
Five cousins and cousins' ancient sayings: "Ditai Spring", "Peeping Yan", "Marrying a Cold Cousin"

author:Iridium read novels

The first book of "Ditai Spring" Author: Qiao Yan

In the third year of Changping, the Queen Mother picked up a girl from outside the palace, who was said to be the cousin of the Son of Heaven.

The cousin was born with a beautiful appearance, and the country and the city were captivated, and the prince of Manjing was full of energy, and he wanted to hire her as his wife.

The various gifts were sent to the palace like flowing water.

On this day, the Son of Heaven drove Cining Palace.

Looking at the beautiful cousin sitting there on the pavilion flipping through the portrait of the prince of the capital, the Son of Heaven walked over with his hands in his hands and asked in a dumb voice: "Which one do you like, I will make the decision for you."

The beautiful woman's delicate body trembled, and just as she was about to get up, the Son of Heaven chuckled: "Cousin doesn't have to be polite."

Since then, everyone knows that this cousin is the person on the tip of the emperor's heart.

Miss Prime Minister's Mansion has been cultivated as a quasi-queen since she was a child, but unfortunately the emperor has no intention of her.

Hearing that the Son of Heaven had a cousin who was deeply loved by him, she did what she liked, and Xie Yan really spoke for her in front of the emperor.

Listening to Xie Yan talk about the queen of the throne, the young emperor's lips with a face like a crown of jade smiled unabated, and he carefully rubbed the green jade cup in his hand.

But just after Xie Yan finished asking him what he meant, his expression was careless, and he dragged out his tone: "Stand up, ......"

"Just look at my cousin."

Xie Yan: "......"

No, she doesn't.

One sentence introduction: I just want to be a good cousin

#我拿你当表哥, you want me to be the queen #



1. Double C, the plot is so sweet

2. The article is overhead, do not be elegant

Five cousins and cousins' ancient sayings: "Ditai Spring", "Peeping Yan", "Marrying a Cold Cousin"

The author of the second book "Peeping Swallow": Candle Sting

[Henan accent happy puppy type cousin x sullen this life / crazy p past life slice cousin]

Yan Zhi stood in front of the city wall, and her life was like a marquee.

She still remembers that when she was recognized back to Cui's house, she was still a rough girl who didn't know the height of the sky, and even the maid made fun of her for being ignorant and rude, she couldn't get angry, and took off her shoes and smashed people, and the result fell directly on Cui Jie.

She remembered very well, he was also surrounded by a group of princes and grandsons at that time, but he was different from everyone else, he was like a fairy.

A big house concubine of the hairpin clan can actually forgive her recklessness and vulgarity with a smile, you see, what a good person, how did he become a chaotic minister and thief, and sat on the throne above ten thousand people.

has also become a decisive, cold-blooded and ruthless emperor.

There are loyal ministers, there are queens, and everyone around her has been rewarded, but she is the only one who has no name and no point.

Cui Jue ran towards her from a distance, her face was pale, her expression was flustered, it was too high and too far, she probably saw it wrong.

"Xu Yanzhi, what are you doing today, hurry up!"

So far, she has even hallucinated about him.


"Cui Jue, my mother is a turtle grandson!"

She scolded freely, and her skirt fluttered like a broken kite.

She thought that if there was an afterlife, she would definitely take a detour when she saw him, study art in the courtyard, and ask for a good family business.

She wasn't the same person as him in the first place.

Yanzhi: If you are bent on pulling you down to the earth, you may fall your head and go to hell.


Reading Notes:

↑ This is a past life, a rebirth text, and a rebirth at the beginning

1. The plot serves the feelings, the main feelings

2. [There was a bloody misunderstanding in the previous life, and the different perspectives of the male and female protagonists produced an information gap] [Two lives sc] [Married the queen, but the two of them are not familiar with each other at all, and they don't like it even more, before the heroine is reborn, he is a shark! ] It's not the male protagonist's! [There's nothing to do with the queen in the back] [The male protagonist is indeed a dog in the early stage, and licks the dog later] [The male protagonist estimates that it will get worse and worse] can accept it and look at it again!

3. Atypical crematorium, sweet and cruel redemption of dog blood, micro sand sculptures

4. The overall overhead, imitating the Tang and Song dynasties

5. The main writer writes about the male protagonist's long road of chasing his wife, the parents are short, they will bring the troubled family and country, and there are also male and female protagonists who grow up together, which are not perfect characters.

Five cousins and cousins' ancient sayings: "Ditai Spring", "Peeping Yan", "Marrying a Cold Cousin"

The third book "Marrying a Cold Cousin" Author: Sword in the Sleeve

Jiang Ji originally thought that she would tie the knot with her childhood sweetheart's third cousin, and raised her eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, once the sky and people were separated forever, and her legs were crippled, she married a strange eldest cousin with the sympathetic eyes of everyone.

It is said that Pei Jue, the eldest prince of Pei Mansion, is so handsome and arrogant, he must have pity for her to welcome this family for his deceased brother, but he is just sheltering!

Jiang Xi thought so, and didn't want to be a shackle that dragged others down, so she consciously wrote and left the book and pressed her handprint, and just waited for the time to pack up her baggage and leave.

But she waited and waited, but waited until the eldest son who was rumored to be self-contained in the middle of the night stood in front of the door wearing a thin bedclothes, took out the crumpled and left the book, and called her in a hoarse voice: Cousin-

obviously looked lonely, but the black eyes sprinkled by the broken stars seemed to hide a hook, which made people's hearts itch and their mouths dry.

Pei Jue has been praised by the people around him since he was a child, and he has a gentlemanly style.

But only he knew that this was a shackle imposed on him, always alerting him not to do anything that was excessive.

It wasn't until he was estranged by his sweetheart that he was clicked by a friend one day, and he suddenly understood that the past was wrong, and the so-called sincerity to the golden stone had another meaning, so he did it.

Later, my friend who learned everything was shocked: I asked you to show your sincerity to the little lady, but I didn't let you betray your hue!

Pei Jue, who had fulfilled his wish, smiled slightly: It's all the same.

One day, Jiang Xi remembered the old days.

Pei Jue's eyes drooped slightly: "I remember that at that time, my cousin only liked to play with your third cousin." ”

Jiang Ji blinked and diverted the topic.

Pei Jue Gu Ying felt sorry for herself: "I stood outside the courtyard for a long time, and I didn't see you calling me." ”

Jiang Ji was weak-hearted, and softened his tone and coaxed him diligently.

Pei Jue loosened her hair, loosened her clothes, and looked up at her with a smile: "It's late at night, cousin still wants to play?" ”

★ Small theater ★

The young lady of Pei's Mansion loves to talk books, and the little ones will go to the bookstore every once in a while to buy a batch.

The shopkeeper was very generous, and with a smile he stuffed a booklet that had recently become popular among the people.

That night, Jiang Xi leaned on the couch, casually opened the gift from the shopkeeper, and her face turned red in an instant.

Pei Jue's thoughtful voice came from beside him: "Guanyin sits on the lotus." ”

Sensing the danger, she wanted to escape, but her wrist was gently grabbed by the young man and gently covered the hot chest of the slightly open clothes.

The already shaky sanity collapsed in an instant.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Ji, who had woken up from last night's absurdity, covered the indelible tooth marks on her fingertips in shame, and blasted someone out of the bedroom.

In a word: Damn! My cousin actually fished me with beauty!

Five cousins and cousins' ancient sayings: "Ditai Spring", "Peeping Yan", "Marrying a Cold Cousin"

The fourth book "How Coquettish My Cousin Sees Me" Author: Mountains and rivers do not meet

Pure and lustful rabbit cousin× kill the cousin of the ruthless general

Pillow Tang is thirteen years old, white and delicate, and has a graceful figure, which is the weakest silk flower in the capital.

Such a delicate girl, but she has a cousin who is as cold as ice and as yin as a ghost.

The cousin is eight feet tall and described as beautiful, although he has great military exploits, he is fierce and cold-faced, so people dare not get close.

Therefore, Lin Zhentang has never dared to provoke this cousin.

But later, he was hooked by this Shura cousin, and forced to meet his cold eyes, "Ah Tang, do you want to be your cousin's bride?" ”

Looking at his cousin's half-unsheathed long sword, Lin Zhentang cried and said tremblingly: "...... Think. ”

Only then did He Qianyuan put the sword into the sheath, and a smile appeared on his cold face, "Ah Tang is really good, that's right." ”

Lin Zhentang always thought that Cousin He married her because he was born in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

So she has always been careful to please her cousin.

It wasn't until later that He Qianyuan became the new emperor, and in addition to his father's official position, he abolished the position of prime minister.

The official position of the mother's family collapsed, and the cousin was cold and vicious unimaginably unbelievable to ordinary people. Lin Zhentang was disheartened and finally ready to leave this unpredictable teenager.

She didn't expect that she would be found by her cousin in just a few days, and in order to keep her, He Qianyuan would do whatever it takes.

At that moment, Lin Zhentang finally knew that this insidious and ruthless bloodthirsty general was crazy and paranoid about her love, and he was cautious.

He Qianyuan: dismissed his uncle's left minister, gave him the position of the national prince, and made him a duke to comfort Qingqing.

Everyone in the world said that the hussar general He Qianyuan killed people without blinking, and he was a real jade-faced Shura.

That's because no one has ever seen him carefully hold the crying pillow and clumsily wipe her tears with his sleeve.

"Ah Tang doesn't cry, cousin accompanies you."

One sentence introduction: The way of the general's cousin's favorite wife

Edible instructions: 1. The setting is in the era of the decline of the dynasty, the decline of civil officials, the greater the military power, the bigger the more powerful, so the female protagonist's family is not good, and the male protagonist is very powerful.

2. Refuse to use the evidence in the air. Everything is set by the author.

3. The novel is pure fiction, don't go too deep into the play

This article is also known as #I really didn't push my cousin! #

* My cousin is sick, and there is no doctor in the medicine stone.

Five cousins and cousins' ancient sayings: "Ditai Spring", "Peeping Yan", "Marrying a Cold Cousin"

The fifth book "My Cousin is Very Sweet" Author: The landscape does not meet

A cold-bellied black bad cousin× a soft, cute, sweet and glutinous cousin

Mingyue didn't understand why her cousin, who was gentle in front of people, always bullied herself.

So she wanted to find a husband to rely on as soon as possible.

On the day of the meeting, Mingyue said to Wen Qiong in a milky voice: "Cousin Qiong, I'm ...... I'm getting married......"

Wen Qiong licked her lips, leaned over and smiled gloomily: "Jiaojiao, besides me, who else do you dare to marry?" ”

Ps. Sick and spoiled wife [Sick and delicate: possessive, with extreme thoughts or behaviors.

2. Refuse to use the evidence in the air. #小说#