
Imminent! The alliance of Lu, Jiang and Hou has been completed! Lu Xiuyan's bid for the chairmanship is as easy as a snap


Text—Zhang Youhua

"Swallow, Hanzi, and Prince" are on the same stage in New Taipei, Yanzi Lu Xiuyan, Hanzi Hou Youyi, and Prince Jiang Wanan, the three of them are on the same stage, which has caused speculation in the political arena. The so-called political speculation is whether Lu Xiuyan wants to attack 2028 directly, and wants to form a ruling alliance with Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi.

Imminent! The alliance of Lu, Jiang and Hou has been completed! Lu Xiuyan's bid for the chairmanship is as easy as a snap

In the process of the three of them on the same stage this time, it can be seen that Lu Xiuyan is carrying out the so-called municipal exchanges in a domineering attitude. In the morning, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi, and in the afternoon, Lu Xiuyan and Hou Youyi went to New Taipei City to visit the municipal government. It can be seen that these three people have their own problems if they form an alliance.

Let's talk about Hou Youyi first, what is Hou Youyi's next step after his term expires in 2026, especially his designated successor to forcibly touch Li Sichuan. Now all polls show that Li Sichuan's polls are higher than Liu Heran and also higher than Huang Guochang. If Hou Youyi persists, he will inevitably run for the chairmanship of the Kuomintang, because he has the right to nominate him.

The second Jiang Wanan, Jiang Wanan has both the issue of re-election and the issue of cross-strait relations. At present, the "Taiwan authorities" are inclined to cancel the so-called "Twin Cities Forum" in the hope that Jiang Wanan will not have exchanges with Shanghai Municipality at a sensitive moment, and this is the first problem that Jiang Wanan will face. The second problem is that there are five fraud cases between Jiang Wanan and Ke Wenzhe, and whether Jiang Wanan wants to investigate it or directly transfer it to justice, everyone is also waiting to see. Thirdly, he has the question of re-election. If the People's Party wants to push Huang Shanshan to come out for election, of course it does not pose a threat to Jiang Wanan, but at least it is a restraining force, and this is Jiang Wanan's problem.

Imminent! The alliance of Lu, Jiang and Hou has been completed! Lu Xiuyan's bid for the chairmanship is as easy as a snap

Now there is no problem in the Kuomintang is Lu Xiuyan, but Lu Xiuyan has never let go of running for the chairman of the Kuomintang. Now it is slowly discovered that there is a momentum of the ruling alliance, including the mayor of Nuli County, who has been able to take over the chairmanship of the Kuomintang when Lu Xiuyan's term expires in 2026. But Lu Xiuyan is just talking about municipal appointments, she has an appointment with Taichung citizens, she will do a good job for 4 years, and then then elect the next Taichung mayor Jiang Qichen. Therefore, Lu Xiuyan has almost formed a political alliance with the local factions in the central region, and in this case, Lu Xiuyan is obviously the most powerful among the "men, princes, and swallows", which is Lu Xiuyan's recent situation.

Lu Xiuyan is looking for the so-called "man and prince" to share the stage, of course, with Lu Xiuyan's identity, with Lu Xiuyan's ruling status, it can be said that she is the eldest sister, at least the "man" and "prince" will not challenge Lu Xiuyan. Then there is a county mayor of the ruling coalition, and this person's name is Zhang Shanzheng. Now Zhang Shanzheng and Zhu Lilun include Han Kuo-yu, and Lu Xiuyan has formed an alliance with Han Kuo-yu, and Han Kuo-yu cannot concurrently hold party posts because of his position. In this case, one is Zhang Shanzheng, Zhang Shanzheng himself also has the problem of re-election, so in this case, Zhang Shanzheng will also choose to form an alliance with Lu Xiuyan, but the only one who does not see the king is called Zhu Lilun.

In fact, Lu Xiuyan has already met Ke Wenzhe in Taichung City, so everyone is speculating about the combination of Lu Xiuyan and Ke Wenzhe. Now Ke Wenzhe is still thinking about it, especially Ke Wenzhe's current image and political party recognition of the People's Party, he hopes that a "blood drop" can return to the People's Party for reorganization, and this person is Cai Biru. Tsai Biru is now a civil servant and an adviser to the Taichung City Government, and we can see Lu Xiuyan's alliance posture from this. Except for one Zhu Lilun, most of the others have been completed, especially the support of the female mayor. It can be said that if Lu Xiuyan really wants to run for the chairman of the Kuomintang, there is no Zhu Lilun's share, and whether or not to run for election is in her thoughts.

Imminent! The alliance of Lu, Jiang and Hou has been completed! Lu Xiuyan's bid for the chairmanship is as easy as a snap

As for Zhu Lilun's current attempt to regain his self-confidence from the streets, he also hopes to be able to continue to serve as the chairman of the Kuomintang. However, the Kuomintang members are not without opinions on Zhu Lilun's re-election, and it can be seen from these facts that Lu Xiuyan is now beginning to make arrangements, and this is her political responsibility that she must bear. But how to get rid of the burden of the Kuomintang in the process of undertaking it is another reason why Lu Xiuyan is considering whether to accept the chairman of the Kuomintang.

If Lu Xiuyan doesn't take it, the second priority is Hou Youyi. But if Hou Youyi takes over as the main force of the chairman of the Kuomintang, many people within the Kuomintang will have doubts about Hou Youyi's performance in 2023. Third, if these two people don't want to, will it be Zhu Lilun's turn? It can be said that if Zhu Lilun really has to run for election, the KMT will inevitably be in turmoil.

Judging from this, the fact that the "man, swallow, and prince" are on the same stage means that this alliance situation has been formed, and whether Zhu Lilun is unhappy or happy, he must respect the attitude of the county mayor of the ruling alliance. Now Zhu Lilun's next step is to see if he can win the support of the mayors of the counties in the ruling alliance, if no one supports it or as long as the mayors of the four capitals of the ruling alliance do not support it, Zhu Lilun is probably very likely to become a political marginal.

Imminent! The alliance of Lu, Jiang and Hou has been completed! Lu Xiuyan's bid for the chairmanship is as easy as a snap

Han Kuo-yu doesn't need to talk about it, anyway, he has formed an alliance with Lu Xiuyan, and because of his status and public office, he is not suitable to serve as the chairman of the Kuomintang. There is only one Zhang Shanzheng still thinking about it, and this consideration will probably be decided in the near future. After all, 2028 will only come after 2026, and if there is no 2026, there will be no 2028. The Kuomintang is now caught in an institutional competition, who can win this institutional competition, as long as Lu Xiuyan nods, the Kuomintang may be her world in the future.

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