
Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

author:Fengfeng said history

In 1955, the mainland conferred titles on those generals who had made outstanding contributions to the country in Zhongnanhai, and in this grand ceremony, "Liu Yalou was awarded the rank of general" caused a small sensation at that time.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

After all, during the entire Anti-Japanese War, Liu Yalou was in the Soviet Union, and he did not return to his motherland until the end of the Anti-Japanese War. Many people think that he made almost no contribution to the establishment of the War of Resistance Against Japan, but why was the general, this identity that symbolizes honor and highlights contributions, awarded to such a person who did not participate?

But such an important country will naturally not make a random choice, but looking at the funeral of General Liu Yalou, the grandeur is comparable to a state funeral, if there is no solid foundation for contribution, how can it have such treatment?

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

Go through a difficult life and walk on the right path

Liu Yalou was born in Fujian Province in 1910, and his mother died unfortunately due to frailty after birth. Since he was a child, without the company of his mother, Liu Yalou and his father depended on each other. But my father didn't have any great skills, mainly chopping wood for a living, and the family was very poor.

At that time, Liu Yalou had just been born, but now that his mother has left him, how to solve the problem of milk?

In desperation, his father could only pass Liu Yalou to his friend Liu Dexiang, and it was this move that completely changed Liu Yalou's life.

Liu Dexiang treats Liu Yalou like his own son, taking care of all aspects, after Liu Yalou grew up a little, Liu Dexiang found that the child was not ordinary, very smart, so he planned to cultivate it well, and simply let his son who was not angry drop out of school, and the family saved money to send Liu Yalou to the best local private school.

Although in that era, there were wars and people were struggling to make a living, even if life was very difficult, Liu Dexiang did not favor his children because of blood relations, which is enough to see the size of his inner pattern!

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

In a blink of an eye, Liu Yalou has reached the age of middle school, but after so many years of studying, it has long made it difficult for this family who is not wealthy.

Now Liu Yalou is also sensible, he knows how difficult it is for his adoptive parents to raise him with hard work over the years, so he plans to give up middle school and go to primary school to teach.

After coming to the school, Liu Yalou imparted knowledge to the students, while constantly reading books and newspapers to learn new knowledge, during this period, he also got acquainted with the school's principal - Liu Kemo, under his influence, Liu Yalou came into contact with a lot of new ideas.

With President Liu as the guide, Liu Yalou was also deeply attracted to communism, so in his heart, the seeds of the idea of abandoning the pen and starting from Rong began to sprout. When he was seventeen years old, Liu Yalou resolutely joined the Red Army.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

When he first entered the army, he left a deep impression on everyone with his clever brain and chic demeanor. After learning that Liu Yalou had received higher education and had also worked as a teacher, the organization decided to cultivate this malleable talent.

Liu Yalou did not live up to the organization's trust in him, and in only three years, his ability was put to use in the army, and he sat in the position of a teacher, teaching new ideas to the soldiers and passing on the wisdom of communism. The speed of this promotion is no less than that of many other founding generals.

Liu Yalou's excellent performance also attracted the attention of Comrade Zhou Enlai, the two met for the first time in the fourth anti-encirclement war, although it was the first time, the two were like old people who had not been able to meet again for a long time, chatted very speculatively, and also had the same views on many issues.

Through a period of observation and getting along, Zhou Enlai also found that Liu Yalou was a rare military talent, so he included him in the planning of many battles.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

In 1932, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized 500,000 troops to launch the fourth encirclement and suppression of our party's revolutionary base areas, and the troops led by Liu Yalou at this time were one of the targets of the enemy's attack. There was a huge gap between the two sides in terms of numbers and combat equipment, and not long after the war began, Liu Yalou's troops suffered serious losses.

In such a critical situation, the large army began to carry out the transfer work, and if it led the troops to evacuate, it would inevitably pose a serious threat to the large force.

But looking at the soldiers in front of him, each of them is a child raised by his mother's father, the brothers follow themselves and entrust their lives to themselves, staying in this town must be more auspicious, how can they be worthy of them and their parents?

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

At this moment, Liu Yalou was already in a dilemma, and in desperation, he could only find Comrade Zhou Enlai.

After briefly explaining the current situation, Zhou Enlai began to formulate a detailed strategic plan, changed the original strategic deployment, and successively deployed a large number of troops near Huangpi and Caotaigang to ambush, won two important battles, and successfully smashed Chiang Kai-shek's fourth encirclement and suppression plan.

After that, Liu Yalou followed the Red Army troops to start a difficult Long March, and on the way many meritorious services, outwitted Zunyi, flew to capture Luding Bridge and other famous battles, behind its success Liu Yalou contributed a force.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

In 1936, Liu Yalou suddenly received an urgent order from the organization - ordering Liu Yalou to report to the Red Army University immediately, so Liu Yalou also began to work as a teacher in the Red Army University while continuing his studies.

Not long after, the Xi'an Incident broke out, and Liu Yalou himself was a soldier who was very eager to reflect his value on the battlefield, so he immediately submitted an application to the organization that he wanted to return to the front-line battlefield, but he did not pass the approval of the organization, but was transferred to the Red Army University Training Department as a minister.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

Liu Yalou couldn't accept this reality for a while, and he couldn't show his enthusiasm for serving the country, and he was very depressed. At this time, Chairman Mao came forward to find Liu Yalou, and Chairman Mao said: "Maybe you think that if you don't go to the front line and let you stay in the Red Army University, the organization has not discovered your military talent." Actually, it's not, it's just to let your talents get more out of the game! ”

Liu Yalou was a little puzzled when he heard this, so he looked at the chairman, and the chairman continued: "Looking at the current situation, in fact, education is the foundation of the country's cause, we might as well take a long-term view, and those who can take over this major task at the moment, except for you, really can't find a second suitable candidate!" After the chairman finished speaking, he patted Liu Yalou on the shoulder.

After listening to the chairman's words, he suddenly realized that all the depression in his heart lingered, and he immediately responded to the chairman: "Please rest assured that I will be able to successfully complete the task assigned to me by the organization!" ”

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

He went to the Soviet Union for further study and returned to China to serve

In 1937, the July Seven Incident broke out, and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was in full swing. In the face of the sophisticated equipment of the Japanese army, we were always in a disadvantageous position, and although we were really powerless at that time under such rigid external conditions, we could learn and apply some advanced combat plans and military tactics at home and abroad, so as to gain an advantage in the engagement.

As a result, Liu Yalou, as a representative of the advanced intellectuals in the organization, was appointed to the Soviet Union for tactical study. This time, Liu Yalou did not feel any puzzle in the face of the organization's deployment, because at this time, he had already integrated with the organization and the people, as long as he could contribute to the country, even if it was a sword mountain and a sea of fire.

Liu Yalou knew that this trip to the Soviet Union was a heavy responsibility, in order to live up to the organization and the people, he began to make adequate preparations, even in the middle of the night, he still turned on the lamp to memorize Russian words, hard work paid off, day and night all night to study, Liu Yalou finally overcame the big difficulty of language, and then stepped into the main topic, began to study in military tactics.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

By 1941, German troops had already advanced to the western part of the Soviet Union, and Moscow was in danger. Stalin and other Soviet generals also began to predict the German offensive line, and they unanimously believed that Hitler might attack Ukraine first and then move closer to Moscow.

But Liu Yalou didn't think so, he found Lin Biao, who was recuperating in the Soviet Union, and the two picked up a map of the entire Eastern European region and studied it carefully. After some analysis, a quick judgment was made on Hitler's offensive line, and they most likely would first capture Belarus and then launch an offensive against Moscow.

However, at that time, no one cared about the results of the analysis of the two, and it was not until the offensive line of the German army was completely consistent with the results of the analysis of the two that Stalin and others began to pay attention to these two military wizards from China.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

In the days that followed, because Liu Yalou's ability was very outstanding, the Soviet side threw an olive branch to him many times, they found Liu Yalou, invited him to join the Soviet Union, and even offered very generous conditions, the Soviet Union's senior leaders said to Liu Yalou: "If you can stay in the Soviet Union and participate in the planning of military activities, then we can provide you with lifelong preferential treatment." ”

This condition was really lucrative, but Liu Yalou was unmoved and rejected this request of the Soviet Union. He responded: "I am a member of the Chinese nation, and I must never forget the motherland and the people who are deeply involved in the war. My country needs me now, and I ask for your understanding. ”

In fact, Liu Yalou did not study in the Soviet Union for such a long time, but the Soviet Union has always refused to respond to his application for return. It was not until 1945 that Liu Yalou came to Dalian with the opportunity of the Soviet Union to send troops to the northeast of the mainland.

Soon after returning to China, Liu Yalou began to participate in the command of our army.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

In January 1949, the horn of the liberation of Tianjin sounded, this battle was of great significance, it can be said that it was the largest urban siege in the entire liberation war, Liu Yalou, Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan and other outstanding generals of our army participated in the command work.

Just as he was preparing to attack Tanggu, Liu Yalou put forward a different proposal, and he indicated at the meeting that the attack on Tanggu could be changed to an attack on Tianjin, which would not only greatly gain time in the entire strategy, but also cut off the enemy's rear route.

After listening to Liu Yalou's suggestion, Lin Biao and the others suddenly realized, it turned out that the terrain of Tanggu at that time was complicated, the position was a Nangong, and the enemy still had a large number of fleets to provide support in the sea area at any time, if they rashly launched an attack on Tanggu, they would inevitably pay a huge price!

After a detailed strategic analysis, this strategic request was agreed, and the order to attack Tianjin was immediately issued.

In the end, our army won the most important battle with the fewest casualties, and it took only twenty-nine hours to annihilate 130,000 enemy troops and successfully liberate Tianjin.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

The formation of the air force unit is a great achievement

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Yalou continued to shine brightly, from the army unit to the air force unit. Although the future was full of infinite uncertainties and difficulties, Liu Yalou had no sense of fear, and instead rushed to the Korean battlefield with the newly established air force.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Liu Yalou put forward a strategic plan to learn while fighting, and facts have proved that his plan is also very effective.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

At that time, when the volunteers competed with the US Air Force, which was known as the world's first, the pilot Li Han and others at that time adhered to the operational concept put forward by Liu Yalou and attacked bravely, and in the face of the invasion of the US Air Force F-84 fighters, our air force fighters did not flinch and launched a head-on attack.

At the beginning when the fighters of the two sides gradually approached to 400 meters, Li Han found the right time to attack the US army and directly shot down the US fighter! This was the first time in the history of the continental air force that it won a victory in an air battle!

As soon as the news came back to China, the whole country applauded the achievements of the air force, and the morale of the volunteers was greatly encouraged!

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

According to incomplete statistics, from October 1950 to July 1953, the mainland air force attacked and dispatched more than 26,000 fighters and destroyed 330 enemy fighters.

After the end of the Korean War, Liu Yalou led the air force back to the embrace of the motherland, and in 1955, at the award ceremony in Zhongnanhai, Liu Yalou was awarded the rank of general, and also won the first-class August 1st Medal, the first-class Independent Freedom Medal and the first-class Liberation Medal.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral

Takashige Memorial Service

On May 7, 1965, General Liu Yalou suffered from advanced liver cancer and died in Shanghai East China Hospital at the age of 55.

After the death of General Liu Yalou, his ashes were transported to the Zhongshan Hall in Zhongshan Park in Beijing, where a large number of people attended the funeral, and 100,000 people in Beijing spontaneously organized a send-off procession to mourn.

After the memorial service, the coffin was escorted by Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao and buried in Babaoshan Cemetery. It's so grand and unprecedented.

Liu Yalou: After 8 years of Anti-Japanese War and went to the Soviet Union, why can he still be awarded the title of general? A death funeral is comparable to a state funeral


Rong Ma has a lifetime, countless meritorious achievements, the three armies are easy to obtain, and one general is hard to find!

General Liu Yalou has completed his great mission with his life! went to the Soviet Union for further study and returned to China to serve; The formation of the air force unit is a meritorious achievement; Rushed to fight in North Korea and became a blockbuster!

No matter how the times change, we must also remember the spirit inherited by General Liu Yalou, and remember and pay tribute to the shining souls of martyrs!