
Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

author:The bald head said fishing

Many anglers like to play overnight nests, because overnight nests generally go to the next day to fish, saving time, I played overnight nests yesterday evening, the results are hard to say!

Yesterday morning, a friend said, "There are carp in the big river, and someone catches several in one day." After hearing this news, how can you not be excited as a fisherman?

The resources on my side are relatively poor, and I can only fish for small individual fish such as milk carp, white striped fish, and milk warp, and carp is not often encountered, and if carp comes out of the big river, it will last for a while.

Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

I immediately went to the overnight nest with my friends, and the amount of the overnight nest was not much, but it was a lot. A total of 2 nests were made, and each nest contained 2 packs of 2 catties of fermented corn. The water depth of the den is about 4 meters, and a 7.2 meter fishing rod is used.

It's already dark when I come back from the nest, I eat and play with my mobile phone, and before I know it, it's 12 o'clock, and I don't feel sleepy at all, and I've been watching other people's fishing videos.

Although I have been fishing for more than 20 years and am an old fishing friend, I have been fishing for a long time, but recently in my hometown, the resources in my hometown are relatively poor, and it is very difficult to catch large individual fish, and if you fish for big fish in the big river, you can only fish for carp.

Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

I've been thinking about tomorrow's fish situation, I looked at the weather forecast, there is no problem with the weather, there is no problem with the wind direction, and the air pressure is also very high.

All I thought about was the situation of fishing tomorrow, I felt that time was so slow, I didn't fall asleep after 1 o'clock, I sent a message to a friend, but I didn't expect him to fall asleep! It seems that I can't sleep on my own.

I didn't know what time I fell asleep, and I made a small call at 4 o'clock to set off. Get up right away, brush your teeth and wash your face, the fishing gear is ready in advance, and you are ready to go.

Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

After arriving in town to meet up with friends, the breakfast seller has not yet opened, which is really lazy! I didn't eat and went directly to the river, at this time the sky was already slightly bright, and there were two fishing friends earlier than us when I arrived at the river, and they had already begun to drift! Anglers are so diligent.

The two of us came to the fishing position and started the preparation work before fishing, the line set I used was relatively small, 2+1.5 line set, No. 7 Iseni, and the big fish in the wild were safer with barbed hooks.

The float eats 3.5 grams of lead, and the 4-6 mesh is fished from the bottom of the 4-6 mesh, which is equivalent to the double hook lying on the bottom of the water.

The snail carp 2, blue carp, and 918 big things used for bait are added with a little sticky powder, which belongs to the old formula. What puzzled me was that I was busy with the bait by the river for a long time, but I didn't see the carp bubbles in the den, what happened? Aren't there any carp in the den?

Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

The same is true for friends' fishing positions, there is no carp bubble, no matter how to fish first! Rubbing the bait and throwing the rod into the water, quietly waiting for the carp to eat the hook, it was only half past five o'clock.

Waiting, waiting, to 7 o'clock float is only a slight movement, it is estimated that it is a small fish to make trouble, not a single carp, in the den, near the den there is no carp bubble.

Not only am I anxious, but my friends can't sit still, what's going on? Could it be that the den was swept by high technology at night? At this time, there are already many anglers in the vicinity, mainly short-rod crucian carp, and some anglers have already caught target fish.

Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

I couldn't sit without a fish to eat the hook, so I went over and talked to them. A fishing friend said, "Someone here used a camera video ...... yesterday." It's over, no wonder this fishing friend didn't catch carp, it turned out to be like this!

The carp can not be caught, immediately return to the fishing position to change to a 1 + 0.6 line group, No. 4 barbed sleeve hook fishing crucian carp, throw the rod into the water floating there is an action, a black drift, a crucian carp about 2 taels ashore.

It seems that there are really no carp in the den, and the crucian carp is not good.

Advise anglers not to play overnight nests! I hit it yesterday, but I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, thinking about the big fish!

Finally: Anglers must pay attention to the local fishing environment when playing overnight nests, some places the video is more rampant, if they sweep it again, then it will be too difficult to catch big fish. If you want to catch big fish, you can play overnight nests in some more remote places, and don't make wedding dresses for others like us!