
Cardiac neurosis, how does TCM distinguish and treat it?

author:Director of TCM cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Guo Yi

Cardiac neurosis, although there is no specific authoritative data in modern medicine to clearly report the characteristic diagnosis and treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, but with its long history and profound theoretical foundation, traditional Chinese medicine has developed a unique diagnosis and treatment system for such diseases in practice. The treatment of cardiac neurosis in TCM mainly follows the principle of "syndrome differentiation and treatment", that is, according to the specific condition and constitution of the patient, different Chinese medicine prescriptions are used for treatment.

Cardiac neurosis, how does TCM distinguish and treat it?

Traditional Chinese medicine classifies cardiac neurosis as a condition such as "depression syndrome" and "palpitations". Depression syndrome mainly refers to the lesions caused by emotional depression and poor qi, while palpitations are manifested as symptoms of restless heart beating and even involuntary heartbeat. There are various types of syndrome differentiation in TCM, and for cardiac neurosis, the following Chinese herbal formulas can generally be used for treatment:

1. Bupleurum Shugansan plus or minus: This recipe is mainly composed of Bupleurum chinensis, Xiangfu, Citrus aurantium, tangerine peel, Chuanxiong, peony, licorice and other traditional Chinese medicines. Its main effect is to relieve depression and regulate qi. It is suitable for liver qi stagnation, and patients often present with symptoms such as mental depression, emotional restlessness, chest and flank swelling and pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath. By harmonizing liver qi, it relieves emotional depression and thus improves the symptoms of cardiac neurosis.

Cardiac neurosis, how does TCM distinguish and treat it?

2. Add and subtract Gui Spleen Soup: Gui Spleen Soup is composed of Codonopsis, Poria Cocos, Atractylodes, Licorice, Astragalus, Angelica, Longan Meat, Sour Jujube Kernel, Yuanzhi, Muxiang, Divine Comedy, etc. Its effect is to strengthen the spleen and heart, and nourish qi and blood. It is suitable for heart and spleen deficiency syndrome, and patients mostly show symptoms such as excessive thinking, dizziness and fatigue, palpitations and timidity, insomnia and forgetfulness. By nourishing the heart and spleen, it enhances qi and blood, thereby relieving the discomfort caused by cardiac neurosis.

Cardiac neurosis, how does TCM distinguish and treat it?

3. Tianwang Buxin Dan plus or minus: This recipe is mainly composed of Rehmannia root, yam, dogwood, asparagus, wheat winter, scutellaria, ginseng, poria cocos, schisandra, angelica, cypress kernel, sour jujube kernel, Yuanzhi, salvia, danpi and so on. Its effect is to nourish the heart and kidneys. It is suitable for heart and kidney yin deficiency syndrome, and patients often present with symptoms such as emotional restlessness, palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia and dreams, five heart irritability, and night sweats. By nourishing the heart and kidneys, harmonizing yin and yang, it improves the symptoms of cardiac neurosis.

Cardiac neurosis, how does TCM distinguish and treat it?

It is important to note that the above Chinese herbal formulas are not suitable for all patients with cardiac neurosis. TCM treatment focuses on individualization, and each patient's constitution and condition are different, so when using TCM prescriptions, it is necessary to carry out syndrome differentiation treatment under the guidance of a doctor, and do not blindly use drugs on your own to avoid adverse effects. At the same time, patients should also maintain a good attitude during the treatment process and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment in order to recover as soon as possible.

I am Guo Yi, deputy chief TCM physician of traditional Chinese medicine, if you have questions related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, please leave a message to me in the comment area.

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