
The presence of these 4 symptoms suggests that the body is aging

author:Doctor Director He
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Aging is a natural process that cannot be avoided by everyone, and from the moment we are born, we are destined to age and die. However, many people use age as a criterion for judging aging, but in fact, the performance of the body can directly tell us whether we are getting older. Today we take a look at which bodily signals are alerting us to the arrival of aging.

Loose skin

As we age, the skin becomes saggy and wrinkles appear, which is one of the most intuitive signs of aging. The main reason is the decrease in collagen and elastin in the body, which are important components for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. As they are lost, the skin gradually loses its support and elasticity and becomes sagging and saggy.

As we age, the skin's growth hormone secretion decreases, cell division slows down, and the skin is more susceptible to damage. Combined with long-term sun exposure, UV rays can accelerate skin aging, resulting in wrinkles, dryness, and pigmentation.

The face and hands, in particular, are the most susceptible to UV damage, and long-term lack of sun protection can exacerbate these aging phenomena. Maintaining good skincare habits and proper sun protection measures are important means to delay skin aging.

The presence of these 4 symptoms suggests that the body is aging

Memory is not as good as it used to be

People's brains begin to age at the age of 30. After the age of 40, the body's metabolism gradually slows down, and the function of brain cells decreases. After the age of 60, the brain shrinks at a rate of 15% per year. The gradual reduction of brain cells is the key to the decline of memory and cognition.

When we are young, we are able to recall and absorb new knowledge quickly, but this ability gradually decreases as we age. Factors such as brain atrophy, reduced cerebral blood flow, and decreased ability to communicate between neurons lead to gradual deterioration of brain function.

Long-term stress and tension can also affect the balance of neurotransmitters, causing damage to the brain. This also explains why when we are stressed, we tend to feel memory loss and slow reflexes. Maintaining peace of mind and de-stressing is essential for maintaining brain health.

The presence of these 4 symptoms suggests that the body is aging

Lowering physical strength

One of the most noticeable changes in the aging process is the decline in physical strength. As we age, our metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases, and our physical strength decreases. Many middle-aged and elderly people feel weak and easily fatigued, which is one of the signs of aging. I used to climb stairs easily, but now it has become so hard that I feel out of breath even after walking a few steps.

This is mainly due to a decline in heart and lung function, combined with muscle wasting and reduced range of motion. These changes are all signs of aging, suggesting that we need to pay more attention to the maintenance and exercise of our body.

Moderate physical activity not only strengthens physical strength, but also improves cardiopulmonary function and delays the aging of muscles and joints. For example, brisk walking, jogging or swimming every day can significantly improve the body's endurance and vitality, and reduce the discomfort caused by aging.

The presence of these 4 symptoms suggests that the body is aging

Decreased sleep quality

People who often suffer from insomnia are 5 times more likely to develop depression than the general population, and people who sleep less than 4 hours a night have a mortality rate 180% higher than normal. As we age, many people gradually experience a gradual decline in sleep quality, which may be related to changes in hormone levels, pain sensations, medication side effects, etc.

The decrease in deep sleep, the easy transition from light sleep to wakefulness, leads to multiple awakenings. Poor sleep quality will affect people's physical health and mental state, and exacerbate the phenomenon of aging.

The presence of these 4 symptoms suggests that the body is aging

In order to improve the quality of sleep, it is recommended that you arrange your work and rest time reasonably and maintain 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Create a peaceful, comfortable sleeping environment and avoid overly excited activities before bedtime, such as watching stimulating TV shows or using your phone. Relaxing activities such as soaking your feet in warm water and listening to soft music can also help improve the quality of your sleep.

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