce battles with Russian troops in Kharkiv to ensure that the second largest city in Ukraine does not fall into Russian hands. Because once Kharkiv falls, then not only will Ukraine's military morale be severely hit, but the entire eastern Ukrainian defense line will completely collapse, and it will only be a matter of time before the Russian army is directed at Kyiv. Now, Russia has given Ukraine two options, either to negotiate peace, or to continue fighting, and there will be no third option. Seeing that the defeat of the Ukrainian army is only a matter of time, the United States and Western countries also supported Ukraine at the first time, saying that they would support Ukraine to win this military conflict. However, what makes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky very annoyed is that the United States has always maintained a "detached" attitude towards this military conflict, that is, it will provide Ukraine with various types of military assistance and support, but it will definitely not send troops to Ukraine. During a telephone meeting with the Russian defense minister a few days ago, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made it clear that the United States has no plans to send troops to Ukraine now and in the future.

The Russian army's help has arrived, the United States refused to send troops to the war, and as soon as the words fell, Zelensky hoped to end the war

The refusal of the United States to send troops to Ukraine is actually an uncontroversial result, because Russia is the second largest military force in the world and has strategic nuclear forces that destroy each other with the United States, and unless the United States is determined to fight a third world war with Russia, the United States will not let the United States military go to Ukraine to carry out combat missions. Perhaps it was the "negative" performance of the United States that made Zelensky see no hope of victory, so he suddenly announced after a recent meeting with Slovenian President Moussa that Ukraine is ready to end the Russian-Ukrainian conflict by the end of 2024. In fact, Zelensky has been very clear that no matter whether the United States and Western countries will continue to provide military aid, the result of Ukraine's defeat is difficult to change, and now the shortage of Ukrainian troops is continuing to worsen, and many front-line troops cannot be replenished with new soldiers.