
Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

author:Colorful cattle to nourish themselves

Mr. Zhao, who had just been diagnosed with hyperlipidemia, wanted to find a way to control his blood lipids urgently.

He saw that someone said that eating apricots can clean up blood lipids, so Mr. Zhao bought a big bag of apricots, in addition to eating apricots.

In the last few days, Mr. Zhao suddenly started to get angry, had acne, and had a little stomach pain, and couldn't pull out poo, so he went to the hospital to see a doctor.

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

After inquiry, the doctor knew the reason why Mr. Zhao ate so many apricots, and couldn't help laughing.

Mr. Zhao asked the doctor, "Doctor, what are you laughing at?" Tell me, do apricots really have the effect of clearing blood lipids? ”

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids?

The doctor smiled: "First of all, I want to be clear, Mr. Zhao, you are the kind of person who is easy to get angry. ”

"It is recorded in traditional Chinese medicine that apricots are warm, and people with a really hot constitution are prone to fever when they eat apricots, which will aggravate symptoms such as dry mouth and constipation."

"Moreover, apricots contain a large amount of fruit acid and dietary fiber, which will stimulate the secretion of gastric acid.

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

Mr. Zhao scratched his head embarrassedly: "Doctor, I also know that eating should be moderate, but I have high blood lipids, I heard that I can lower blood lipids before I eat so much." ”

The doctor said helplessly: "This is what I am going to say next, people with high blood lipids want to control blood lipids, mainly relying on drugs."

The vitamin E and antioxidants in apricots have certain benefits for the cardiovascular system, but they only play an auxiliary role, and no matter how much you eat, it will hurt the body. ”

Mr. Zhao was a little disappointed: "Okay, I know." ”

The doctor comforted: "But don't be so disappointed, the combination of diet and medication can control the level of blood lipids, as long as you do what I say." ”

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

The doctor suggested: "There are 3 kinds of vegetables and fruits, and eating more can assist drugs to control blood lipids, and the effect is better." ”

1. Tomatoes

It can be eaten both as a vegetable and as a fruit.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which can reduce serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

2. Serena

Celery can not only be fried and eaten, but also juiced and drunk.

Studies on the composition of celery have shown that celery is very rich in potassium and vitamin C, which can stabilize blood pressure to a certain extent and help alleviate the hardening of blood vessels.

3. Avocados

Avocados are rich in dietary fiber, which can prevent constipation and affect the absorption of fat in the intestines. Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and β-sitosterol, which can affect intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Moderate consumption of avocados can improve cardiovascular health.

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

The doctor advised: "Now that it is summer, it is inevitable to be impetuous, so you can eat fish, mung beans, loofahs and other foods appropriately. ”

"The food eaten in summer should be light and not greasy, eat less fatty meat, pork belly, pork knuckles, snowflake beef and other fatty meats that are visible to the naked eye, and eat less fried foods, and you can eat more dishes made by steaming and boiling."

"Less use of animal oil rich in saturated fatty acids such as lard and butter for stir-frying; Try to stir-fry vegetables with soybean oil, corn oil, olive oil and other vegetable oils to reduce the intake of saturated fat. ”

Apricot is the "scavenger" of blood lipids? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, eat more of these 3 kinds of fruits and vegetables

brief summary

Apricots have a limited effect on clearing blood lipids, and people with a hot constitution will aggravate the symptoms of fire after eating a large amount.

Patients with hyperlipidemia mainly rely on drug treatment to control blood lipids, and also combine it with dietary therapy, such as tomatoes, celery and avocados, which can promote cardiovascular health to a certain extent.

It is recommended that patients with hyperlipidemia should eat more light food in summer, avoid eating greasy and high-fat foods, and use soybean oil, corn oil, olive oil and other edible oils with less saturated fat for cooking.


[1] "Regulate blood lipids and try to develop these eight habits". Beijing Youth Daily, November 29, 2021.

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