
"Executive Judge": Scolding leaders, spraying colleagues, Chu Yun's madness, just because there is a mayor's father!

author:Fireworks in May under Suzhou

In "Executive Judge", Chu Yun is the president of the Second Division of the Executive Directorate. She is highly motivated and professional, and she is simply a walking law sister.

Chu Yun has a strong aura, capable and pragmatic, and has the blessing of comprehensive strength, he should be the most beautiful cub in the whole hospital. However, the reality is ironic, Chu Yun's second court has long ranked first in the complaint rate.

Whether in the workplace or officialdom, performance is the best pass; Before you have the strength, you have to learn to shut up. Chu Yun is the last in the whole courtyard, but he has a loud voice and a violent temper, and the zodiac is dynamite, which is just a little bit.

"Executive Judge": Scolding leaders, spraying colleagues, Chu Yun's madness, just because there is a mayor's father!

From the first second of the whole play, Chu Yun put on a posture of scaring the air, spraying you and spraying me. went to Qi Runyu's shop to announce the execution, she had an invincible and condescending attitude; In the face of her colleague Qi Lin, she is still iron-faced and selfless, and she sprays on the spot; Even in front of the director, she is still aggressive and aggressive.

Working in a government department like the court, Chu Yun, a person with insufficient IQ balance and long-term arrears of EQ, can still be mixed into a small leader, I once suspected that this is the screenwriter's lack of life experience. After all, with what Chu Yun did, in the circle of official apes, he was simply killing himself.

The strange thing is that Chu Yun sprayed his boss and subordinates, but he still mixed up in the executive board.

It wasn't until Chu Yun's father appeared that I found out that this was the screenwriter's black humor. It turned out that the reason why Chu Yun was crazy to the extreme and crazy was completely because of her mayor's father.

"Executive Judge": Scolding leaders, spraying colleagues, Chu Yun's madness, just because there is a mayor's father!

Chu Yun's father is the head chef, not the mayor of Chu, this is the reason why she is arrogant.

With this relationship, it becomes much more reasonable for us to look at all of Chu Yun's behaviors. She is the daughter of the leader and the daughter of the mayor, so the whole house will endure and let her go again and again.

Now, when we look at what Chu Yun has said and done, it will be much more ironic. After Qi Runyu was detained, Qi Lin found Chu Yun, hoping to visit his aunt as a nephew.

Qi Lin's words were modest and his attitude was humble, and he said a lot of bitter words, but Chu Yun's reaction was like this, "What are you doing?" Don't you just want to dredge up the relationship and use the leader to pressure me? ”

Chu Yun seemed to be upright, and his front foot sarcastically mocked Qi Lin to use the leader to suppress people, and the next second, he put on the authority of the leader to suppress others. Chu Yun has developed a character that is unpopular and arrogant, essentially because of her mayoral father.

"Executive Judge": Scolding leaders, spraying colleagues, Chu Yun's madness, just because there is a mayor's father!

Because of Mayor Chu's background, she was born with a full sense of superiority and a strong sense of justice, and her disdain for her leading colleagues and her attitude of yelling at her colleagues is actually using her father's leadership authority to oppress people in disguise.

A judge like Chu Yun seems to be iron-faced and selfless, but in actual work, he often falls into a situation of impetuousness and simplicity. Whether it was in Qi Runyu's hotel or Li Ren's horse farm, Chu Yun's disposal method was debatable.

A judge like Chu Yun seems to be really hardworking, but in fact he is formalistic - in Qi Runyu's hotel, she doesn't care about the feedback of the old couple; At Li Ren's horse farm, she turned a deaf ear to Li Ren's new purchase of four horses.

She has neither warmth nor attention to details, and seems to attach great importance to and enforce the law fairly, but whether it is the way or method of work or the final result, Chu Yun has never cared.

"Executive Judge": Scolding leaders, spraying colleagues, Chu Yun's madness, just because there is a mayor's father!

Some people's formalism is to go through the motions and do false work, while Chu Yun's formalism is "to go through the motions seriously and diligently do false work." "In a sense, Chu Yun is more hurtful and deceptive, and if he is not careful, he will create an incident and intensify the conflict.

Strengthen goodwill, civilized execution - sorry, it doesn't exist here in Chu Yun. In her eyes, the intensity of execution is far more important than the temperature of execution. The slogan of fairness and justice shouted too much, and it succeeded in deceiving itself.

In the play, Qi Lin once complained about Chu Yun's unkindness. In this regard, Chu Yun's answer was this, "This is the place to teach the Fa, what kind of favor do you talk to me?" "There is no temperature and no affection, not because Chu Yun is selfless, but because she has no masses in her heart.

"Executive Judge": Scolding leaders, spraying colleagues, Chu Yun's madness, just because there is a mayor's father!

In the ancient state and county yamen halls of the mainland, there will always be such a plaque hanging - heavenly principles, national law, and human feelings, six words are reasonable, concise and concise. Doing things according to natural reason, judging cases according to national law, and handling things in accordance with human feelings, this is the unity of reason and law.

Chu Yun will never understand, the law does not tolerate mercy, but the law is nothing more than human affection.

#头条创作挑战赛 ##罗晋杨子姗新剧演执行法官##执行法官##电视剧 "Executive Judge" was launched#