
Dean Fudan criticized the popularity of egg hunting as decadent, tsundere or eventful?

author:Wang Xiaotian's study

Recently, Lu Xiongwen, Dean of the School of Management of Fudan University, delivered a graduation speech, criticizing the popularity of egg-breaking as a manifestation of the loss of motivation and entrepreneurial spirit in society, and the wind of escape and decadence.

Dean Fudan criticized the popularity of egg hunting as decadent, tsundere or eventful?

Egg hunting is a poker game, which is generally played by four people, using two or two teams to compete in a way to win or lose and upgrade. Dean Lu's speech was full of joy. In his serious graduation speech, he focused on the seemingly off-topic eggs, which must have been particularly disgusting.

There is a big background here, that is, in the past few years, the eggs have been particularly popular for some reason. According to incomplete statistics, only in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, there are more than 20 million people who regularly participate in all kinds of egg breaking activities, and the national egg lovers are said to have reached 140 million people, and even the chess and card center of the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China has issued a number of card competition specifications.

Is there a master who likes to whip eggs?

Dean Fudan criticized the popularity of egg hunting as decadent, tsundere or eventful?

The main reason why eggs are popular may be the low threshold, and a few people can sit there, and a pair of poker can be practiced. People feel happy and relaxed in the process of playing, which is the most fundamental factor in the popularity of the game. We should not be judgmental about happiness and relaxation, on the contrary, it is one of the ultimate goals of the philosophy of life - who doesn't want their life to be full of laughter? Do people have to work, work or work? Isn't it okay to play poker easily? I don't think I need to discuss this too much, and I don't accept rebuttals.

Dean Fudan criticized the popularity of egg hunting as decadent, tsundere or eventful?

I can understand the professor's concerns, he is worried that society will lose momentum because of the prevalence of egg hunting. It's like playing mahjong, how much energy is wasted, and even how much corruption is breeded.

This concern is understandable, but it is too sensitive, and if you want to say that, anything can make people lose their minds, and all entertainment facilities should be criticized. Is it good for everyone to unify their clothes and work and rest?

Dean Fudan criticized the popularity of egg hunting as decadent, tsundere or eventful?

However, when we criticize the dean of Fudan so much, it does not mean that you can play casually. Because there is a problem with whipping eggs.

What's the problem? The nature of the egg game is alienated.

What does that mean? It means that this egg was originally just a card game, but it was marketed as a so-called "high-end social" by some operators.

There is also a more mysterious thing, the egg is the "financial circle, investment circle" high-end people of the high-end card, some companies "use the whole company's strength to study the egg textbook and skills cheats", and even produced the so-called "egg fundraising" said.

It is difficult to distinguish between the truth and the falsehood of these statements or jokes, but it is worrying that if a pure game is evolved into the unspoken rules of trading under the table, and becomes a tool to promote unhealthy trends, then it is necessary to cool down the eggs.