
Memorabilia of Shandan County (1949-1959)

author:Lazy lookout
Memorabilia of Shandan County (1949-1959)

Memorabilia of Shandan County (1949-1959)


On September 21, the 19th Regiment of the 3rd Army of the 2nd Corps of the 1st Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army liberated the county town of Shandan County, the guardian barracks of the 8th Supply Area of the Kuomintang and the 12th. More than 600 remnants of the army surrendered.

On September 22, Huang Xinting, commander of the Third Army of the First Field Second Corps, went to Peili School and agreed with Alley that Peixiao would send cars to support the front line.

On September 24, 21 cadres from the Third Army of the First Field and Second Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army went to Shandan to carry out their work. On the same day, the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region issued a proclamation announcing the establishment of the Shandan County People's Government on the same day, with Wang Huaizhang as the acting deputy county magistrate. The Shandan County Committee of the Communist Party of China was established at the same time, and Yang Xuelin served as deputy secretary and presided over the work. Grassroots political power was established in 27 townships in 3 districts (Longshan, Zhongshan, and Tianshan) in the county, and Shandan County Support Front Committees were organized. Inform the county's Kuomintang military and political personnel to register with the Public Security Bureau.

On September 27, the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region announced that the renminbi would be the sole standard currency from the date of liberation.

On October 1, a meeting to celebrate the liberation of Shandan County was held on the stage of the God's Temple, and a telegram was sent to pay tribute to Chairman Mao Zedong and Commander-in-Chief Zhu De.

In October, peasant associations were established in all villages (administrative villages or natural villages) in the county, and by January of the following year, 48 peasant associations were established in 29 townships, with 1,499 members. Militia organizations were established in 20 townships, with a total of 617 militia members.

In October, the work of grain collection was carried out, and the per capita share of grain was calculated according to the cultivated land area and perennial output of peasant households, and the tax was levied according to the progressive tax rate. In addition, cloth was exchanged for food to supply military supplies. The county collected a total of 25,322 city stones of grain, and nearly 20,000 city stones of cloth for grain.

In winter, in connection with the work of building the government, the anti-hegemony struggle was launched, and more than 7,000 people in eight townships held separate gatherings to accuse the bullies of their crimes and reason for the struggle.

In that year, 66 long and short guns were confiscated from stragglers and landlords.


In January, the Shandan County Working Committee of the China New Democratic Youth League was established.

On January 26, the first meeting of people's representatives from all walks of life in Shandan County was held.

In the spring, the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Regiment of the Third Army of the People's Liberation Army stationed in Shandan County dredged the long-dried Shandan River Touba Spring for agricultural irrigation.

On March 20, the Gansu Provincial People's Government issued a ban on smoking and drugs. Individual peasant households planted opium, and the district and township governments ordered ploughs to be replanted, and drug addicts were warned to quit on their own. By 1955, Shandan County completely banned tobacco and drugs.

In April, Shandan County implemented the provincial people's government's interest rate reduction order, stipulating that if the debts borrowed by the working people from landlords, rich peasants and usurers before the founding of the People's Republic of China were more than double the original interest payment, the interest would be suspended and the principal would be repaid. If it is more than twice the original amount, the principal and interest will be suspended. In the case of loan relations between peasants and the current accounts and debts within the scope of industry and commerce operated by landlords and rich peasants, the method of repayment of principal and interest shall be implemented in accordance with the original contract or agreement between the two parties.

On May 25, the Gansu Provincial People's Government revoked the Zhangye Administrative Inspector's Office, and Shandan County belonged to the Wuwei Special Office.

On July 23, the second session of the county's people's representatives from all walks of life was held.

In July, the Shandan County Labor Union was established.

In September, the salaries of Shandan cultural, educational, and health and some administrative cadres were subject to a "salary split" system. Each wage includes 0.8 jin of grain, 0.2 jin of white cloth, 0.05 jin of vegetable oil, 0.02 jin of salt, and 2 jin of coal. Calculated according to the market price of the current month, payment will be made in RMB. The average monthly wage is 120 to 200 salary cents. Other military and political cadres are still on the supply system.

In September, Chairman Mao Zedong sent an invitation card and a representative card, inviting Louis Alley to Beijing to attend the first anniversary of the National Day. The land tax during the Republic of China was changed to agricultural tax (public grain).

From the end of the year to the beginning of the next year, the land is measured and graded. The land area is measured in acres and the perennial output is used as the calculation standard. A total of 484,317 mu of land (160,000 mu of water land and 324,317 mu of dry land in mountain beaches) are divided into 14 yield levels, with the highest yield of 150 kg per mu and the lowest yield of 25 kg per mu.


On March 6, the first Gansu Provincial Agricultural Labor Model Representative Conference was held in Lanzhou, and Guo Xingqing, a model worker in Lubao Township, attended the meeting.

In March, a campaign to suppress the counter-revolution was launched. After being reported and exposed by the masses and investigated and cleaned up by the public security department, a number of bandits, bullies, spies, and ringleaders of reactionary associations and Taoist sects were arrested, as well as backbone elements of the Kuomintang and the Three Youth Leagues who committed serious crimes.

On April 7, more than 5,400 people in the county town demonstrated against the United States arming Japan; Resurrection of militarism.

On June 20, the Shandan County Branch to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was established, calling for the establishment of a patriotic convention, donating aircraft and artillery, and giving preferential treatment to the families of martyrs. All strata of the county donated RMB, grain, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, farm animals, fox skins, clear oil, live pigs, etc., totaling 1.95 billion yuan (195,000 yuan today).

In July, the county banned the consistent road, and the county seized 2 general altars, 13 central altars, 73 public altars, 91 family altars, 17 altar owners, hall masters, and 3,726 Taoists. In April 1953, the trial was concluded, and 3,639 Taoists and 11 Taoists were verified. According to the severity of the circumstances, the Taoist leaders are arrested, controlled or intensively trained, and all the Taoist disciples retreat.

In July, urban and rural youths responded to the call of the county branch to resist US aggression and aid Korea and enthusiastically signed up to join the army. By the end of the month, a total of 550 people had joined the Chinese People's Volunteer Army.

From October 1 to December 5, the pilot work of land reform was carried out in the three townships of the first district, and from December 1, it was carried out in the whole county and ended on March 8 of the following year.

In the second half of the year, the Shandan County Committee of the China New Democratic Youth League was established.


On January 1, the county launched a "three anti" campaign (against corruption, against waste, and against bureaucracy). At the end of the day, 1 person was found to be a corrupt element (then known as "tigers") of more than 50 million yuan (1 yuan per 10,000 yuan, the same below), 14 people were more than 10 million yuan, 11 people were less than 10 million yuan to more than 5 million yuan, and 54 people were found to be less than 5 million yuan to 1 million yuan. A total of $326 million was embezzled. At the same time, the "five antis" campaign (anti-bribery, anti-tax evasion, anti-theft of state property, anti-cutting corners and anti-theft of national economic intelligence) was launched in the business circles.

In February, the organization of agricultural mutual aid groups began. The county focuses on leading the Chengbei Mutual Aid Group, accumulating experience, and guiding the county. By December 1953, the county's 19,167 male and female laborers had formed 1,123 mutual aid groups.

In July, the first women's congress of Shandan County was held, and the first committee of the Shandan County Democratic Women's Federation was elected. During the summer vacation, the teachers of primary and secondary schools in the county concentrated on studying in Wuwei, received systematic political and ideological education, purged pro-American and American-phobic thoughts, carried out criticism and self-criticism, examined personal history, and improved their political consciousness.

On August 1, the county's state workers began to implement publicly-funded medical care, with a standard of 20,000 yuan (2 yuan today) per person per month.

On October 3, the three townships of Wudun, Dongle and Xitun in Minle County were under the jurisdiction of Shandan County.

In October, the first People's Sports Games of Gansu Province was held in Lanzhou, and Zhou Guoxi, a teacher at Dongjie School in Shandan County, won the first place in the 110-meter high hurdles with a score of 20 seconds. The following year, he represented the province in the National Games. In the winter, cadres were dispatched to organize a working group to conduct a review of land reform and solve the problems left over from land reform. The main purpose is to correct the wrong components, deal with the real estate, livestock, etc. that should not be confiscated or expropriated, and check the land and property, fill in and issue land certificates, . Certificate of Ownership. Shandan County Chronicles is the year, Shandan began to set up a weather station, with wind direction, wind speed, temperature, precipitation, cloud energy day and other observation instruments.


On April 2, the first water conservancy representative meeting of Shandan County was held. Twenty-nine delegates attended the meeting to study water conservancy reform. Election of the Irrigation Management Committee. Abolish the "General A" and set up a water conservancy officer to manage the irrigation and canal maintenance of the sluice (branch canal). Reform the old rule of "not watering on rainy days" in the upper reaches of the reform, all according to the ground, according to the water spread incense (at that time, the incense was timed), and the incense was watered.

On July 1, the first census was held. There are 13,378 households and 64,898 people in the county, including 35,637 males and 29,261 females.

In August, Peili Polytechnic School moved to Lanzhou and changed its name to Northwest Petroleum Technical School.

In November, the planned purchase and supply of grain (referred to as unified purchase and sales) were implemented. It is strictly forbidden for private traders to deal in grain, and planned supply is implemented for urban people and rural households lacking grain.

In the same year, the county's grain procurement task was 4 million kilograms, (1.75 million kilograms in the sub-allocation area, and 2.25 million kilograms were purchased freely), and there were still those who sold surplus grain after completing it.

In December, the county supply and marketing cooperative association was established.

In winter, a primary agricultural production cooperative was established in Chengbei Village, District 1.

In the same year, the salaries of cadres who were originally subject to the supply system or the lump sum system were adjusted to the wage system.


At 8:30 on February 11, a 7.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in Shandan, with Longshou Mountain as the epicenter and a seismic intensity of 10 degrees. In the county, 50 people were crushed, 329 were injured, 7,277 houses collapsed, and 282 livestock were killed or injured. The Shandan County Committee of the Communist Party of China suspended the ongoing three-level cadre meeting and organized 390 cadres to go to the disaster area for relief and condolences. The Provincial People's Government allocated 500 million yuan (50,000 yuan today), and Li Peifu, director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, and Meng Hao, commissioner of the Wuwei Special Administration, led civil affairs and health cadres to Shandan to deal with the aftermath. Scientists from 18 ministries and commissions, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, conducted scientific investigations at the earthquake site.

In the spring, Renzhai Village in District 3 and Wuning Village in District 4 established primary agricultural production cooperatives. Together with Chengbei Village, which was established last year, a total of 108 households, 642 people, and 4,300 acres of operating land have joined the company.

From June 25th to 29th, the first meeting of the First People's Congress of Shandan County was held. There were 90 official delegates and 10 non-voting delegates attending. The meeting listened to and deliberated the "Report on the Summary of Production Work in the First Half of 1954 and Opinions on Future Production" made by Zhang Yanru, the county magistrate, and the "Report on the Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China" made by Liu Fenghao, secretary of the county party committee. Zhang Yanru was elected as the county magistrate, and Liu Fenghao and Liu Yuqi were elected as representatives to the first Gansu Provincial People's Congress.

In August, the first congress of the Shandan County Federation of Industry and Commerce was held, and the first committee of the Shandan County Federation of Industry and Commerce was elected.

On September 14, the state from now on the implementation of unified sales and purchase of cotton and cotton cloth, the registration of all cotton cloth by private merchants, urban and rural residents each year issued a 20-foot cloth purchase ticket, with the ticket supply. Cancelled in 1983.

From October 28th to November 1st, the first congress of the Communist Party of China in Shandan County was held, with 57 official delegates and 10 non-voting delegates present, and Liu Fenghao was elected as the secretary of the Shandan County Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In the same year, apple saplings such as Guoguang, Hongxing, Huang Marshal, and Huang Kui were introduced from Lanzhou, Xinjiang and other places, and Shandan began to cultivate apple trees.


In the spring, in accordance with the principle of voluntary and mutual benefit, a total of 76 primary agricultural production cooperatives were established, with 5,222 households enrolled, accounting for 39 percent of the total number of peasant households. Beginning in November of the previous year, in accordance with the provisions of the Military Service Law, the conscription of conscripts was carried out for the first time, and by February of this year, a total of 49 conscripts had been recruited.

On March 1, the state issued a new renminbi, and the conversion ratio of the old and new currencies was 1 yuan equal to 10,000 yuan.

From April 25th to 29th, the second session of the First People's Congress of Shandan County was held. In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law of the People's Republic of China on Local People's Congresses and Local People's Committees at All Levels, the People's Government of Shandan County was renamed the People's Committee of Shandan County, and the meeting elected the members of the People's Committee.

In June, the Shandan section of the Lanxin Railway was under intense construction. The whole section is about 90 kilometers long, the main line foundation earth and stone amount to more than 3 million cubic meters, the total length of the bridge culvert pipe is 2,000 meters, and the upper ballast is more than 170,000 cubic meters. The construction was carried out by the 4th Engineering Section and the 15th Work Area Migrant Workers and Mechanical Road Construction Team, which was basically completed from February to the end of July. And set up a temporary nail road factory to speed up track laying. County-level organs, schools, and farmers have visited the construction site many times.

On July 23, the Shandan County Supervision Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and Liu Fenghao concurrently served as secretary.

In August, the grain requisition in Shandan County implemented three determinations (fixed annual output, fixed 60-80% of surplus grain purchased by the state, and fixed grain resold to rural grain-deficient households). In that year, the county collected 3.24 million kilograms of public grain, purchased 3.3065 million kilograms of grain, and approved 320,000 kilograms of grain for rural resale.

In October, the district-level system was abolished, and the county's 37 townships were merged into 15 townships. In October, Jiuquan and Wuwei Prefecture were merged into Zhangye Prefecture, stationed in Zhangye and governed by Shandan.

On November 1, the Lanzhou-Zhangye section of the Lanzhou-Singapore Railway began to open to traffic.

In the same year, Shandan County launched an anti-rebellion campaign. In July, the county-level schools studied "Materials on the Hu Feng Counterrevolutionary Group", and in the second half of the year, the internal rebellion began. By 1959, a total of 219 counter-revolutionaries and other bad elements had been found in the county's organs, schools, factories, mines, enterprises, and institutions, accounting for 1.26 percent of the total number of cadres and workers who had participated in the movement.


On March 5, the Shandan newspaper was launched.

On March 15, the urban amateur troupe and the Dongle Township amateur troupe merged to establish the Shandan County People's Qinqiang Troupe.

On May 11, the Shandan County Radio Station began broadcasting.

In June, Xinhua Bookstore Shandan Branch was established.

In May, 253 households and 1,258 people from Lanzhou came to Shandan rural areas to reclaim the famine. Since then, 1,238 households and 5,591 people from Huaibin, Huojia and Hui counties in Henan Province have come to Shandan in June and September to settle down and farm. Due to the lack of adaptation to the environment, most of them returned to their places of origin on their own.

In May, Zheng Zhenduo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Feng Guorui, Professor of Lanzhou University, and Qu Zizhen, Director of the Provincial Bureau of Culture, went to Dunhuang, passing through Shandan and visiting the ancient buildings in the city.

On July 10, the construction of Shandan Coal Mine No. 3, the largest modern shaft in Northwest China, began.

On July 30, the dry masonry project of Baishiya Canal was completed, with a length of 31.4 kilometers and a design flow of 5.5 cubic meters.

In August, the first meeting of outstanding teachers in Shandan County was held.

In September, in order to solve the problem of shortage of primary school teachers, the Provincial People's Committee recruited a group of intellectual youths from Shanghai to Gansu, and after half a year of intensive teacher training, 50 teachers came to teach in Shandan County Primary School. Winter, wage reform. State workers are assessed according to the system according to the salary level, and the wage division system is abolished.

From December 3rd to 8th, the first meeting of the Second People's Congress of Shandan County was held to summarize the victories achieved in the socialist transformation of agriculture and private industry and commerce, and elected Yuan Fu as the county magistrate.

In December, the number of high-level agricultural production cooperatives with the abolition of land dividends and all distribution according to work grew to 196, and all 13,119 peasant households joined the cooperatives. There are 232 private commercial households (including 80 catering households), 290 employees, 606 handicraft households, and 1,390 employees.


On May 5, the power plant of Shandan Mining Bureau was completed and commissioned. The equipment of the power plant was imported from Hungary and installed with the help of Hungarian specialists. Groundbreaking began in April last year and was put into operation in 13 months. Power generation began on July 19.

After the "People's Daily" published the CPC Central Committee's "Instructions on the Rectification Movement," the Shandan County CPC Committee held a cultural and educational forum in June and a meeting of cadres of county-level organs in July to launch a rectification campaign against bureaucracy, sectarianism, and subjectivism.

On June 8, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued an instruction to the whole party to "organize forces to counter the rampant attack of rightists". We will carry out the struggle against the rightists in a unified manner.

In August, the county's primary and secondary school teachers were concentrated on studying, and at the same time, a meeting of cadres at the three levels (county, township, and community) was held. During the rectification movement, it was absolutely necessary for a small number of bourgeois rightists to seize the opportunity to attack the party and give a resolute counterattack, but the struggle against the rightists was seriously expanded, and 54 "rightists" were wrongly classified. In 1958, most of the rightists were sent to the farm for labor camp or labor camp, where many died of hunger and disease. In December 1960, after the Lanzhou Conference of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the provincial party committee decided to bring back all the rightists who had been sent to various farms for re-education through labor to arrange their lives and treat their diseases.

On July 6, the Shandan County Committee of the Chinese New Democratic Youth League was renamed the Shandan County Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

In July, a county health and epidemic prevention station was set up to conduct general surveys and prevention of infectious diseases such as measles, smallpox, diphtheria, and typhoid, and establish an epidemic reporting system.

In September, the Qijiadian Reservoir was completed. In March 1956, the Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau organized technical personnel to survey and design the Qijiadian Reservoir. In August of the same year, Shandan County organized construction. More than 960,000 man-days of migrant workers and 15,000 man-days of technicians were invested, the project cost was 1.7 million yuan (including 1.02 million yuan invested by the state), and the total storage capacity was 21.6635 million cubic meters.

In September, Hu Yaobang, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, passed through Shandan and inspected the Qijiadian Reservoir.


On March 25, Sichuan, Qinghai, Xinjiang and various special regions of the province sent people to Shandan to exchange soil manufacturing technology for low-grade cement.

In early April, the Ministry of Agriculture organized representatives from Gansu, Qinghai, Shanxi, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and other provinces (regions) to visit the local people in Maying Township, Shandan County, to try zinc phosphide poison bait to eliminate voles in more than 210,000 acres of farmland, and the effect was remarkable.

On May 15, Shandan Refractory Plant was put into production, with a refractory brick fire resistance capacity of up to 1780 degrees and a designed annual output of 5,000 tons.

On July 28, Shandan Coal Mine No. 1 was put into operation, from coal mining, shipment, lifting, beneficiation to loading, all mechanized, with a designed annual output of 30. 10,000 tons

In August, Shandan successively built 4 small blast furnaces for ironmaking, 13 earthen furnaces for steelmaking, and 1,030 earththen furnaces for ironmaking. The county has invested 35,000 people in steelmaking. At the end of September, the Shandan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Zhangye Iron and Steel Working Group of the Provincial Party Committee organized a "big debate", pulled out the "white flag", planted the red flag, and put forward the slogan of "I would rather lose three catties of meat than let the steel fall behind".

In September, the township construction was revoked, and the county set up three people's communes: Hongqi (stationed in the urban area), Hongguang (stationed in Weiqi), and Hongxing (stationed in Huazhai).

In autumn, 885 public canteens were set up in rural areas of the county, and all members went to the canteens to eat. Other members of the club and team will be reimbursed for their official meals.

In October, Shandan set off an upsurge of "running a militia division", and by the beginning of November, a militia division was formed, realizing that "all the people are soldiers".

From November 3rd to 7th, the county mobilized nearly 10,000 people to carry iron ore on the summit of Dufeng and Sanchakou.

In December, the Red Star Cinema was built.

On December 20, the State Council promulgated the "Decision on the Change of Administrative Divisions of Gansu Province", abolishing Minle County and merging it into Shandan County. In the original Minle County, two people's communes of Flood and Fengle were set up.

In winter, some areas of Shandan and Yongchang and the military horse farm jointly hunted in Damayingtan, tens of thousands of people chased and intercepted after two days and nights, and only hunted more than 2,000 yellow sheep in the head trough.

From 1950 to the same year, 339,500 people were vaccinated with cowpox in the county, and smallpox was eradicated in the county.

By the end of the year, 1,908 households with 5,799 people from Shanghai had been resettled in Shandan County, and 3,922 households with 14,071 people had been resettled from Henan.

From December of that year to the beginning of the following year, in accordance with the Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee on the Handling of Several Issues Concerning the People's Communes, the Shandan County CPC Committee implemented a distribution method that combined the wage system (distribution according to work) and the supply system (ration supply according to the person) in the rural people's communes, stipulating that public accumulation accounted for 45-50% of the income after deducting expenses, and the distribution of members accounted for 50-55%. Self-reserved land, patches of forests, large livestock, and large agricultural implements belonged to the commune. Small farm tools and scattered trees next to the house belong to the members, and chickens, ducks, and rabbits are allowed to be kept privately. In the same year, the artificial fish farming in Qidian Reservoir was successful.

In that year, 306 cadres were streamlined and 226 were delegated to labor training.


In February, the Shandan County Federation of Trade Unions was established.

Summer, restore the land for self-cultivation. According to the opinions of the Provincial Party Committee, the Shandan County Party Committee calculates the basic accounting unit, and the retention per person is allocated to 5% of the average land occupied by each person, and the member families are allowed to raise donkeys, sheep, pigs, and chickens in small quantities.

In August, the Shandan County Military Service Bureau was abolished and the People's Armed Forces Department of Shandan County, Gansu Province, was established by the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

In September, in accordance with the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the Eighth CPC Central Committee (Lushan Conference) and the 11 th Enlarged Plenary Session of the Second Provincial CPC Committee, the Shandan County CPC Committee launched an "anti-rightist" campaign throughout the county, struggled against and criticized a number of cadres, designated Wang Dongpo, secretary of the Secretariat of the county party committee, Huang Linxing, deputy county magistrate, and 15 leading cadres of communes, communes, ministries, and commissions as "right-leaning opportunists," and criticized 147 cadres who were guilty of serious "right-leaning" and "right-leaning activities" and 1,131 "spokesmen for wealthy middle peasants" and "high-profile people" in rural areas.

On December 12, Wang Dongpo, secretary of the Secretariat of the Shandan County Party Committee and county magistrate of the Communist Party of China, unfortunately passed away. On October 28, 1964, the 68th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Zhangye Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to posthumously recognize him as a revolutionary martyr.

In the same year, the county supply and marketing cooperatives sold superphosphate, and Shandan began to use chemical fertilizers. That year, the grain harvest failed, and the total output was 32.88 million kilograms. The county party committee exaggerated its achievements, with a package output target of 278.8 million kilograms and a high levy of 856. 50,000 kilograms, 42.985 million kilograms were requisitioned, resulting in a severe shortage of food rations in rural areas, and many edema and thin patients appeared.

Liu Fenghao, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the construction of the county party committee building. In 1960, after the completion of the main project, the work was stopped, and in 1970, Unit 221 installed doors and windows for heating, and in April 1981, the county party committee and the county government moved into the office.

It was the year of downsizing. There are 532 cadres of party, government and mass organs in the county, and 200 people are streamlined; There were 1,874 people in enterprises and institutions, and 157 people were streamlined.