
Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

author:Sister Xiang said food

Hello everyone, this is Sister Xiang talking about food, sharing delicious home-cooked food every day. Dog days are coming, the weather will get hotter and hotter, sweating profusely every day, and sweat will take away some of the nutrients in the body, if the supplement is not timely, the physical fitness will be relatively poor, and the physical health will be affected. Protein is the foundation of life, and it is necessary to consume enough protein every day to maintain the needs of life activities, so that the physical fitness will not be very poor, and it is not easy to get sick during the change of seasons. Dog days are coming, recommend eight high-protein recipes, you can often make them for your family, enhance your physical fitness, and spend the hot dog days safely and comfortably, come and take a look.

1. Edamame steamed meatballs

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: edamame, pork, minced ginger.


1. Peel off the husk of the edamame, wash and drain. Blanch and boil until raw, drain and set aside.

2. Clean the pork and cut it into small pieces, then chop it into minced meat, add minced ginger, salt and starch, stir evenly and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Put the edamame into the bottom of the steaming bowl, put the minced meat into balls on the edamame, and steam it in a pot with cold water for half an hour.

4. After the edamame meatballs are steamed, take them out and serve them on the table.

2. Steamed pork ribs with pumpkin

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: pork ribs, pumpkin, minced garlic, tempeh, chopped green onion.


1. Clean the pork ribs and chop them into small pieces, clean the blood water, drain the water, absorb the water with kitchen paper, then add minced garlic, black bean sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, starch, grasp and mix evenly and marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Sprinkle salt and starch on the surface of Beibei pumpkin, scrub it and cut it, dig out the melon pulp inside, and then cut it into small pieces.

3. Put the beibei pumpkin on a plate, then spread the marinated pork ribs, boil the water and steam for half an hour.

4. After the pumpkin pork ribs are steamed, take them out and sprinkle them with chopped green onions, and then serve them on the table.

3. Steamed chicken thighs with tomato mushrooms

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: chicken thighs, tomatoes, mushrooms, ginger slices, chopped green onions.


1. Remove the bones of the chicken thighs and cut them into small pieces, add ginger slices, soy sauce and starch, mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Sprinkle salt on the surface of the tomato, scrub it and cut it into small pieces. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small pieces.

3. Place the tomatoes and mushrooms at the bottom of the steaming tray, then spread the marinated chicken thighs, and steam in a pot with cold water for half an hour.

4. After the tomato mushroom and chicken thighs are steamed, take them out and sprinkle them with chopped green onions, and then serve them on the table.

Fourth, eggs hugging tofu

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Prepare the ingredients: eggs, soft tofu, chopped green onions, sauce.


1. Sauce: Put soy sauce, starch and a small half bowl of water in a bowl, stir well.

2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and stir them together with chopsticks. Cut the soft tofu into small pieces and put them in the egg mixture, stirring well.

3. Heat the oil, add the tofu and egg liquid and fry it until it is slightly set, pour in the sauce and simmer for a while.

4. Simmer the tofu and eggs until the sauce is thick, sprinkle with chopped green onions to garnish and then take them out of the pot and serve on a plate.

5. Mushroom and chicken with mushrooms

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: chicken thighs, fresh shiitake mushrooms, minced ginger and garlic, chopped green onions, white sesame seeds.


1. Remove the bones from the chicken thighs, clean them and cut them into small pieces, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, black pepper and starch, mix evenly and marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Put fresh shiitake mushrooms into clean water, add salt and starch, stir evenly and soak for 10 minutes. Then clean and cut into small pieces.

3. Heat the oil, add the chicken thighs and stir-fry until they change color.

4. Heat the oil again, add the ginger, garlic and chopped green onion to fry the fragrance, then add the fresh mushrooms and stir-fry for a while, fry until soft, then add the chicken thighs and stir-fry evenly.

5. After the mushroom and chicken thighs are cooked, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar to taste, stir-fry evenly until flavorful, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and chopped green onions to garnish, and then serve on the table.

6. Cold beef

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: beef, coriander, minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, chili noodles.


1. Clean the beef and cut it into thin slices, add light soy sauce, egg white and starch, mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes. Clean the parsley and cut into small pieces.

2. Cold sauce: Put minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, and chili noodles in a bowl, pour hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, then add light soy sauce and vinegar, and stir well.

3. Boil the water, put in the beef blanching water and cook after the water boils, then scoop it up and drain the water and put it in a bowl, then pour in the cold sauce, sprinkle with chopped coriander, stir evenly and serve it to the table.

7. Scrambled eggs with loofah

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: loofah, eggs, minced garlic.


1. Peel off the skin of the loofah, clean it and cut it into small pieces. Crack the eggs into a bowl and stir and set aside.

2. Heat the oil, pour in the egg liquid and fry it after the oil is hot, fry until it is set, and then fry it and set it aside.

3. Heat the oil again, add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the loofah and stir-fry for a while, pour in water and simmer for two minutes.

4. After the loofah is boiled soft, add eggs, add salt to taste, stir-fry evenly until the flavor is incorporated, and then it can be put out of the pot and put on a plate to eat.

8. Pan-fried tofu

Dog days are approaching, it is recommended to eat these eight dishes often, supplement protein, and maintain a good physique to spend the summer safely

Ingredients: old tofu, minced garlic, millet spicy, green pepper, sauce.


1. Sauce: Put light soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, sugar and half a bowl of water in a bowl, stir well.

2. Heat the oil, add the tofu and fry it until golden brown on both sides.

3. Add minced garlic, millet spicy and green pepper to stir-fry until fragrant, then add tofu, pour in the sauce and simmer for a while.

4. Cook until the sauce is thick, reduce the juice over high heat, and then put it on a plate and eat.

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