
When I was on duty, they gave me 1,000 yuan per month each

author:A clump of twisted flowers


This morning, I made myself a bowl of egg water.

When my grandmother was alive, she would occasionally make an egg water, and she said it was delicious, but she couldn't drink it often because there were no eggs.

I drank egg water in my grandmother's bowl, it was so fishy, I didn't like it.

This morning, Ma Tuan'er made her own breakfast and asked me if I wanted to boil eggs. Pinch your fingers, it's only been four days since you cut the polyp, isn't it a bit early to eat boiled eggs, don't eat boiled eggs, make a bowl of egg water.

It's the first time I've rushed this thing.

My sister rushed over the egg water, and I remember my sister telling me that the main point was to blanch the bowl first and heat it up.

Here's how I do it: Crack an egg in the fridge in a bowl and stir (the more scattered, the better).

Pour half a basin of hot water into a small basin (my hot water is from a thermos, not very hot, fifty or sixty degrees), put the egg bowl in a small basin (the water can't go through the bowl, doesn't the bowl go in?). Rotate the egg bowl to heat it evenly, and stir the egg wash with chopsticks so that the eggs next to the bowl are not cooked.

After about a minute or two, when the bowl is hot and the egg liquid is not cold, just flush the freshly boiled hot water (I only boiled this hot water for one second) along the edge of the bowl into the egg liquid (do not stir). Then take a dish and cover the egg bowl.

The egg bowl is still in the hot water basin. After a minute or two, you can take it out and drink it.

I put a little sugar in the egg water, oh my god, it's delicious, the frangipani is thin and shiny.

I'm addicted, and I'll drink egg water tomorrow.

When I was on duty, they gave me 1,000 yuan per month each

I washed the egg water

When I was on duty, they gave me 1,000 yuan per month each

I washed the egg water


Today I basically ate a normal diet, eating fish, dried tofu, shredded pork, tamales, and potatoes.

Also ate apples and peaches.

Apples and peaches are either juiced or eaten with teeth.

Ma Tuan'er didn't let me eat it, saying that I didn't follow the doctor's instructions, and that it was too early to eat the fruit.

I can't understand this, it's not that I have a stomach problem, my stomach function is normal, everything I eat is processed into a paste by the stomach, and when it enters the intestines, it is already very soft, and it will not hurt the intestines.

Of course, if you eat like I did when I was a kid, I don't think I can do it.

When I was a child, in the summer, I ate roasted bud rice and pulled bud rice grains. Eat 洋姑 niǎng儿, pull 洋姑 niǎng. Eat melon seeds, pull melon seeds.

That doesn't seem to work, the melon seeds are squeezed into the polyp wound again, and then suppurated, that's bad.

Anyway, after passing through the stomach, it can be digested into a paste, and I can eat it.

When I was on duty, they gave me 1,000 yuan per month each

The diet is basically normal


W went to Yunnan to play, and today I made a video with Ma Tuan'er, saying that I was in Beihai again.

I'm so envious.

Ma Tuan'er didn't go out to play, as soon as I said go out to play, he said: Are you okay? You don't eat normally, what do you go out to eat?

This is a reason for Ma Tuan'er to catch me, or a grandiose reason, I feel sorry for me and care about me, so I don't go out to play.

I really convinced him, I watched TV after breakfast, took a nap at noon, cooked three meals a day, and played with my mobile phone when I was tired of watching TV.

Not to mention three days and five days, a month and two months, he doesn't go downstairs, and he is not in a hurry.

I can't do it, I have a headache at home, I went to the vegetable market with an umbrella in the afternoon, and bought three peaches, a piece of braised duck, and 10 yuan of peanut shells (shelled peanuts).

Some relatives said, Twist Ya, while you haven't gone to see your grandson, go home and change your sister, you won't have time when you see your grandson.

I also have this plan, in a few days, I will have to wait until I can run and jump before going back.

The doctor told me not to do housework for a month, and now when I go back, I can't do anything, and I wait for my sister to serve me.

I can't do it, my sister can't let me, she knows that I cut polyps.

Friends, go back and change your sister, that's your kind, distressed sister's thoughts.

In practice, it's not that simple.

I went back, where did I stay? Living in my own home, that's fine. Where do I eat? Eat at my sister's house? Whoever buys vegetables, who cooks.

Relatives may say, you buy vegetables, you cook.

I can buy vegetables and cook, but, first, my mother and sister are not used to eating, and the second sister will agree no.

Will there be a situation where every morning I go over and find that my sister has prepared me a breakfast?

Then I found that my sister had already put the ribs in the pressure cooker, and the beans were also picked.

I tried my best to stew beans at eleven o'clock, and found that my sister had already stewed them.

I thought that I would do it early in the evening, and I would do it first, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, my sister would call for dinner.

Occasionally, I grabbed it and cooked a few meals, did this sister, really help her more than the trouble for her?

Why don't you let my mother sleep in my house? My mother's clothes, toilets, and all the stuff are poured into my house? Except for myself, I feel a little more comfortable: Look, I'm here to take care of my mother. What's in it for my mother?

Also, don't we each give my sister 1,000 yuan a month, and I will do the same when I go back.

However, if you are your sister, will you be embarrassed: my sister has come back to take care of my mother, don't take my sister's money.

My sister accepted it, but my sister didn't want to go.

Sister doesn't accept it, I don't want to go.

The best way is for everyone to tell the truth, my sister wants to rest, or go out to play, my sister will tell me directly, and I will go back to change her.

When I was on duty, they gave me 1,000 yuan per month each.

My sister is back on duty, and we will give the money to my sister again.

Don't laugh at me, laugh at me so clearly, "Sisters, what are you doing so clearly".

There is an old saying, called brothers, settle accounts.

It makes sense.

Brothers and sisters in your own family, don't be confused.

Your intentions are good, I don't care, I can give everything, my own family.

However, in life, often such people do not handle family relationships well. In the end, the person who thought he had paid more complained and was full of grievances.

When I will return to Harbin one day, I haven't thought about it yet.

If my sister doesn't go out and is at home, then it won't help my sister much if I go back.

If I change it, I don't like to have one more person in the house, troublesome.