
Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer


Presumably your emoji pack has a GIF of Han Hong dumbfounded and stunned

Its source came from a singing talent show in 2013, which is estimated to be the first time Han Hong lost her temper in front of the camera, and said "Get out" to a sloppy middle-aged man

In 2013, Cheng Shulin, who did not receive any professional training but has always had a passion for music, participated in the talent show "The Voice of Chinese Dream", which was the first time he stood on such a big stage

But in the first round of auditions in Hangzhou, he sang "The Night is as Cool as Water", a very ordinary person, a very ordinary opportunity, he went through the motions like passers-by A and B in the movie

After returning home, the unwilling Cheng Shulin guessed that it was because of his age. "This show is an idol, I'm almost forty years old", at that time, Xiao Xianrou's entertainment culture was prevalent, and the good-looking skin and flesh determined whether he could become a star

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

But the miraculous thing is that Cheng Shulin got a second chance, and the director found him again and said to him, "You must be hot!" In addition to the good-looking protagonist in this world, the clown also needs someone to play it, and this role fell to Cheng Shulin, so he got the opportunity to participate in the second round of the competition

Maybe the intention of the program team is to increase the interest and topic heat of the show through his "weird behavior" on the stage, but for Cheng Shulin, it is an opportunity that must be seized

In an interview before the game, he said that even if he was eliminated, he hoped that his original work could be commented on by tutors such as Han Hong and Coco Li, and even then he would not regret it

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

In the scene, he directly sang his "Roasted Gluten", sang Cheng Shulin, who was rich in demeanor, and silenced the judges sitting on the mentor's seat with his ghostly singing style, among which Han Hong scolded directly, and a "roll" was the end of Cheng Shulin's second time on this show

His task was completed, and the program team made this episode of the show have more highlights and topics through editing, and even went on Weibo hot search, which is what the program team wants to see, as for Cheng Shulin's music dream? I'm sorry, but I don't care

The clip sung on the stage was regarded as a funny joke by the program team, mixed with the weird performances of several people, and broadcast together, such an explosive program will attract more curious audiences, the ratings will rise, the topic will be full, and the program team just wants his ugly state for entertainment, and he will be lost when he runs out

After Cheng Shulin and this show were briefly hotly discussed, he disappeared from public view, and no one knew where he went until 2018

A friend said to Cheng Shulin, who wandered to Kunming, Yunnan Province to sing: "You are on fire! "Cheng Shulin was stunned." I really don't know. ”

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

On March 23, 2018, the up master of station B with millions of fans "has one day to go on holiday" released a ghost animal training video

【Brother Gluten×Brother Bolan】My baked gluten melts your heart! _Bilibili_bilibili

The number of views of this video is as high as 53.709 million, and it has also been selected as one of the "Top 85 Videos to Watch at Station"

The UP master put Cheng Shulin, who participated in "The Voice of the Chinese Dream", and his homeless partner P on the face of "Brother Bolan", and tuned and filled in the lyrics with Alan Walker's song All falls down

A video of a ghost animal with a million UP masters at station B exploded, and Cheng Shulin became a gluten brother overnight, after five years, it seems like a trick of fate, or he is destined to become a popular super Internet celebrity on the Internet

Brother Gluten is just one of the countless Internet celebrities who have become popular in the ghost animal videos of Station B over the years, after the second creation of ghost netizens after whimsical ideas and brains, those ordinary people who had disappeared in the world were once again pulled into the spotlight stage

In fact, because the ghost animal video became popular again, there is no difference between the gluten brother and the program group that made him on the show for the second time, they all just want to watch the ugly state, and the ghost animal video created for the second time is a contemporary "abstract art", maybe many people don't understand the word abstraction so well, and it is indeed impossible to explain one or two sentences

When Cheng Shulin became a gluten brother, many people didn't know how bitter the story behind this song was

At that time, Cheng Shulin was still a roadside vendor, and he specialized in selling baked gluten near Shanghai's Jiading District

I wake up at 6 a.m. every day, wake up at home, cut the noodles, wrap them into a curved shape with chopsticks, and cook them in a pot with spices

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, he pedaled the cart out of the stall, and when a guest came, he was busy brushing oil, grilling skewers, and sprinkling cumin, and closed the stall at eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, and he could earn about 100 yuan every night

"Roasted Gluten" was created during this period, he did not give up his music dream, on the contrary, he still has the luxury of being able to make his life through music to have some comfort, or change, he pasted the lyrics on the car, hoping to attract more customers through music, and later became popular He said lightly, "At least I sing now that people can hear me"

Regarding his popularity in the way of being spoofed, Cheng Shulin said that he didn't mind: "Everyone likes my style at that time, shaking their hair, shaking their heads, squeezing their eyebrows and glaring, and some of them have made emojis, in fact, everyone is in a fun mentality." Besides, it looks cute, doesn't it? No matter what form it takes, whether it's singing or ghosts, I am happy when I see everyone happy. ”

At that time, the short video platform had become an Internet giant, and the commercial company behind it saw the huge potential benefits of Brother Gluten that could be harvested, so he was pushed away, signed a contract with a music company, a film and television company, and moved to Beijing in the spring of 2019, on Douyin, Cheng Shulin gained nearly 7 million fans and more than 9 million likes

At the end of 2018, the account of Brother Gluten, who became popular on Douyin, suddenly emptied everything, and all short video works were suddenly taken off the shelves, and the likes were also emptied, and no one posted an explanation for the reason for the removal

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

There are even more conspiracy theories that Han Hong and his grievances were caused by that year, which is very, and one version of the rumor that people are more willing to believe is that Brother Gluten wants to do free public welfare activities, and the signing company does not agree for the sake of interests, and the two sides have a conflict, so Brother Gluten terminated the contract and deleted the work

What is the truth, no one will delve into it in the follow-up, no one cares, Brother Gluten has completed the peak of Internet celebrity, and the cliff-like decline is inevitable, this is the fate of every Internet celebrity

On December 12, 2021, Brother Gluten returned to Station B, where he made his Internet celebrity road, he sat in front of the messy thatch, and the video of "When You're Old" on the guitar rushed to the top of the millions of plays and station B daily lists.

Write in the title, "When the gluten is old, remember the friends".

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

Compared with the arrogance, madness, and gluten brother in the ghost animal video in the early years, it seems more vicissitudes, playing and singing songs with a touch of sadness, and the comments are no longer ghost animal stalks, this time it seems that the audience finally realized the essence of brother gluten, and he wants to sing

On the evening of June 28, the family of the Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" posted a video on social platforms asking for help, saying that "Brother Gluten" has been admitted to the ICU for advanced liver cancer, and hopes to get everyone's help. On the 29th, the topic of "Brother Gluten" entering the ICU with advanced liver cancer rushed to the hot search, arousing the attention of netizens

The text in the video shows that "Brother Gluten" suddenly fainted at home at 9:38 p.m. on June 26, and his family immediately dialed 120 for emergency treatment and sent him to the hospital for rescue. At around 6 a.m. on the 27th, he was sent to the ICU ward, and the doctor said that it was advanced liver cancer. The doctor said that the results of Brother Gluten's consultation on the 29th showed that "Brother Gluten" had been sick for many years and had been carrying it while being treated. We posted the video because we had no choice, we just wanted to save Brother Gluten, and I begged everyone to help him

In fact, as early as 2020, Brother Gluten revealed that he had cancer, and late at night on October 5, he uploaded a new small video on social networks, revealing the unfortunate news of advanced cancer. In the film, I only see Brother Jin lying on a hospital bed, his face is dull and yellow, and he is looking withered, with his hands folded and praying

After so many years, Brother Gluten, who is fighting cancer, has once again returned to the public eye, no longer because of ghosts and singing, but because his life is coming to an end

Brother Gluten's abstract and sad Internet celebrity road ended with advanced liver cancer

If someone asks why ghost animal abstract culture has become a major symbol of the Chinese Internet in recent years, it is probably because life is too hard

If the suffering life can be recreated and a little spiritual comfort can be obtained from it, it is probably the simplest thing that many people want

On the short video platform, Cheng Shulin's "Poor Me" has been used as background music in more than 30,000 videos

"On the night of wandering, I was on the road

The headlights of the car dazzled my eyes, and I couldn't see the road ahead

How far can you go, how waddling the repetitive steps are, and how many bastards are hard stones.

I simply didn't have the strength to look at the sky, and I wasn't in the mood to experience it

I wanted to break myself into pieces, and I wanted to finish my life in one go, but I didn't have the courage or strength to watch my soul slowly dissipate. ”

This song Cheng Shulin wrote after the roasted gluten stall and his own money was stolen, and the lyrics are both straightforward and painful

Back in 2005, when the young Cheng Shulin was still a breeder at a pig farm in Yantai, Shandong

It was his first listeners who made him paranoid about his musical dreams: pigs on pig farms

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#歌手第八期排名: Tan Weiwei is the first#


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