
The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

author:Xiao Xinghui said digital

Nowadays, information technology is developed off-road, but the era of information explosion seems to be a double-edged sword, because as an ordinary audience, sometimes, it is really impossible to judge the truth of things, and it is easy to be "led by some people with a heart". Recently, the character "Jia Ke" has been on the hot search of the mainstream media. It is on the hot search, not because of any outstanding contributions, but because of a series of controversial rumor-mongering incidents. I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it, it turned out that Jia Ke had so much material behind him.

The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

This character has many "gimmick" titles, such as a doctor from the School of Journalism. He is a well-known automobile observer, editor-in-chief of Automobile Business Review, and the principal of Xuanyuan School. However, the evaluation of this character is mixed on the Internet, judging from the recent news, it seems that most of the negative news is there, especially in the automobile circle, which has set off a lot of waves and left an indelible mark on the audience's career.

The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

Because this figure expressed a pessimistic view of our country's automobile industry, and even said unashamedly that the current Chinese automobile industry has reached the "most dangerous moment", and said that the current automobile industry in terms of cost, technology, capital, users, relationships and other aspects of "involution" is not a good thing. This view is also very one-sided, but such public opinion has been refuted by millions of netizens, because the automotive industry is involuted, and it is actually consumers who ultimately benefit, which shows that its views are quite unscrutinized. Extremely irresponsible to the automotive industry.

The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

In order to demonstrate their so-called "far-sightedness" to the automotive industry, the speech released at the 16th China Automobile Blue Book Forum was also questioned and complained by many netizens, although the speech did not mention the word "BYD", but almost all of it was attacking and even smearing BYD. Let's ask, what is the benefit of this, BYD is our country's "national enterprise", it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the "big brother" of the automobile circle, "Jia Ke" does this, why in the end?

It turned out that as early as 2016, "Jia Ke" had a grudge with BYD. The cause of the incident is that in the Taiyuan taxi incident in 2016, the driver originally died suddenly, but "Jia Ke" said that he was electrocuted by a BYD car leakage, which has no bottom line and no basis for remarks, which caused huge reputational losses to BYD.

The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

Although he finally had to apologize publicly, this person seems to be the next "Liangzi" with BYD from then on. Hostility towards BYD seems to have increased instead of decreasing, and it has repeatedly smeared and attacked BYD in public.

The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

Although this character has many titles, but after entering the deep digging of netizens, it was found that Xuanyuan University, founded by this character, seems to be a "pheasant university" without formal qualifications, this school is not open to the public, and the objects of enrollment are executives of various car companies or upstream and downstream units. The annual registration fee is up to 100,000 yuan. Behind such high tuition fees, there seems to be a suspicion of benefit transfer.

The double examination of truth and morality, behind "Jia Ke", there is so much material!

In addition, some titles on this character have also been questioned by netizens, such as the chairman of the China Automotive Blue Book Forum and the chairman of the World New Automotive Technology Cooperation Ecological Association, because it is unknown whether these institutions are legitimate.

In general, the series of incidents of "Jia Ke" not only caused great damage to his reputation, but also had a negative impact on the development of the automobile industry. The so-called "experts" who originally belonged to the automobile circle should make suggestions for the domestic automobile industry, so that China's automobile industry can better go to the world, instead of using their so-called influence to smear and criticize our national brand, which not only violates morality, but also violates industry norms, and has caused serious damage to the image and public trust of the entire industry.

As individuals or media, we should be objective, not spread rumors, not criticize, not smear, not spread rumors, not believe rumors, and improve our ability to screen information. Of course, we also hope that the automobile industry and the regulatory authorities will strengthen the management and supervision of the industry to prevent the recurrence of such incidents. At the same time, we also hope that the automotive industry will strengthen self-discipline and jointly promote the healthy development of the industry.