
How much can I save a year by replacing the main editing positions of large factories with outsourcing?

author:Idle drunken mountain people

In recent years, with the sluggish growth of the Internet economy, enterprises have taken measures to reduce costs and increase efficiency in order to enhance their competitiveness. Outsourcing part of the business to a third-party company has become a common means. Internet companies are no exception, and some of the positions that were originally undertaken by full-time employees have begun to be replaced by outsourcing. So the question is, how much cost can be saved by replacing the full-time position with outsourcing?

How much can I save a year by replacing the main editing positions of large factories with outsourcing?

Here is a basic assumption, the annual salary of employees in large factories is 300,000 yuan (2w*15 salary), and the cost of the enterprise includes: the pre-tax salary of employees, the social security provident fund expenses that the enterprise needs to pay, and the company's welfare expenses. Here, the social security provident fund paid by the enterprise is about 40% of the pre-tax salary, so it needs to pay an additional 8,000 yuan a month. The company's welfare expenses include holiday gifts, supplementary medical insurance, company activities and other employee benefits, assuming 10,000 yuan a year.

Then the actual annual cost of hiring a full-time employee with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan = 30w + 0.8w * 12 + 1 = 406,000 yuan. Considering the cost of layoffs, then an additional opportunity cost of the average monthly salary (i.e. 2.5w) is required, and the final calculation is 431,000 yuan per year.

How much can I save a year by replacing the main editing positions of large factories with outsourcing?

If you recruit outsourced employees, the outsourced employees are generally paid less than the full-time employees, and there is no need to provide benefits to the outsourced employees, and the outsourcing company will also bear the responsibility when the labor contract is terminated. Assuming that the remuneration for employees is 200,000 yuan, calculated according to the industry practice of outsourcing companies generally taking 4 percent, then the cost paid by large factories to outsourcing companies is 333,000 yuan, which can reduce the labor cost by about 100,000 yuan per year, and is not subject to the restrictions of labor law, and can lay off outsourcing employees at will.

If 100 jobs are replaced, then at least 10 million yuan of labor costs can be saved every year. You must know that the annual salary of 300,000 is only the level of fresh graduates in large factories, which is a number that cannot be ignored for large enterprises.

How much can I save a year by replacing the main editing positions of large factories with outsourcing?

However, there are also some risks associated with replacing full-time positions with outsourcing, which need to be carefully assessed by enterprises, such as outsourcing may lead to the leakage of core technologies and knowledge, which in turn will affect the competitiveness of enterprises, and poor communication between the outsourcing team and the internal team may affect work efficiency and collaboration. Therefore, when deciding whether to replace the full-time position with outsourcing, enterprises should comprehensively evaluate the two factors of cost savings and risk management and control, and make scientific decisions.

Replacing full-time positions with outsourcing is a complex management decision, which requires enterprises to weigh the pros and cons and make prudent decisions based on their own actual conditions. Enterprises should establish a scientific evaluation system, conduct a comprehensive analysis of cost savings and risk control, and formulate effective management measures to ensure the smooth development of outsourcing work. At the same time, enterprises should also pay attention to employee care, properly arrange the career development of affected employees, and maintain the harmony and stability of the enterprise.