
The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

author:Gardenia Entertainment

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The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Text丨Mu Chen

Editor丨Gardenia Entertainment


In the long history of CCTV, there have been many talented hosts.

They have worked hard and painstakingly for their careers all their lives.

But some of the well-known hosts have already passed away due to illness.

To this day, their presence on the screen is still vivid.

Next, let's take stock of the 8 CCTV hosts who unfortunately passed away due to cancer.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

1. Luo Jing

As one of the former "Broadcasting Big Three", I believe everyone is no stranger to the name Luo Jing.

His image of being elegant, easy-going, and polite in "News Network" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As the host for 26 years, Luo Jing has never made any mistakes, and his professional ability has been recognized by his peers.

However, in his early years, he embarked on the road of broadcasting, which was completely accidental.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Luo Jing was born in Beijing in 1961.

When he was 18 years old, a friend wanted to apply for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, so he took Luo Jing with him.

But what everyone didn't expect was that his friend didn't pass the interview, but Luo Jing was favored by the examiner.

After graduating from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, he joined CCTV to start his hosting career of "News Network".

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In 1985, Luo Jing met his younger sister Liu Jihong.

The two fell in love and entered the palace of marriage together, and had a son after marriage.

The family of three lives happily on weekdays, which is the envy of the people around them.

However, the sky is unpredictable.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In July 2008, after hosting the last "News Network", Luo Jing asked the station for leave.

Because he was diagnosed with lymphoma, he put all work on hold and began to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

However, despite the doctor's exhaustion of all methods, Luo Jing was unable to defeat the disease in the end.

On June 5, 2009, he died of illness at the age of 48.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Second, Shen Li

She was the first TV announcer in China and the first female TV host.

"Hello audience friends" is Mr. Shen Li's warm greeting.

She "threw her head and spilled her blood" and contributed indelible strength to the mainland's broadcasting industry.

It is precisely because of Shen Li's dignified and cordial screen image that she is known as "the first drop of water in TV broadcasting".

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In 1933, Shen Li was born in Jinan, Shandong Province, in an intellectual family.

As a child, she showed a strong artistic talent.

In 1949, Shen Li, who was only 16 years old, concealed his parents' registration for the art troupe.

She wants to use her talent to contribute to her country.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

So, in the following days, Shen Li followed the troops to the southwest region to give a condolence performance.

The long-term training has shaped her strong field control ability and professional knowledge.

Shen Li, who became a "pillar", was selected to become the only announcer of CCTV Radio and Television.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Although the road ahead is full of unknowns and bumps, Shen Li has never complained.

Step by step, she has cultivated many young talents such as Zhao Zhongxiang for CCTV.

Although love has experienced ups and downs, fortunately, in Shen Li's later years, he still came together with the original "childhood sweetheart".

Her story perfectly interprets the meaning of the phrase "lovers eventually become married".

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

On July 28, 2020, Shen Li died of lung cancer in Beijing at the age of 87.

Her departure is a big regret in the broadcasting industry.

However, Mr. Shen Li's elegant and sincere image in Chinese on the screen will be remembered by the audience forever.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

3. Zhao Zhongxiang

"Spring has arrived, everything has come back to life, and the animals have started to get busy."

As a well-known line of a generation, the three words Zhao Zhongxiang have long been imprinted in everyone's hearts.

"Personable and suave" seems to be the best way to describe his unique temperament.

The scene of him and Ni Ping hosting the Spring Festival Gala is still vivid today.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In 1942, Zhao Zhongxiang was born in Xingtai, Hebei.

At the age of 17, he entered the predecessor of CCTV, Beijing TV as an announcer.

After Shen Li, Zhao Zhongxiang became the second TV announcer.

At the same time, he was also the first male announcer.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In the following years, Zhao Zhongxiang successively hosted many programs such as "Animal World" and "Man and Nature".

His dignified and humorous image is deeply loved by the audience.

Zhao Zhongxiang's words and deeds not only represent CCTV, but also represent the face of the country.

But it is such a respected old-timer who has passed away.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

At the end of 2019, Zhao Zhongxiang was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma.

When you see a doctor, you find that the cancer has begun to spread.

Despite a month of treatment, nothing worked.

On January 16, 2020, Zhao Zhongxiang unfortunately lost the battle with death and passed away in Beijing at the age of 78.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Fourth, Fang Jing

As a former CCTV celebrity, I believe everyone is no stranger to columns such as "Focus Interview" and "Oriental Time and Space" hosted by Fang Jing.

Her capable and refreshing hosting style is deeply loved by the audience.

However, the occurrence of the "Spygate" incident pulled Fang Jing into the endless abyss.

Her bright future was gone.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Fang Jing was born in Beijing in 1971.

When she was a child, she was "someone else's child" in the eyes of her parents.

When she was in high school, Fang Jing was given the opportunity to be admitted to Beijing University of Foreign Studies and Chinese because of her excellent academic performance.

However, in the end, she chose to compete with thousands of opponents for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Because of her love, Fang Jing was admitted to the school of her dreams.

During this period, she worked hard to learn professional knowledge and studied hard.

At the age of 23, Fang Jing became the anchor of the "China News" column.

Her career is booming, but she begins to be spied on by people with a heart.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In March 2009, Fang Jing disappeared from the audience's field of vision after hosting "New Observation on Defense".

There was a lot of discussion about this, until Zhou Yijun, an associate professor at Peking University, published an article saying that Fang Jing had been arrested, and the news caused an uproar.

Just when netizens speculated about the authenticity of the incident, Fang Jing released a message to prove her innocence.

He also said that legal means should be used to safeguard legitimate rights and interests.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

On June 14, with Fang Jing's return to CCTV again, the rumors were self-defeating.

However, although it has been clarified, the hearts of the general public have long been prejudiced against her.

Insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, and the huge pressure of public opinion once overwhelmed Fang Jing.

Finally, she couldn't resist it, but she still chose to leave CCTV and leave the post she loved.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Fang Jing, who disappeared from the screen, has never been heard from again.

It wasn't until November 18, 2015, when the audience heard her news again, that they didn't expect it to be bad news.

Fang Jing died of cancer in Taiwan at the age of 44.

At this point, the CCTV celebrity who is confident and sunny in front of the screen has been separated from us since then.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Fifth, Zhao He

Zhao He has presided over the 10th 315 party in a row.

As a resident guest, he revealed the inside story of the industry for the majority of consumers and gave the people justice.

Because of his excellent performance, Zhao He also won the "Golden Microphone Award" for Chinese broadcasting hosts.

However, after a lifetime of dedication, he died of illness after only 6 months of retirement.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In 1961, Zhao He was born in Beijing.

As a child, his biggest dream was to be in front of the microphone and deliver a steady stream of information to everyone.

Soon, Zhao He's dream was realized.

With his own efforts, he was successfully admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute in 1982.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

After graduation, Zhao He was invited to work at Beijing TV Station.

His professionalism and ability are appreciated by the leadership.

As a result, Zhao He was arranged to become a host of "Comprehensive Economic Information".

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

At first, the speeches of this economic column were not well received because they were obscure.

But under Zhao He's hosting, the stereotypical show has become more like chatting with the audience.

While people love to watch, the ratings are also rising.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In his spare time, Zhao He also has a very big hobby, that is, tinkering with cars.

From the first "Cherokee" to "Hyundai" and "Toyota", not a single car in his hands exceeded 30,000 kilometers.

However, the car was changed frequently, but Zhao He's house was still divided by the TV station a long time ago.

In his opinion, the car is a person's face, and the house is enough as long as it can eat and sleep.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In June 2021, Zhao He officially retired from CCTV.

However, fate played a big joke on him.

Once, Zhao He felt unwell and was told that he had cancer when he went to the hospital for an examination.

So, for the rest of the time, he has been battling the "Grim Reaper".

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

On January 10, 2022, Zhao He died in Beijing at the age of 60 due to ineffective medical treatment.

When parting, seeing his wife crying into tears, Zhao He was heartbroken and reluctantly said the last 40 words.

"You have done so much for me and for this family, I have no chance to compensate you, and I feel very guilty. If there is an afterlife, I would like to make up for these guiltes. ”

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

Sixth, Xiao Xiaolin

Xiao Xiaolin, as CCTV's "iron-faced beauty", is the mentor of hosts Zhang Shaogang and Sa Beining.

The legal program "Today's Statement", which she founded, ranks first in the special column in terms of ratings all year round.

After that, Xiao Xiaolin also founded the "Telling" program, which was nominated for the 5th "Golden Microphone" Gold Award.

Her conscientious attitude at work has also been recognized by her peers.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

In 1962, Xiao Xiaolin was born in Changsha, Hunan.

As a child, she would go to the radio every day.

Over time, Xiao Xiaolin's heart planted the seed of wanting to become an announcer.

Before college, because of her outstanding grades, she finally ushered in the opportunity to apply for the Beijing Guangzhou examination.

However, this idea was opposed by the teacher.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

The teacher thought that it was a pity that she went to Beiguang with such good grades.

But Xiao Xiaolin had already made up her mind in her heart, and it was useless to dissuade anyone.

So in 1977, she was successfully admitted to the broadcasting department of Beiguang.

After graduating, Xiao Xiaolin returned to Changsha and began to work at the city radio station.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

However, staying in Changsha is not Xiao Xiaolin's ambition, she wants to "fly" a wider sky.

Therefore, with her unremitting efforts, she was finally admitted to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as she wished.

In 1988, Xiao Xiaolin was transferred to CCTV and became the host of the show.

During this period, she worked hard, graceful and elegant, and the eloquent style of the program she hosted was deeply loved by everyone.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

However, working day and night has brought huge safety hazards to Xiao Xiaolin's body.

In 2017, when she officially retired, her body began to light up with a "red light".

Xiao Xiaolin was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer.

Although her family sent her to the United States, which has advanced medical standards, she still could not save her life at the age of 55.

On her deathbed, Xiao Xiaolin left 26 words of last words, reminding the world not to forget their bodies no matter how busy they are.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old


The above hosts, they are serious and responsible for CCTV's broadcasting career, and the programs they host are also deeply loved by the audience.

But now, they are no longer seen on the screen.

So, in addition to these few, which other CCTV hosts have passed away due to cancer? Everyone is welcome to leave your views in the comment area.

The 6 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: all of them are regrettable, the oldest is 87 years old, and the youngest is 44 years old

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