
He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

author:Aiden Fashion Note V

How much hardship does a person have to endure to have good luck?

"Alcoholic father, mother who died early, seriously ill sister and him who picked up vegetable leaves to eat", this sentence used to describe "crazy literature", is placed on the actor Guo Jinglin, it really doesn't be too vivid.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

On the surface, he is now an actor, glamorous. But before becoming an actor, he went through a long and difficult road. After he was born, he didn't take the script of the big male lead, nor was he a peerless genius, and there was no nobleman to help him on the way.

Yes, it's just that the wife of the first love went all the way with her to fight monsters, and gave him the motivation and belief to go on.

If the whole family is his "burden", then his wife is his "life-saving benefactor", she uses her tender personality to resolve the obstacles of his depressed life; With her considerate and filial personality, she inherited the burden of the family.

His wife loves him, so she is willing to carry heavy shackles to help him travel lightly, let him roam on the road of performance, and become an actor.

When he was finally about to get through, his wife died of cancer, leaving him alone.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

In order to express his loyalty and gratitude to his wife, he closed the door of his heart and never fell in love with anyone else, and now 15 years later, his wife still exists in the deepest part of his heart.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

Guo Jinglin, an actor born in 1970. Through his appearance, it gives people a sense of old-fashionedness.

This is because his family is very poor, his sister's intelligence is not good, his father is an alcoholic all day long, and his mother's health is not good.

When he was in high school, he accidentally shot a movie and was the most popular figure in the school. After feeling the wonder of the movie world, he also came up with the idea of becoming an actor.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

Although the father drank heavily all day, he had already made plans for his son's future. At that time, being a soldier was a good way out for ordinary families.

However, Guo Jinglin had already planned to become a soldier, even if it was a suggestion made by his majestic father to become a soldier, he still did not listen, but insisted on going his own way and went to the Shanghai Theater Academy to study acting.

In the play, he gained a lot, not only learned acting, but also gained a love. Tong Xinzuo is his first love and his future wife.

However, not long after the happy days, he received a call that his mother had died of a cerebral infarction. Too late to grieve, he decided to drop out of school because his sister needed someone to take care of him.

After his first girlfriend learned about it, she persuaded him in time, saying that she was his future wife and that she was willing to take care of his family. These words made him discourage the idea of dropping out of school.

Of course, he was grateful to Dade for his girlfriend's promise, and secretly vowed to let her live a good life.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

After graduating, he worked hard to film, and wherever he could make money, he was there. So he will be an actor for a while, and a director for a while, and he will be very busy.

But no matter how busy he is, life is still tight. He borrowed all the little money he earned back home, and he went to the vegetable market to pick up vegetable leaves to eat. In the years after graduation, he was so hungry that his face was yellow and thin.

"The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds and starve their bodies."

Indeed, Guo Jinglin is a person who has achieved great things.

When such a hard life passed year after year, he became more and more frustrated.

In 2002, his career ushered in some small improvements, and he made more and more money. Relatives at home are also living healthily under the care of their girlfriends.

So he decided to give her a home, and in his mind, she had already become the heroine of this home.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

After getting married, their lives got better and better, and his career became smoother and smoother. With the news of his wife's pregnancy, Guo Jinglin's joy reached its peak.

However, during a pregnancy test, the doctor said to him: "Your wife has breast cancer.

Then, the sound of heartbreak was deafening!

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

"Do you want a child or a wife?"

didn't have time to make a rational choice, Tong Xin had already handed in the answer sheet for him.

She decided to give birth to the child and wait until the baby was born.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

Fortunately, Guo Jinglin had a resolute attitude and insisted that his wife undergo chemotherapy first, so that Tong Xin did not make the greatest sacrifice.

But later, Tong Xin still did not survive the hardships of chemotherapy and passed away.

Looking at the moment when Tong Xin closed his eyes, Guo Jinglin's heart also died. He cried heartbroken, and for a long time he would not let go of her hand.

The person you love the most has left, what hope is there in life? Thinking that his wife's dream was that he would become a good actor, he began to hide his sadness and put it into his work.

The polishing of performance excellence finally made him the actor of the Huabiao Awards.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

Miraculously, the award-winning movie "Yuan Longping" was suggested by Tong Xin to act.

Sure enough, fate had already arranged all this.

Today, he is walking alone on this road, and has become a person who is paid attention to and recognized by more and more people. But when prosperity came, he had no one to share the joy with.

Over the years, there has been nothing else in his heart except Tong Xin. The people around him were very anxious and introduced him to him, but he firmly refused, making it clear that he only loved Tong Xin alone in his life.

He is the cleanest actor, he was so poor that he picked up vegetable leaves to eat, and he still didn't want to marry again 15 years after his wife's death

For the rest of his life, he will use his best grades to comfort his deceased wife.

His devotion and love for his wife is touching. If you don't want him to be happy, I wish him peace and success!