
Blindly treating serious diseases with good medicine, dissipating cold in the warmth, returning to the yang and passing the pulse, and treating these three diseases are not a problem

author:Kamiki Garden

For friends who know about traditional Chinese medicine, they should be very familiar with the medical book "Shennong's Materia Medica", which is one of the four classic works of traditional Chinese medicine, is the earliest known work of traditional Chinese medicine, in this medical book, a total of 365 kinds of drug efficacy are recorded, most of which are true and reliable, and are still commonly used in clinical medicine. In addition, there are many medicinal herbs that are not rare in our lives and are almost "readily available".

The ancients once said that "medicine and food are not separated", and there is such a medicinal herb in the "Shennong Materia Medica", which is not only an indispensable seasoning in the family kitchen, but also can be used to prevent and treat diseases, it is dried ginger.

Blindly treating serious diseases with good medicine, dissipating cold in the warmth, returning to the yang and passing the pulse, and treating these three diseases are not a problem

Dry ginger is actually dried old ginger, and traditional Chinese medicine ginger from the same source, are the rhizome of ginger herb plant ginger for many years, dry ginger flavor is pungent, hot, mainly classified into the stomach, kidney, heart, lung meridian in the body, belongs to the representative of Wenli medicine, has the effect of dissipating cold in the warmth, returning to the yang and passing the pulse, warming the lungs and drinking, and as early as a long time ago, people found that dry ginger is a good medicine for the treatment of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.

Zhang Zhongjing has a lot of experience in the use of dried ginger, in the two medical books "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" and "Jin Kui Yaolu", there are nearly 70 prescriptions for dried ginger, which also left a lot of classic prescriptions for later generations, such as Xiaoqinglong soup in the top ten prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as Dajianzhong soup, Siyi soup, etc., which are widely used in clinical diagnosis and treatment. The clinical use of dried ginger is often particularly prominent in these three aspects.

Blindly treating serious diseases with good medicine, dissipating cold in the warmth, returning to the yang and passing the pulse, and treating these three diseases are not a problem

1. Moderate cold

Dried ginger is hot and dry, mainly into the spleen and stomach, good at dissipating cold in warmth, healthy spleen and yang, is the main medicine often used by doctors to warm the middle of the coke, often used together with other Chinese herbal medicines, to treat or alleviate the disease. In Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", there are many classic prescriptions, all of which make use of the characteristics of dry ginger to dissipate cold in the warmth, such as Lizhong Pill, which is to combine dried ginger with Codonopsis, Atractylodes, and Glycyrrhiza Root, which are compatible with the four flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, which plays a role in dispelling cold in the warmth, replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen, in order to treat symptoms such as weakness of the spleen and stomach, cold pain in the abdomen, and Zhang Zhongjing's dried turmeric and canopycap ginseng soup, which is mainly used to treat the symptoms of upper heat and lower cold, cold and heat refusal, and vomiting when eaten.

2. Dead Sun

For people with weak physique, if there are symptoms such as a slight pulse and cold extremities due to the excessive cold and evil that invades the internal organs, then in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, this is the yang qi desire caused by the cold evil and the yang yang, or the death of the yang qi caused by sweating. The dried ginger is hot and spicy, enters the heart, spleen, and kidney meridians, and has the effect of warming the yang and guarding the center, returning to the yang and relieving the adversity, and is often used with the traditional Chinese medicine aconite, so as to return to the yang and relieve the symptoms.

Blindly treating serious diseases with good medicine, dissipating cold in the warmth, returning to the yang and passing the pulse, and treating these three diseases are not a problem

3. Phlegm drinking

Dried ginger is hot and spicy, enters the lung meridian, and is good at warming the lungs and dissipating cold and drinking. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that coughing and asthma from cold drinking is mostly due to yang deficiency, which causes the water to be damp and gathers for drinking, and the upper part of the lungs will lead to coughing and wheezing. In response to this disease, Zhang Zhongjing's famous recipe Xiaoqinglong soup can play a significant alleviating effect, using dried ginger and medicinal materials such as fine spice, schisandra, ephedra and other herbs together, which can treat cold drinks, cough and asthma, cold back cold, and phlegm is more thin.

Of course, the clinical use of dried ginger is not limited to this, its warm and cold power, as well as warming the lungs and drinking, returning to the yang and relieving adversity, can be mainly used to alleviate the symptoms of deficiency and cold in the middle and upper coke, however, because the dry ginger is hot and dry, if it is a patient with yin deficiency and internal heat in the body, or blood fever in vain, it is not applicable, but may aggravate the symptoms due to the heat.

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